The two of them were very happy.

In the Kingdom of Ilucia, at Bardock's house, six people gathered here to celebrate the festival. After all, except for Leo and Mansherry, everyone was alone.

It was the last day of the 1507th year of the Haiyuan calendar, and this was Bardock's second New Year in this world.

Unlike the last New Year, when he was in the Sabaody Archipelago, he ate ham from Wano Country, tasted fine wine from the West Sea, and admired beautiful fireworks, but his body and mind were lonely.

A person suddenly came to such a wonderful and dangerous world, which made him both expectant and fearful. He looked forward to fighting with all kinds of strong men, looking forward to his reputation spreading across the sea, but also feared that he would die halfway and that this trip was in vain.

This New Year, his strength is much different from last year, and he also has a companion to accompany him. The longer he stays in this world, the more fulfilled he feels.

The warm room is full of food. These are all delicacies they cooked personally, and the main force is of course Bardock.

"Come, come, come, everyone, come, for the past year, cheers!"


Everyone clinked their glasses together and drank.

It is worth mentioning that except for Daz Bonis who drank wine, everyone else drank juice, milk, happy water and other drinks, and Bardock was no exception.

Robin fulfilled her teacher's duties, and minors were not allowed to drink. Okay, Bardock was not particularly fond of drinking anyway.

"Hu. Hiccup..."

Leo put down the huge cup for him and took a breath. Leo's appetite is of course more than that, he can eat a lot. But the body of the dwarfs is too small, the volume is limited, and eating and drinking too fast will easily make you feel full, and you need to digest before you can continue eating.

What Leo envied most was Bardock's powerful digestive ability after he mastered the life return.

Bardock looked at Leo's bulging belly and persuaded him, "Leo, you don't have to drink it all in one breath. Look at Manshili, she drinks as much as she wants. We are all family, and the most important thing is to be happy."

But Leo looked disapproving, "I am a man, how can I be like a princess?"


Manshili snorted, thinking that she would have a phone call with her father soon, and Leo's grandmother must be there, and she would complain to her then.

"Okay, let's eat quickly, if we take too long, the food will not be delicious."

Robin began to greet everyone and gave Leo a big stick of meat.

What can Leo do? He can't eat it for the time being.

"Puff," Leo's tangled expression made Manshili laugh out loud.

"Eat, eat."

Bardock turned into a dry rice machine, quickly devouring the food. Fortunately, although Bardock eats fast, there is more food, so there is no need to worry about other people having nothing to eat.

"Well, this is delicious! This is also delicious!"

Perona tasted the food slowly, and felt it carefully after every bite. Anyway, she has a small appetite, and eating slowly is just right to match everyone's rhythm.

"Ah, so cute, I wonder how it tastes?"

Robin likes to pick good-looking pastries to taste. It must be said that Robin's fruit ability is too practical. She sat in her seat without moving at all, and the food that caught her eye was brought to her by the hands growing everywhere. Moreover, she can also take care of other people and help them get food.

If Bardock looked up at this moment, he would find that Daz Bonis actually used a knife, although it was a table knife.

He likes to cut food into small pieces before eating, and I don't know if the move of Dust Slash comes from this habit.

This meal took a long time, and everyone was very happy after eating and drinking. Sure enough, food has to be shared with friends to be happier.

After dinner, Bardock and the others accompanied Mansherry and Leo to make a call on Den Den Mushi with Ganjo of the Greenbit Dontata Kingdom in the New World.

Mansherry had been away from home for almost a year, and Ganjo missed her very much. The Den Den Mushi cried until she was almost dehydrated before ending the call.

Fireworks had already been set off outside, and Bardock had also prepared fireworks this year. He had changed from a spectator to a participant.

As the beautiful fireworks spread in the air, they bid farewell to the old days and welcomed the New Year.

On the first day of the New Year, Andrew, the former boss of the Night Wolf Gang and the current general manager of the Dandelion Chamber of Commerce, came to visit early.

Clothes make the man, and Andrew looked quite decent after dressing up, with a business person's style.

Seeing him, Bardock remembered the intelligence.

After defeating the Flying Knife Club, the Fang Gang still avoided this place and continued to expand in other directions. I don't know if it was Capone Becky's instruction.

This is good, he doesn't want anyone to trouble him.

In addition to the New Year visit, Andrew also reported his work to Robin.

The Dandelion Chamber of Commerce has always been remotely commanded by Robin. Before she met Bardock, she had been wandering for many years, doing many jobs in the middle, and knew many industry secrets. In addition, she is smart and her fruit ability is also good at collecting intelligence. Even if it is the first time to lead a chamber of commerce, it is also easy.

The Dandelion Chamber of Commerce has been profitable not long after its establishment, which makes those who follow Andrew into the chamber of commerce feel at ease.

Ordinary people like them, whether they are in the gang or in the chamber of commerce, are just making a living. Although they are not as powerful as before, they have much more money.

Robin was well prepared and completed the work arrangement quickly. In fact, with the existence of Den Den Mushi, the management of the Dandelion Chamber of Commerce is still very convenient, especially the former Night Wolf Gang members know how powerful Bardock is.

After staying on land for another seven days, Bardock and his men boarded the White Dragon Horse and headed straight for the Kingdom of Flowers.

But this time, Bardock did not plan to raid the enemy's leader from the air. The Kingdom of Flowers was really different from any other place before. Except for Qingjiao, the pillar of the Eight Treasures Navy, the strength of the other pillars of the Eight Treasures Navy was completely unknown, and how much strength Qingjiao had left was also a mystery.

He was not Wang Luffy, who did things without caring at all and just kept rushing.

"Robin, it depends on you when we get to the Kingdom of Flowers. Let's slowly gather intelligence. They may have many people who have mastered the Haki of Observation, so we must be more cautious this time."

Bardock gave a general account of the situation in the Kingdom of Flowers, and everyone's expressions were a little serious. This is really a powerful country.

"Don't worry, Bardock. Gathering intelligence is my best skill. I will definitely find out their latest situation. However, I can't be sure of their strength."

Robin is very confident in her ability, but she really can't judge the strength of her opponent by observation, even Bardock himself can't do it.

"Let's do this. We just need to find out the location of each pillar, and then go to him when Green Pepper is alone. To be honest, Green Pepper's strongest move has been abolished. Even if I can't beat him, it's no problem to take you and run away."

Without the cone head, Bardock is confident that he can take Green Pepper's attack.

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