The sky was still dark when Bardock and his men arrived at Troya Island.

Yes, Bardock used his cloud to lift the White Dragon Horse and flew straight from the sky.

Robin looked at the lights of the port in the distance and asked, "Bardock, Troya Island is not small, how are you going to find Moria?"

"This is really a difficult problem. There are no ships flying pirate flags in the port. I think a famous pirate like Moria would not easily lower the pirate flag. Did they land in other ports?"

Bardock checked every ship in the port one by one with his fiery eyes, and did not find any ship suspected of the Gekko Moria pirate ship.

At this time, Daz Bonis said, "Many experienced pirates usually don't go ashore at official ports. They will look for those hidden natural ports to land. Although we don't know where it is, as long as we go around the island, with the boss's ability, I think we can find it."

"Okay, let's do it. Next, Robin, you will control the ship. I have to make preparations and recover my strength. After all, I will soon encounter Moonlight Moriah with a bounty of 320 million Baileys. I can't be careless."

Bardock landed the boat on the sea and began to eat. He has mastered the life return. Once the food is swallowed, it begins to digest quickly, and his stomach is always flat. Every once in a while, his eyes will sweep to the shore to explore Moriah's traces.

"Hey, Bardock, are we really going to deal with Gekko Moriah? He's a famous pirate who became famous a long time ago. There's no need for us to provoke such a being."

Perona had heard of Moriah's name since she was a child. It was said that Moriah had a green face and fangs, horns on his head, and called a child every time he spoke. She couldn't help but feel a little scared.

"Don't worry, Perona, I'm also very strong! And I have your help. All of Moriah's companions have died in the New World. He's alone and has nothing to be afraid of."

Bardock continued to eat, and suddenly remembered something, and then said, "The zombies created by Moriah are a bit difficult to deal with. They have the characteristics of immortality, but their weaknesses are fire and salt. You should bring more with you later."

"Salt? Got it." Robin nodded.


Perona was still afraid, but thinking that her companions were around, she also plucked up the courage and stopped retreating. Moreover, she could leave her body here, and her spirit would follow everyone. At that time, I will leave a few more passive ghosts to protect my body.

"Stop! I found it! It should be that ship. Robin, you ask around, we are ready to get closer."

In a deserted area of ​​Troya Island, Bardock saw a pirate ship, quietly docked on the shore.

"Yes, it is this ship. But Moria is not here at the moment, and there are many zombies on the ship that you mentioned, Bardock."

Robin quickly found out everything.

"Then we should empty his treasures first and wait for him to come back." Bardock made a decision immediately.

The White Dragon Horse approached Moria's ship. This ship was not a horror three-masted sailing ship, but should be Moria's usual means of transportation.

As the ship approached, the zombies left on the opposite ship immediately discovered it. They gathered on the deck, making a mess.

"There are ships approaching, come here!"

"Is it an enemy?"

"Damn it, the master is not here, and it's at this time..."

"Catch them! The master will be happy when he comes back!"

"Are there more shadows joining us? Many shadows suddenly disappeared before."

"Get out of the way!"

A special zombie separated many ordinary zombies and stepped out. The other zombies immediately retreated and made room for him.

When Bardock saw this zombie that came out later, his eyes lit up. It turned out to be Shimotsuki Ryoma.

In Bardock's impression, Shimotsuki Ryoma should have been transformed by Hogback later and Moria put Brook's shadow into it to become a zombie. I didn't expect it to be activated at this time. It shouldn't be a semi-finished product. Hogback should not have joined Moria's army at this time.

With a "clang", Bardock drew his sword and swung a flying slash.

This slash was just a test, but the zombies on the opposite side were shocked.

Zombie Shimotsuki Ryoma drew his sword and slashed, resisting the slash wave with all his strength, and only deflected the slash after a few seconds.

"It's not even a swordsman, it's a waste! The black sword is wasted, and this body is also wasted."

Bardock immediately lost interest.

"Bonis, I'll leave them to you! Bring back the black knife."

"Yes, boss."

Daz Bonis jumped across the space between the two ships and immediately began to kill.

It didn't take long for him to chop down all the zombies, including the zombie Ryoma. But they were still alive, which couldn't be said to be alive, after all, they became zombies, and they could only be said to still have consciousness.

At this time, Robin and the others came on stage and quickly fed each zombie a little salt. One after another, black shadows were spit out, and then quickly disappeared in the distance, all returning to their original owners.

Daz Bonis handed Qiushui to Bardock, who drew out the blade with interest and looked at it carefully.

"The blade is a chaotic blade with a reverse T-shaped shape, a black-purple blade, and a red sawtooth pattern. It is one of the twenty-one skills of the great sword. It is the sword of Ryoma Shimotsuki, the dragon-slaying swordsman of Wano Country. It is really good, and it is also a black sword. It just happened to let me study how to make the white iron into a black sword."

Bardock's fiery eyes and golden eyes read it from beginning to end bit by bit, and used the observation Haki to explore its composition. He gained a little, but not much. He swung it a few times and it was quite convenient. Bardock hung the sword on his waist, together with the white iron. Now is not the time to do research.

In fact, Bardock has a worry. He is almost ten years old, but his height is over 180cm. No matter how you look at it, he will definitely be a tall man in the future. People grow up, but swords don't grow up. At that time, won't there be no sword to use, and can only use the cloud to make up for it?

How did Zoro use Yanma? His height is more than half that of Kozuki Oden. In theory, Kozuki Oden's sword is not usable in his hands.


"Moria is back, don't interfere yet, I want to meet him."

Bardock rushed to the source of the sound. He couldn't stay on the boat. He could only fight happily on the shore. Robin and others followed behind and followed the sound.

"So tall!"

This was the first feeling of the people behind. Bardock stood in front of Moria, like a person and a devil taller than two floors.

"So scary!"

Perona forgot to leave her body on the boat for a moment. Looking at Moria's fangs and horns, she felt deeply uneasy.

"Jixixixixixixixi, are you the ones who attacked my zombie army?"

Moria's sharp voice came, although he seemed to be laughing, his tone was extremely cold.

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