As the distance shortened, Bardock finally saw the ship clearly. It was a pirate ship, and a pirate ship Bardock knew. There was a grinning skull painted on the sail, with three scars on the left eye and two crossed swords behind. This was the pirate ship of the famous Four Emperors Red Hair Shanks. They seemed to be having a party again.

"Hey, Shanks, something is approaching quickly. Is it okay?"

Jesus Bu is worthy of being a top sniper. He was the first to discover Bardock approaching quickly.

"Ah, it doesn't matter. No matter who it is, we can handle it. Hey, Lu, don't just eat by yourself, bring the meat over."

Shanks adjusted his straw hat without caring. Indeed, although he is only in his early 20s and the Red Hair Pirates are not yet one of the Four Emperors, they are also the top pirates on the sea. Shanks is confident to face any enemy, even if the opponent is the world's strongest man, Edward Newgate, the Whitebeard.

"Well, here I come."

Laki Lu held the huge plate with all kinds of food on it with one hand, and put the big stick of meat into his mouth with the other hand. He ate while walking. The pirates sitting on the deck drinking did not affect his pace at all. He was indeed the most flexible fat man.

As soon as the food was put down, everyone started to eat with laughter, and while eating meat, they did not forget to greet each other and drink. Shanks completely integrated into the crowd, shouting loudly, without the dignity of a captain, and was encouraged by everyone to drink a lot of wine.

Ben Beckman leaned against the side of the ship, smoking quietly, and focused on Bardock who came on the cloud. He had confirmed that the person coming was not the monster woman BIG MOM from the New World - Charlotte Linling. Regardless of whether there was a threat or not, being able to ride the cloud meant that the other party's fruit ability was not simple, and it was worth his attention. Looking at the nonsense of Shanks and the others, he couldn't help but feel helpless: Who is the captain? What a bunch of idiots.

"Hello, hello, my name is Bardock, from the West Sea, I am 8 years old this year, and I am a devil fruit ability user. The ship I am on was overturned by huge waves. Can I take your ship to the next crowded port? I have some specialties here, which can be used as ship fare. If it is not enough, I can help with the work. I am very good at barbecue..."

Bardock started shouting from a distance. He had to shout. If Jesus Bu or Beckman on the ship shot him, he might not be able to withstand it.

"Boy, do you know we are pirates?" Beckman was a little curious. Few people would take the initiative to board a pirate ship. After all, most pirates are complete villains.

"Ah, I know, I saw your pirate flag." Bardock made the somersault cloud parallel to the ship and continued to respond to Beckman's doubts, "I feel your happiness. You are different from other pirates. My intuition tells me that you don't mind having a temporary barbecue chef on the ship."

Bardock thought to himself, I can't always say, I have read your comics, I know you well.

Beckman looked at Shanks and let him make the decision. Shanks was very interested when he heard Bardock say that he was good at barbecue. He smiled and said to Lucky Lu: "Lu, you have an opponent." Then he turned to Bardock, "I have an appointment next, and I will stay in Shabaodi later. If you have no problem, come up and have a banquet together."

Hearing Shabaodi, Bardock was stunned. The original owner's family was originally going to travel to the Shabaodi Archipelago, but they didn't expect to encounter extreme weather.

"Then let me show you my skills to show my gratitude." Bardock jumped onto the deck, dispersed his somersault cloud, and then turned back into human form, cleaned himself up a bit, and started grilling meat on the spot.

The ability of somersault cloud is different from the somersault cloud in "Dragon Ball". It is a one-time skill. You can only disperse it when you don't need it, otherwise it will continue to consume your physical strength. You can spit out a new one when you need it next time. The size of the somersault cloud can be adjusted by the amount of physical strength consumed.

"Boy, are you really eight years old? You are very tall, not like a child at all." Someone in the crowd asked.

Bardock is now nearly 1.7 meters tall, and after half a year of training, he looks strong and powerful. If his parents were still alive, they could say to others: "My son has the talent to be a general."

"It's true. I just lived with wild beasts on a deserted island for half a year."

"Boy, you are very handsome. Where are you from the West Sea? Our captain is also from the West Sea."

"Really? I'm from the Kingdom of Ilucia in the West Sea."

Bardock thought: Would I tell you that Shanks is Roger in the West Sea God

Is it the Celestial Dragon child adopted by the Valley?

Bardock dealt with the chatter and temptation of the crowd, partially transformed his eyes, and began to grill meat seriously.

Soon, the aroma of grilled meat began to waft out, and everyone was drooling. You have to know that Shanks and his group hold banquets every few days, and everyone has their own experience of food. Just smelling the aroma, you can tell that Bardock is not lying, and he is really good at grilling meat.

"Lu, it's bad, brother Bardock won't be able to eat such delicious barbecue after getting off the ship."

"Yes, Lu, you should think of a way."

Several pirates who have a good relationship with Lucky Lu kept teasing him.

Lucky Lu didn't even raise his head, and he ate one bite after another, faster than anyone else. At this time, whoever eats more will make money.

"Hey, Bardock, do you want to join my pirate group? Your barbecue is great, everyone likes it!" Shanks invited Bardock with a smile.

Shanks never considers whether the other party is strong or not when he invites someone. Anyway, they will not be stronger than him. He only considers whether they are suitable.

"Hahaha, Shanks, I'm only eight years old. I need to think about it."

Consideration means polite refusal. Shanks smiled and didn't care. He continued to fool around with others.

In the half year on the deserted island, Bardock was extremely bored and roughly planned his future life:

First, the navy. He will not join the navy. Not to mention that the navy is a watchdog raised by the Celestial Dragons, just because he wants to live freely on the sea, he is not suitable for the navy. The navy must obey the orders of the superiors. Even if he becomes a marshal, he cannot disobey the command of the Five Elders of the World Government. He will not consider the navy, but the Navy Six Styles is really good, and he decided to learn it;

Second, pirates. Bardock doesn't like pirates. Most pirates are destroyers of order and have caused countless tragedies. A small number of pirates are actually adventurers. They cause a lot of damage and will be chased by the navy. If you insist on being a pirate, to be honest, the Shanks Pirates are a good choice. The captain is gentle and modest, the crew is united and harmonious, the whole ship is powerful, and it will definitely be a Four Emperors Pirates in the future. However, the freedom of a pirate is ultimately the freedom of the captain. When Bardock has a choice, he still likes to be the boss himself;

Third, others. Like gourmets, travelers, scientists, doctors, reporters, he has considered all of these, and he wants to try many professions, but the most important thing for him now is to become stronger.

"How can I let Shanks and others guide me in my domineering practice?"

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