After a while, the sky was clear and the sky was dark.

Not long after, it was dawn.

"Captain, why hasn't he woken up yet?"

Leo stood on Moria's face, pulling his eyelids, trying to open his eyes.

Bardock held Leo's collar, put him on his shoulder, and said, "It's almost time. We have healed all his injuries. He should wake up soon."

"Bardock, doesn't Leo need to sew him up? What if he wakes up and doesn't cooperate? Do we have to fight again?"

Robin also realized after dawn what kind of damage these two people had caused at night. There were potholes everywhere, the forest was reduced to ruins, the boulders were broken into pieces, and a huge pit appeared in the most intense battle area, water was gushing out, and it seemed that a lake would be formed here.

"No, his ability is somewhat special, and I am not sure whether Leo's ability can limit him. Moreover, after fighting with him, I am stronger. I had already defeated him, and now I am even less afraid."

Bardock thought about it, but still felt that it was unnecessary. Moria's shadow warrior can replace himself and the shadow, and the shadow is not afraid of being sewn. Anyway, Bardock does not have seastone, so he might as well be generous and not impose any restrictions.

Of course, he has already unfolded his observation Haki, and Moria can't deal with him, but he is still a threat to his own partners.

"He's awake."

Bardock sensed that Moria's eyelids moved. Robin and the others looked over, and sure enough, Moria had opened his eyes. But he did not move, but stared at the sky infatuatedly.

"What happened to him? Did he have a brain injury?" Perona asked in a somewhat strange way.

"No, his injury has been completely healed." Mansherry cured Moriah herself, so she has the most say.

"Moriah, you are not so depressed that you cannot recover, are you?" Bardock kicked Moriah, but he still did not respond.

Bardock had to take out the camera phone bug and turned to Perona, "Perona, give Moriah a negative ghost."

"Ah, no," Perona was still a little afraid of Moriah. At first, she wanted to refuse, but seeing Bardock's serious eyes, she had to say, "Then you must protect me from being in trouble with him. Negative ghost!"

Everyone watched the white ghost pass through Moriah, and then, the negative ghost knelt on the ground by itself.

Perona on the side also posed in the same posture, "I'm sorry, I'm so useless, I can't do anything, I can only lose my temper with Kumasi..."


This scene almost made Robin and the others drop their eyes, it turns out that the negative ghost can backfire.

"Puff, hehe."

Robin thought that she had also suffered from the negative ghost, and now seeing Perona being humiliated, she couldn't help but laugh. Others also smiled, even Daz Bonis was no exception.

Bardock didn't laugh, really, he just took a picture of this scene. Originally, he was going to collect materials about Moria, but he accidentally took a picture of Perona, which was a big harvest. Except for Moria at this moment, and Usopp in the future, I'm afraid there will be no such negative people on the sea.

The negative ghost's lasting effect is not long, Perona has recovered at this moment, but she is still lying there motionless. It turns out that being hit by a negative ghost is so embarrassing, I really want to dig a hole and get in.

"Perona, you see, I've said before that if you only rely on the power of the fruit, there will always be a day when the power will not work. You still need to strengthen your Haki training."

Bardock saw that Perona's negative state had passed, and took the opportunity to remind her to practice Haki more in the future.

Robin stepped forward to help Perona up, patted the dust off her clothes, touched her hair, and said, "It's okay, Perona, let's learn Haki together."

"Haki is the most important, that bastard also said so."

A sharp voice came, it turned out to be Moria, although he was still lying still, his eyes looking at the sky, but he had obviously recovered.

"Oh, that bastard, is it Kaido?" Bardock asked knowingly.

"I lost, but you didn't kill me, and you healed my wounds." Moriah didn't answer, but asked, "What is your purpose? If you want me to become your subordinate, then forget it. For a true pirate, death is never a threat."

"Oh, you are worthy of being a great pirate who returned from the New World, a hero of the West Sea." Bardock praised.


"Moriah glared at Bardock.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not being sarcastic. How many people in the whole ocean can return to the West Sea intact from a monster like Kaido?"

Bardock first affirmed, then said, "But I don't agree with your zombie plan."

"What do you know? The zombie army is immortal. If the body is broken, just replace it. Even if Kaido is strong, he can't be killed by a pile of them. Moreover, zombies are not only at this level. As long as I get..."

Moriah found that he had said too much and almost revealed his core secret, so he shut up quickly.

Bardock didn't care and asked, "Let me ask you, zombies are afraid of fire and can be purified by salt. Do you know these two points?"

"A little shortcoming, there is no perfect weapon in the world. And maybe it can be improved later." Moriah obviously knew the shortcomings of zombies.

"So, you really closed your mouth. Kaido is a demon who ate the Animal-type Fish-Fish Fruit, the Mythical Beast Species Blue Dragon Form. He has a move called Heat Breath, and the flames he spits out can instantly evaporate a mountaintop. "

"His subordinate, Flame Disaster Jin, guess why he is called Flame Disaster, a master of playing with fire."

"His other subordinate, Plague Disaster Quinn, is a cyborg who knows a variety of fire moves."

"Moria, you are sending it, do you know that?"

With every word Bardock said, Moria's face turned a little grayer, and now he was as pale as a dead person.

"No, how do you know so clearly? I have personally fought with the Beasts Pirates, and there are some things that even I don't know, how can you, a little ghost, know so much. You are lying to me, right?"

"Moria, stop deceiving yourself, the zombie army can let you occupy the land and become the king, but it will never help you to avenge Kaido. The direction is wrong, the farther you go, the farther you are from the goal. "

Bardock broke Moria's fantasy, "Your Shadow-Shadow Fruit is very powerful, you have to use it. Don't rely on your subordinates anymore, don't count on immortal zombies anymore. Only when you are strong can you be invincible."

Moria's face was covered with cold sweat, and after a while he said, "What is your purpose? You don't just want to attack me, do you?"

"This is the hero of the West Sea I know, calming down so quickly." Bardock praised, "The shadow cut by your Shadow-Shadow Fruit has the same ability as the shadow owner. In other words, as long as you put the shadow in another living person, this living person will quickly master a skill that he doesn't know. Based on this, he will learn this skill and he will soon really master this ability. "

"For example, if you put the shadow of a swordsman master in a person with zero foundation in swordsmanship, and he goes back to learn swordsmanship, how quickly will he master swordsmanship. "

"It's easy for you to say, the shadow will repel other living people, and it can't stay in other living people for a long time. "Moria shook his head and did not approve of this plan.

"Hmph, first of all, it doesn't take too long, you can do it more often. Secondly, as long as you have a strong enough will, you can suppress other people's shadows. Your shadow gathering place can accommodate many shadows."

Bardock looked at Moria, his eyes seemed to be shining, "You can use this to quickly become stronger!"

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