The boat was about to sail, and the boat was about to sail.

Angel Island, Angel Beach, the White Dragon Horse found a place to dock.

Unlike Luffy and his crew, who met Connies as soon as they landed and introduced Sky Island to them, Bardock and his crew did not meet a single local when they landed.

Using his Observation Haki, Bardock sensed the situation of the island, "This should be Angel Island, and there is also an Island of Gods nearby. The Island of Gods is the other half of Gaya Island we are looking for, and the Golden Country is there."

"Are there Sky Islanders living on Angel Island? I wonder what the difference is with us? Let's go and take a look first!"

Perona was rarely in high spirits.

In fact, they had already seen a Sky Islander, the old lady at the Gate of Heaven, but at this time, everyone automatically ignored it.

"Then let's go to Angel Island first. Follow this road. There should be a shopping street over there. It's very lively."

Based on the feedback from his observation Haki, Bardock pointed in a direction.

"Lovely Avenue, the people of Sky Island have a very unique name!"

Looking at the road sign, everyone couldn't help but complain.

They walked along Lovely Avenue and gradually met many people from Sky Island, but these people from Sky Island just watched them from a distance and didn't approach them.

It was not until they entered the Lovely Street that the vendors gave them a warm greeting, "Hasso, what do the guests from Qinghai want to buy?"

"Hasso, we have delicious Sky Island food here, come and have a look!"

"Hasso, the Sky Island lobsters that have just been caught are top-notch delicacies, buy them back and try them!"

"Hasso, Sky Island Shell Specialty Store, everything you need!"


"Hahaha, let's take a look first."

Bardock waved his hands repeatedly, temporarily getting rid of the vendors, and said to everyone, "Go and see for yourself, buy whatever you want, spend the Bailey you gave me before, the soil we dug is very valuable here."

"Okay, okay, I'm going to try the juice over there."

Chopper licked his tongue and pointed to the fruit shop in the distance. His nose told him that those must be delicious.

"Then I'll go to the bookstore here."

Robin easily found the bookstore on the street, and he must be able to find good books on Sky Island.

"Okay, let's go check out the Sky Island Shells!"

Leo and Mansherry walked towards the Sky Island Shell Store together.

"Remember, get back to the ship before dark. Perona, Bonis, Cai, you guys go take a look too."

Bardock gave another reminder, and he began to wander around the cute street, tasting delicacies and eating fruits, feeling satisfied.

That night, everyone returned to the White Dragon Horse, and there was no need to prepare dinner, as they all came back with a belly full of Sky Island delicacies.

They brought back a lot of Sky Island Shells, including lamp shells, water shells, sound shells, wind shells, wind-spraying shells, etc., which were all ordinary shells for daily use. Those shells that could be used for combat were not sold in the market.

After playing with various shells for a while, everyone went back to rest, and tomorrow would be the day for their official action. Because the Island of Gods was a forbidden area for outsiders, they planned to sell all the soil and then head straight to the Golden Country.

The next day during the day.

What Bardock didn't expect was that the mud was so popular in Sky Island. The word spread from one person to ten, and then from ten to a hundred, and almost all the residents of Angel Island came.

Bardock changed the trading objects to various Sky Island shells and rare items. As a result, he received a lot of extinct shells, such as repelling shells. There is no need to mention the combat-type Sky Island shells. His reserves of flame shells, heat shells, flash shells, impact shells, etc. may be richer than the God of Sky Island.

After exchanging all the mud, Bardock and the residents of Angel Island felt that they had made a lot of money. Where can you find such business?

When the White Dragon Horse started, many Sky Island people came to see them off and asked them to bring more mud next time.

After leaving Angel Island, the White Dragon Horse took off under the effect of the somersault cloud. Bardock planned to take the golden bell first, and then subdue Gan Fowl and the Shandians.

At this time, Gan Fowl and his divine guards were fighting with the Shandians.

The war lasted for 400 years, and countless people died during it. Even the great warrior Calgara died in the battle for his hometown.

Although Gan Ful wanted to eliminate hatred, stop fighting, and turn hostility into friendship, the two tribes have been friendly since then. Unfortunately, the Shandians' demands could not be met by the Sky Islanders.

The Shandians wanted to take back their hometown Shandora, ring the golden bell, and protect the historical text. The Sky Islanders believed that the earth was a gift from God, and they needed soil.

They all couldn't

Abandoning the land of God's Island, so the negotiations have not been able to proceed.

The battle is still going on. The Shandians are brave and powerful. The God Guards are also experienced warriors and have the upper hand in numbers.

Although the Shandians are the attackers, if nothing unexpected happens, this battle will end with the victory of the Sky Islanders led by Gan Ful.

The top of the bean vine is an area that the Sky Islanders have never set foot in. The cloud carried the White Dragon Horse to this place. Bardock looked around and a flash of light came into his eyes.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, the lights of Shandora, the legendary golden bell, so beautiful!"

On the nearby island cloud, everyone saw the lonely golden bell, which has been here for 400 years.

As the ship approached, they could see more details, mottled historical traces, and a square stone.

"That's... ancient text! Found it now?"

Too easy, Robin looked at the historical text in surprise. Sure enough, it was right to take the initiative to join Bardock's team.

"We are the ones who compile history, and we are with the bells of the big clock tower..."

Robin translated the text above, a little disappointed, it was not the truth of history she was looking for, "Bardock, this historical text also talks about ancient weapons, but this time it talks about the whereabouts of Poseidon, the Sea King."

"Poseidon, the Sea King, is a mermaid princess who appears once every 800 years and has the ability to communicate with all sea kings."

Before Robin said the result, Bardock had already given a more detailed answer.

"Ah, can ancient weapons also be fishmen? I thought they were all those iron lumps?"

Perona found that she had learned a lot. It was reasonable to know that Pluto was a battleship before, but now Pluto is actually a mermaid princess. What would the King of Heaven be?

"Robin, there are words here!"

Due to the height of the dwarfs, they were the first to discover the words on the gold in the corner.

Robin walked over and saw that the handwriting was relatively new. "I came here and led this text to the end, the pirate Gol D. Roger."

"Gol D. Roger, isn't this the Pirate King?" Cai said in shock, "They have been here a long time ago?"

"I see, all the historical texts need to be read together to fill in the blank of a hundred years of history. Has the Pirate King Roger collected all the history?"

Robin was greatly inspired at this moment, and the path of continuing to look for the historical texts was the right one.

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