The story of the Rumba Pirates was told by Brook.

In Brook's narration, everyone learned about the general experience of the Rumba Pirates.

First, Captain Yuki and some of the crew were infected with the plague, and for the safety of others, they had to leave the pirate group. They tried to leave the Grand Line from the Calm Belt, but it seems that they did not succeed.

Then, Brook led the remaining members of the Rumba Pirates to encounter a strong enemy in the Devil's Triangle. Although they defeated their opponents, because the ship's doctor died first, everyone was poisoned, and they died one after another.

It is worth mentioning that they died during the music performance, and Brook happened to be the last one.

Brook is still alive now (even in skeleton form) because he once ate the Parahuman Yomiuri Fruit. The power of the devil fruit allowed his soul to return from the underworld and be resurrected.

However, because his soul was lost in the Devil's Triangle for a year before returning to his body, his body had already turned into a pile of bones.

It has to be said that the power of the Parahuman Devil Fruit is very abnormal. A skeleton can still be resurrected. I don't know where the "devil" of the Yomiuri Fruit is attached. Brook is now just a skeleton.

"Hey, I must protect Princess Mansherry in the future!"

"The Grand Line is really dangerous step by step."

"Is Brook immortal in disguise?"

"This kind of immortality is not enviable at all."


As everyone was whispering, Perona suddenly asked, "Brooke, have you lived alone in the Devil's Triangle for more than 40 years?"

Perona, who was very unhappy with Brook at first, only felt sorry for him at this time.

Living alone for decades in a burial ground where his companions died one after another, ‘He is so strong! ’

“I didn’t care about time very much a long time ago. Every day is so long for me.”

Brooke straightened his clothes and changed his tone, “Well, beautiful lady, although it’s very presumptuous, I still want to ask, can you show me your panties?”

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and Bardock thought: He really said it.

“Give me back my touch!” Perona instantly turned into a rage mode and wanted to kick Brook.

Robin pulled Perona in time. She understood Brook a little. The world is so big, but she is the only one who is alone. He should often dream of returning to the time when everyone is still alive, just like he often dreams of O’Hara.

Bardock also admires Brook very much. If he were in Brook’s environment, he might collapse or go crazy in a few years.

"Brooke, Lab is still waiting for you, what are your plans now? With your ship, even if it is repaired, you can't get back to Cape Twin alone, right? Do you want to board my ship and wait until the White Dragon Horse passes Cape Twin again, then you can get off the ship."

Robin continued, "Yes, with your appearance, it's hard for you to get on a ship normally, right? Your music is very nice, how about joining us?"

To Bardock's surprise, Brook refused, saying that he couldn't let go of his companions and didn't want to board other ships for the time being.

Bardock was speechless, 'The Destiny Child - Luffy was invited casually, why can't it be done with me? ’

But he would not force it, and said, "In that case, I will give you a Den Den Mushi of Crocus, and he should find a way to bring Lab to pick you up. Well... I will also give you a few flares that Chopper has recently developed, which will help you determine your location when the time comes."

"Thank you very much!" Brook bowed deeply, "Let me send you off with music."

It was still the song of Binx's wine. In the beautiful melody, the two ships sailed farther and farther, and took care of each other.

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