One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 106 Katie's Plan

"Why, are you just like this? I stand still so that you can't even touch me when you hit me, what a weak god." At this moment, Katie responded with the same method to Anilu, keeping her body elemental at all times, even though Ai Nilu Neil attacked recklessly, but he still couldn't hurt himself at all.

However, before Enilo could answer him, the voice of the system came first.

"Extraordinary level lv7 heart network skills have been detected, do you choose to spend seven million exchange points to completely copy them?"

Faced with the system's questions, Katie failed to give a decisive answer this time.

The exchange points I have now are only 10 million, which I keep specially for exchanging fairy beans just in case, and Katie is not sure whether the Xinwang skill is useful to her.

"System, what's the difference between heart net skills and knowledge? Is it really necessary for me to exchange them?" Since I don't understand, I naturally have to ask someone who understands it. The omnipotent system is undoubtedly the best answerer.

"Of course it is necessary. You must know that there are many types of knowledge and knowledge. For example, Katakuri, a member of the Big Mom Pirates in the Four Emperors, his knowledge and knowledge can even predict the future. Another example is Fujitora, who is about to be promoted to the admiral of the navy. His knowledge and color can even perceive a person's mood."

"Anilu's heart network is the same as theirs, which is equivalent to an evolved knowledge color."

"Then what is the special function of the heart net, is it to predict the future or to perceive the mood?" Katie's eyes lit up after hearing the systematic explanation, and it is not known what purpose Fujitora's knowledge and color have other than to perceive the mood.

But Katakuri's ability to predict the future is a powerful skill like a cheating device. With this ability, Katakuri almost abused Luffy two years later.

"Neither of the two, the characteristic of the mind network is mind reading."

"The reason why Enilo awakened the heart network skills is because of the existence of the thunder fruit. You must know that the reason why human beings can control the body so precisely is inseparable from the help and deployment of electrical signals. As the commander of all thunder and lightning, Enilo also You can feel the electrical signals inside the human body, and you can intercept the true thoughts of others."

"However, in order to achieve this, at least the level of the heart network must be raised to the level of sainthood. Although the heart network below the level of sainthood cannot read minds, it can assist knowledge and color to perceive the outside world."

"But, I don't have enough exchange points." After listening to the system's introduction, Katie was really moved, but she still couldn't make up her mind. Her current situation is not safe, and she must keep 10 million to be able to exchange fairy beans at any time. .

"Host, you are so stupid! Just lower the requirement for the skill level." It seemed that Katie was really stupid, and there was a bit of helplessness in the system's voice.

"Well, then copy the heart net skill of the master level lv10." In order to avoid further embarrassment, Katie resolutely lowered the level and copied it. Although it will waste some exchange points when upgrading the level later, there is no way to do it. A solution is better than nothing.

The familiar warm current flowed through her body again, and for a moment, Katie even felt that 30 million pores on her whole body were opened, and her perception of the outside world reached an unprecedented height, even surpassing the dragon transformation state.

In addition, the words of the system reminded Katie of one thing, that is, the large naval conscription, which was mentioned in the plot so Katie didn't realize it, but when the system mentioned Fujitora, Katie Thinking of this incident, the figures of Fujitora and Green Bull flashed in my mind.

Before Katie could think for long, she was interrupted by Enel's voice.

"Bastard, I can't hit you, and you don't even want to hit me!" Different from the joy brought about by Katie's improvement in strength, Enilo can be said to be depressed to death.

A minute has passed since the beginning, and Anilu can no longer remember how many punches and kicks he has made, but everything he has done has been useless and has no effect at all. At this moment, he finally realized that others Attacking your own pain is really wanting to cry without tears.

"I never thought that you still have such a request. Since this is the case, I will satisfy you!" With a raised brow, the black armed color instantly condensed on the fist and punched Enilu's head.

When he saw the familiar black moment from the corner of his eyes, Enilo felt a wave of muddy horses in his heart, whether they could have fun playing one by one!

With a muffled bang, Enilu's figure flew away again and disappeared into the ruins.

However, the figure of Enilo appeared again in the next second, staring at the black in Katie's hand with gloomy eyes.

"What the hell is that, why both you and that guy can attack me!" Enilu thought that this ability was unique to the weirdo just now, but he didn't expect that this one in front of him would also be able to, because of the same reason, he suffered two losses. This time, Enilo couldn't help but ask.

"This is domineering, a kind of power hidden in the human body, anyone can master it, and it specializes in restraining people with natural fruit abilities." He didn't hide it from Enel, because in Katie's eyes, Enil was destined to become His partner, there is no need to hide from him.

"How to be convinced or not?" Katie asked this question for the second time.

"Why am I convinced? Before, I didn't know that you took advantage of the opportunity. Then you will never hit me again!" As he spoke, he took the initiative to rush to Katie again.

However, this time, Enilo's memory obviously improved, and he looked at Katie more seriously, and even gave up the preparation plan for close combat with Katie, relying on his own speed advantage to use the fruit ability to consume Katie from a distance.

"Fire fist." The monstrous flames broke through the giant thunder beast that was coming from the opponent. Katie naturally knew what Enelu was thinking, but she was not in a hurry to resolve the battle.

You must know that Zhuge Liang had captured Meng Huo seven times in order to stabilize the south, captured seven times, and released seven times. Although the process was complicated, the effect was remarkable. After that, Meng Huo never invaded Shu again.

What Katie has to do now is to imitate Zhuge Liang and let Anilu truly obey herself from the bottom of her heart. In order to achieve this, she must defeat Anilu in all aspects.

Since he wants to satisfy him more than consume himself, since his physical fitness has risen to the peak of the king level, he has never exhausted himself.

The battle suddenly became a stalemate. Although the collision of electricity and fire was fierce, the real situation was not as dangerous as it seemed.

"My lord, I wonder if that lord can defeat Enel?" Feeling the violent atmosphere in the sky in the distance, the bystanders watching the battle couldn't help but ask Tai Long, they were really worried that Katie would lose, and if that happened, their lives would be different again. It was dark.

"My captain's name is Katie, and my name is Tyrone. Don't be so annoying when you're always shouting like a lord."

"It's just a rookie who hasn't even mastered domineering. If the captain is willing to raise his hand, he can clean it up."

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