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"If we don't intervene, the Night Wolf Gang will not be able to withstand the invasion of the Fang Gang. The overall strength of the Night Wolf Gang is slightly inferior to that of the Fang Gang. The reason why the Fang Gang was repelled when it invaded the Night Wolf Gang's territory before was because Thanks to the former gang leader Oliver. Now that the Fang Gang has the support of the Capone family, their weapons will definitely be greatly upgraded. Coupled with the support of manpower, it is almost impossible for the Night Wolves to resist alone. "

Luo Bing paused for a moment before continuing, "But if we intervene, it will definitely attract the attention of the Capone family, and then the Capone family may confront us directly."

"How can we kill Capone Becky directly? Like?"

Bardock pondered for a moment. He remembered that Capone Bege did unify the West Sea underground society. After losing his goal, he formed the Flame Tank Pirates and headed for the New World. He was a supernova of the same generation as Straw Hat Luffy. It is collectively called the Evil Era.

"Killing Capone Becky may end this chaos, but it may also cause greater chaos. The key is that our power is still too small. Killing him will not benefit us at all, but will instead cause the Capone family to attack us. Crazy revenge. Moreover, the other four mafia families will not remember our kindness, they will only be more afraid of us. Even if assassination is possible, it is not necessary. "

Robin does not agree to kill Capone Becky directly .

"Indeed, it's not difficult to kill him, but after killing him, others will take advantage of it. Am I not a knife in someone else's hand? Isn't this man killed in vain?"

Bardock asked himself if he was bloodthirsty , are not interested in killing people who have no benefit.

"Another point is that Capone Becky is very good at implementing decapitation tactics against hostile forces. I think he will be fully prepared for his own safety. Even if we want to kill him , it will take some effort. "

Robin didn't know how he collected the information, and even found out Capone Becky's preferences.

"So we don't care about the Night Wolf Gang? To be honest, I don't care about forces like the Night Wolf Gang. Sooner or later, we will go to the Grand Line and the New World. If the Night Wolf Gang didn't have plans to attack us, I wouldn't have To subdue them. However, since they have already submitted to me and have been running around for us for a while, I can't just ignore them. "

"It's not a big deal. We have to show our strength to the Fang Gang first. , so that they can redirect their expansion elsewhere. They just joined the Capone family, and they certainly don't want the higher-ups to think that they can't handle even the smallest things. It's better to let others gnaw on the hard bones, or at least save them for the last. "

Robin said He paused here, sorted out his thoughts, and continued, "The Capone family is very ambitious. They are now expanding their power and ignoring the unspoken rules that the five major families have always followed. Taking action against the buffer zone is equivalent to directly touching the other four major families. Tiger whiskers. The four major families have such status today, I believe they have capable people under them. If they don't want to be gradually eroded, they will definitely build up forces to fight against each other, and in the end they may even Let's fight with real weapons. When the situation becomes tense, whether the Night Wolf Gang advances or retreats will all be decided by you. "

"I understand what you mean, you want us to take over the throne As long as we show a certain level of strength and make the Fang Gang afraid to act rashly and turn their attention elsewhere, we will have time to wait until the five major mafia families really start fighting among themselves, and by then they will not be able to focus their attention on us. In a small gang like the Night Wolf, it seems that the key is to control the strength of the strength displayed, so that Fang The gang feels tricky, but they can't let the Fang Gang give up completely, so that the Capone family can enter. How about this, Robin, this time we will only send out Perona's negative ghost, and you will control the degree. ”

“No Leave the problem to Perona and me. I will make sure the Fangs stay away from the Night Wolves, but I will not give up on the Night Wolves completely. "

"It doesn't matter if we provoke the Capone family in advance. At worst, we can Push forward. Just go for it, don't worry. "

Capone Bege is not a target that Bardock needs to be wary of. If the other party's ambition is not too big, the Four Emperors Big Mom can't conquer him even if she gives up a daughter. Dak also wanted to conquer him. Who could refuse a movable castle? Bardock hadn't figured out how to take the gold from the Golden Country away yet.

That night, several reconnaissance teams infiltrated by the Fang Gang were captured by Night Wolves. With Robin here, it's easy to find someone. Just talk to Bardock.

Less than fifteen minutes after that, Robin had found all the enemies. She called Perona to go with her and arranged for Andrew to finish the job.

"Are these the bastards? They made me have to work late at night, and my skin has become worse."

Perona touched her face, as if the person in front of her was an unforgivable sinner.

"Okay, get started quickly, go back and rest early, I don't know who it is, who doesn't sleep at night and can't get up in the morning."

Robin didn't want to listen to Perona's nonsense, it was obviously because she often stayed up late, which caused acne on her face.

"Stop talking nonsense, negative ghost!"

Perona resisted the urge to stuff the negative ghosts into Robin's body and let them rush towards the enemy.

Andrew really just came to finish the job. He only saw a few white ghosts passing through the wall, and then Robin motioned him to take people in to catch people.

The enemies all knelt on the ground, saying things like "I'm sorry for being born as a human being", "I'm so useless that even dogs don't want to pay attention to me", "I also want to be a great dancer", "Coach, I want to play football" and so on.

After that, things were simple. Robin asked Andrew to reach a deal with the Fang Gang through Den Den Mushi, and the other party agreed to exchange Bailey and weapons for the captured men.

The boss of the Fang Gang, Alva, was very angry at first. I asked you to find out the news, but you were all included without missing a single one. Why don't you go back to the countryside to raise pigs if you are so useless? You know, it's different now. Now I have a gun hanging over my head. If things go wrong, everyone will have to eat peanuts together.

But he was also very curious. It was reported that his mortal enemy Oliver was killed some time ago. After confirmation, this news was true. The Night Wolf Gang should not have any good players. I recently joined the Capone family, and my brothers have used better weapons, and they are all elite. They were inferior to my opponents before, so how could they show such means.

As soon as the captured brothers came back, Alva immediately summoned them.

"Tell me, what happened? Why didn't anyone escape?"

"Boss, there are ghosts!"

"Yes, yes, you can see, you can't touch, and you can go through walls!"

"Yes, boss, they can control ghosts. Once the ghost passes through the body, we will lose the will to resist in an instant."


Everyone talked about it, and Alva understood that the other party had a devil fruit ability user who could control ghosts, which could make people passive and lose the will to resist. The legend of the devil fruit has a long history, and he only confirmed the existence of this sea treasure after seeing Oliver transform into a cat man.

"Shut up, what else can the ghost do besides making you lose resistance? How many people can it affect at the same time, and how long can it last?"

Everyone looked at each other, and only one brave man came out and said, "Boss, we were ambushed as a team, and we don't know how many people it can affect at most, but it really didn't last long. We just passively got rid of it for a short while. But in this short time, the enemy has surrounded us."

"What a waste, go down!"

Alva blasted his men away and thought alone.

The opponent's fruit ability is indeed not strong in terms of lethality, but with the Night Wolf Gang's many people, it is very difficult to deal with. If I fail in the first major operation after joining the Capone family, my life will be in danger. Capone Becky is notoriously cruel and ruthless. Even if his close men make mistakes, he will shoot them.

"I can only think of other ways first. I think it will be easier to accept after I have done something good. I thought the Night Wolves were a soft persimmon that could be easily bullied without Oliver, but I didn't expect another devil fruit user to appear. Why don't I have a devil fruit?"

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