The enemy was in trouble.

One arrow pierces the clouds, and thousands of troops come to meet.

The flares fired from the White Dragon Horse attracted all the surrounding navies, and the navies in the distance were also gathering here.

"Let's go, leave here first, Island 41 is no longer safe."

Robin detected the approach of the navy and made arrangements immediately.

"But Bardock and Enel haven't come back yet." Perona hesitated.

"Don't worry, they can both fly. The first thing we have to do is to ensure the safety of the White Dragon Horse." Robin analyzed calmly.

This sentence convinced everyone, and the White Dragon Horse started to start and sailed to the outside world.

At this time, the vanguard of the navy could already see their figures.

"They are the adventurer's accomplices! Don't let them run away!"

"Shoot, shoot quickly!"

"Stop them! Support will be here soon!"

"Where is my gun? Captain Two, pull my gun over here!"

The navy used various means, not seeking to hurt the enemy, but only to keep the White Dragon Horse, wait for the main force to come, and take down everyone on the ship.

"I can't let you destroy the coating! Magnetism·Reflection!"

Kid stood in front of many stray bullets, raised his hand to fix the incoming bullets, and then reflected them back.

Just one counterattack made the navy busy.

"Negative Ghost!"

Perona took the opportunity to control the negative ghost to pounce, and a large number of navy immediately lost their fighting spirit, kneeling on the ground like salted fish, and kept muttering.

"Wax Wax Fruit·Wax Skin!"

Gardino released countless wax liquids, which flowed and submerged everyone's hands and feet, and then hardened. At this time, the navy had no chance to fight.

However, the navy that arrived immediately joined the battle, and the White Dragon Horse could only fight and retreat.

At this time, the spherical thundercloud was detonated in advance by Akainu's meteor volcano, and the strong light blinded most of the unprepared people.

Next was the strong wind pressure, and the garbage blown up by the wind was likely to damage the coating on the ship.

The coating is related to the life and death of everyone, and there can be no carelessness.

"Hurry up!"

Daz Bonis made a prompt decision and swung a powerful slash. The slash broke the strong wind and let the air flow blow from both sides of the White Dragon Horse.

"Bonis, good job!"

It was Bardock who arrived in time. He saw that everything was normal on the White Dragon Horse and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's just so-so."

With a flash of lightning, Enel also returned to the ship.


Daz Bonis didn't fight back in the end.

"Okay, Akainu is almost here, go full speed and leave the Sabaody Archipelago."

After Bardock gave the order, he moved to the stern.

At the stern, you can see that the navy is still biting hard. In order to avoid damaging the coating, everyone on the ship fought very cautiously.

"Weaklings retreat!"

Bardock's expression became serious, and he crushed the navy with his domineering aura.

In an instant, countless navy rolled their eyes and lost consciousness. Only a few navy officers with good strength were able to stand intact.


The powerful effect stunned everyone on the ship.

Kidd clenched his fists and was very excited. He also had this ability, but he couldn't control it well. He didn't use it because he was afraid of "hurting the enemy and friends".

Without a large number of navy cover, the remaining navy strongmen were quickly defeated by everyone's joint efforts.

When Akainu arrived, he saw a group of unconscious navy, and the White Dragon Horse had already run out of his attack range.

"Damn pirates, don't be complacent too early."

He took out the Den Den Mushi and began to mobilize the navy reinforcements to intercept at sea. He also rushed to the nearest warship.

In fact, he knew that Bardock and his men would probably not be able to catch him, but as long as there was a slight chance, he would not give up.

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