On the way back, Chopper curiously stroked the somersault cloud, occasionally stretched his head to look at the ground under the cloud, and then shrank back in fear.

When Chopper wanted to taste the somersault cloud, Bardock stopped him, "Chopper, you can't eat somersault cloud. I'll treat you to marshmallows when we get back."


As a reindeer, Chopper has only eaten mosses, lichens, mushrooms and young branches and leaves on the mountain so far, and has no idea about marshmallows. But soon, he will know that those things in the past are completely insignificant in front of marshmallows.

"Yes, soft and sweet, you will definitely like it! Uh..."

Bardock suddenly remembered something.

Speaking of marshmallows, the cheaper ones only cost about 10 Beli, and this has to mention Chopper's bounty of 50 Beli. Then, the dead memory suddenly attacked Bardock, and he remembered that he pretended to be Chopper to cause trouble in the Sabaody Archipelago a few years ago. There is still a legend of Chopper being hit by a club in the Sabaody Archipelago.

This is indeed a boomerang thrown, hitting the back of the teammate's head.

Seeing Bardock's strange expression, Robin asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, let's go back first. Mansherry needs three days to study, so we won't cause trouble in these three days."

Originally, after completing the first two things, he was going to meet Wapol, but the other party was the king of a member country of the World Government after all, so it was better to leave immediately after the matter was done. Now it's better to wait.

Three days passed quickly, and Chopper ate marshmallows, and from then on, marshmallows were ranked No. 1 in Chopper's favorite food list.

After Mansherry and Leo returned, Bardock called everyone together. Chopper had already met several other people before, and this time he met Mansherry and Leo, which was considered to be officially joining the team.

Mansherry and Leo were very curious about Chopper. After learning that he was a reindeer who ate the Human-Human Fruit, they kept asking him how reindeers communicate with each other, how reindeers communicate with other animals, and whether any reindeer have ever pulled a cart for Santa Claus?

Chopper was overwhelmed by the questions. He had always been excluded, and now he was treated so warmly, which was an experience he had never had before. He could only respond to their questions as best he could.

It was also at this time that Robin and the others realized that animals could communicate with each other, that is, Chopper had the ability to become an animal language translator.

"Okay, Chopper, you should learn knowledge from Robin first, and then consider the direction of advancement in the future. I know one thing, you are talented in medicine and research. If you are interested, you can choose to deepen your research in these two fields. Also, you have to keep up with physical exercise. You are still young now, so lay the foundation first."

Bardock took Chopper out, and these people asked questions, one by one, they knew to stroke Chopper's hair, and Perona, don't scratch, don't you know?

After Chopper was taken out, he breathed a sigh of relief. He was saved. It's not good for his partners to be too enthusiastic. But he was still very happy. What should he do? It's like eating cotton candy.

"Bonis has searched the market and only bought the permanent pointer of the magnetic drum island. It seems that we can only follow the pointer to the next island. Now the recording pointer is also full of magnetism. I will go to see the king here and set off immediately after I come back."

After Bardock said this, he jumped on the somersault cloud and flew to the castle on the highest snow mountain in the middle.

Wapol's father was a kind king, but for some reason, his two sons were all bad guys. I seriously suspect that the king's hat is bright in color. Wapol, as the younger brother, was able to ascend the throne only because his elder brother Muxulu was exiled by his father because he was even more outrageous.

Since becoming king, Wapol has hardly done any work, living a life of drunkenness and dreaming every day, and he likes to show off his status as a king the most. The reason why the magnetic drum country can still maintain its prosperity now is because the previous king has laid a rich foundation. As long as Wapol doesn't meddle in other people's business, the country can still prosper for a long time.

After Bardock transformed into the Monkey King, he jumped down from the sky above the castle.


A big pit was smashed into the ground, and the fluttering snow blocked the view.

"Who is it?"

A group of guards immediately raised their guns and pointed them at the source of the sound, alert and ready to shoot at any time.

"There are so many people, it's not easy to find them, go to sleep!"

A strong pressure swept over, it was Bardock's domineering aura, the guards and servants all rolled their eyes and fell down.

In the end, in Bardock's perception, there were only four people still moving

people, one of them is rushing here, and the other three are still moving away.

"No need to guess, the one who came must be Dalton, and the other three are Wapol and his two lackeys. You are really worthy of you, Wapol, you have never disappointed people in disappointing the people."

Amid the rumbling footsteps, a bison came into view, and Bardock chuckled. He thought of the joke "Sister-in-law, open your mouth, I'm coming out!"

"It's a pity that it's just an ordinary bison."

The last thing Dalton heard before he fainted was this sentence, and then he felt a pain in his neck and fell to the ground like a dead cow.

Wapol wished he had more legs at this time. It was too terrible. The pressure was like a little rabbit meeting a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and he was almost scared to death.

At this moment, he was really angry with Dalton. He asked him to turn into a bison and carry himself to run away, but he ran to meet the enemy. Humph, I hope you can delay a little time.


Wapol ran so fast and so anxious that he didn't notice a pillar in front of him and ran into it headfirst.


He took a breath and was about to scold his two men, but saw Jace and Cromalimon lying quietly on the snow. If it weren't for their breath blowing the snowflakes on the snow, they would have looked dead.

"You are called 'White Iron' Wapol, right? Do you want to look up at me?"

The huge Monkey King spoke loudly.

"No... I dare not."

Wapol buried his head even lower, fearing that he would be killed if he saw Bardock's appearance. Judging from the current situation, the other party has not yet killed him, so it is more important to save his life.

"Wapol, you are not allowed to call yourself 'White Iron' in the future! 'Black Iron' is not allowed either!"

Bardock has changed his opinion of Wapol a little. He still has some brains. His series of actions in the later period are just simply bad.

When he heard that there was a future, Wapol breathed a sigh of relief. It was great to be alive. "Yes, yes, yes, I will never mention the word 'iron' in the future."

"Dingling, bang, clang", a sound of metal clashing.

"I heard that you can synthesize what you eat. These are all the weapons in your treasure house. I want you to synthesize a stick. The requirements are that it has the ability to remember the shape and cannot be broken. The shape parameters are on this paper. If you can't complete it, I will beat you into a paste."

Bardock threw down a drawing. This is the Ruyi stick he designed himself. It looks more like a stick than a stick, but it has hoops on both ends. The somersault cloud is very useful, but it consumes too much domineering power. It is easy to suffer in the same-level battle. Before the upgrade arranged by Bardock is realized, get a durable stick to play with.

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