One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 102: Tyrone Plays

"Who are you? Where are you from?"

Looking at the three Katie people who suddenly appeared, Enilo's eyes became serious and dignified. The power of the sword just now was not weak at all, and even made him feel threatened. Enelu maintained a high degree of respect for the three of them. alert.

"I'm your father, listen to my good son calling Dad!"

Plop, plop.

Regarding Tai Long's answer, the hundreds of people rescued by Katie knelt down directly. They never expected that the red monster's answer would be so tough!

They were equally curious about the identities of the three of Katie, since Sky Island was only this big, and everyone knew who the strong ones were. They could be sure that the other party was definitely not an original resident of Sky Island.

But now, these issues are not important anymore, because of the red weirdo's words, they have become a deadly enemy with Enilo, and the two sides will definitely fight to the death.

"Be careful, Enil has the power to control thunder and lightning, and ordinary attacks can't hurt him. He can also use the heart network to detect what other people are thinking, and can use this to predict other people's attack moves!"

Seeing that the battle was about to start, Alice hurriedly told everything she knew about Enel.

Obviously, she hoped that the three of Katie would win. Although Alice didn't know the origin of the three of Katie, nor their purpose, but at this moment she knew very well that the three who suddenly appeared had become her only hope. And the other party just saved himself and others, which is better than the cruel and heartless Enilo.

"Don't worry, brother and sister will help you fight off the bad guys."

I couldn't help but reached out and rubbed Alice's hair. Katie also liked this brave girl very much.

When she used her half-dragon body to perceive abnormal movement here, Katie came here decisively, and she used her knowledge to perceive everything that happened in front of her along the way.

Therefore, I know what happened just now, and I know what Alice did.

"Go, Tai Long, you're welcome." There was a chill in the eyes looking at Anilu. Although he planned to accept him, it didn't mean that he would tolerate his misbehavior. Before that, he must know what the rules are ! What a pain!

However, Katie also didn't plan to make a move this time, because Tai Long had already challenged herself to fight halfway.

Looking at Tyrone's angry eyes at that time, Katie understood why he was so active, perhaps because he recalled the tragic situation in Murloc Island.

You must know that in the eyes of the world, murlocs represent money and jewels. They are the favorite commodities of slave owners. Before they were protected by the Whitebeard Pirates, the situation on Murloc Island was very dangerous. However, greedy for human beings' capture, the number of murlocs captured may be hundreds or even thousands.

Now, thanks to the protection of the Whitebeard Pirates, the situation is much better. Almost no one dares to catch murlocs on Murloc Island, but the premise is that they don’t leave Murloc Island, otherwise they will still be caught. .

So Katie thought that Tai Long was moved with compassion, and she had no reason to refuse. Of course, there was another reason, Tai Long had too little combat experience.

You know, in order to hide his identity, Tai Long stayed in the Seven Waters Capital for more than ten years without fighting. Although it is not ruled out that he tried to find a way to exercise, it was still a bit worse after all, so even if Tai Long didn't ask for it, Katie would suggest him to play.

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