One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 108: Two Moves

The battlefield is still stalemate, and the scattered sword energy is tearing everything apart, as if it wants to tear the world into pieces. The magnificent scene shocked everyone, even Tai Long, who knew Katie's strength, was dumbfounded at the moment.

Although I heard that Katie once confronted the world's number one swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk, in the top battle, but he never thought that when he held a sharp blade and turned into a swordsman, he would be so exaggerated. To be yourself, I am afraid that you have to go all out and you may not necessarily win.

"Yeah haha! You can't do this, you can't touch me after attacking for so long, so you're just like this?" After avoiding Katie's attacks one after another, Enilu also floated away.

The uneasy mood finally calmed down. I thought that Katie would have some special means against her, but now it seems that she is thinking too much. Although the speed of the opponent is not slow, she even said that she will always follow behind her and not allow the slightest mistake.

But it was still a little bit short, and it was doomed that Katie couldn't really do anything to herself.

After confirming this, Enilu opened his mouth to mock Katie. From the beginning, he did not know how many times he was mocked by him. However, although he was very angry, he had no way to refute and was powerless to resist, and was almost given to him. Heart attack. After finally catching the opportunity, Enilo couldn't wait to go back.

Frowning, looking at the arrogant Enilu, the corner of Katie's mouth curled up into a dangerous arc. She didn't expect that the result of deliberately playing with him made him really think that she was just like that.

The reason why he didn't solve him immediately was just to compare the speed of Enilo and Huang Yuan, who is better, and now that I have the result in my heart, it is necessary for Enilo to understand clearly. to the gap between him and himself.

"One last reminder, you have to be careful next time."

Katie's words reached Enilu's ears verbatim. At first, Enelu dismissed it as Katie's stubborn reluctance to admit that her speed was not as good as her own.

However, when he met Katie's unwavering eyes, Enilo felt unreasonably terrified, and his heart seemed to be usurped by him, as long as the other party was willing, he could easily solve him at any time.

For a moment, Enilu didn't say a word, and he used his heart network perception to the extreme, fully perceiving Katie's movements.

Then Katie's figure disappeared, and the complete disappearance was neither stealth nor hiding, but disappeared suddenly out of thin air, without any sign of disappearing, no matter how hard she tried, there was no result at all.

The next moment, a ghost-like voice suddenly came from Enilu's ear.

"What? Are you looking for me? I'm right behind you, can't you see it?"

Before Enilo could take any action, a pitch-black sharp blade was already on his neck, and the cold touch always reminded him that he had better not have any wrong thoughts.

Under the threat of his life, Enilo could only be obedient, standing still and not daring to move.

"How, are you convinced now?" Katie asked the same question for the third time. This time, Enilo hesitated, and no longer directly denied it almost as soon as Katie asked the question like before.

"How did you do it?" Even now, Enel still can't understand how Katie did it. You must know that the speed of Thunderbolt is the fastest in the world. Although I haven't fully grasped it, it is still enough. Just now, he has been suppressing Katie, but what is going on now, why is Katie so fast!

"Teleportation is short for teleportation, understand? And should you answer my question first?"

However, this time, Enilo still didn't answer, because his brain was already a mess.

The magical skills that I thought were only found in fairy tales have actually been encountered in real life, how could Enilo accept it easily.

Moreover, whether to accept or not, to be honest, Enel himself doesn't know.

Different from the previous two times, this time I lost what I was best at, and it was still under the premise of Katie's reminder.

Physical strength, attack methods, and speed are all comparable to Katie in front of him. It can be said that Enilu is indeed a little convinced in his heart.

However, the remaining competitive spirit in his heart did not allow Enilu to say those two words, and the situation remained deadlocked.

"If you have any moves, just use them!"

Without continuing to force Anilu to speak out the answer, Katie took the initiative to remove the hole on him, and the body retreated slowly to show enough sincerity.

Everyone was once again shocked by Katie's actions. They really didn't know what Katie was going to do. They asked the same question again and again, caught and released, released and caught again and again and again. do what?

Only Gan Fore, who was always watching calmly, had a thoughtful look in his eyes, as if he had thought of something.

"I still have the last two tricks. If you can take it, I will obey you!" Being arrested and let go again and again, the arrogant Ainilu couldn't bear it anymore. It's a great shame in itself.

That's why Enilo took such a move. While giving Katie an answer, he also gave himself a piece of advice. This is the last chance to prove himself.

"Come on, I'll take it all together!" Smiling, although he didn't give himself an accurate answer, there was no doubt that Enilo's attitude was not as firm as before.

Katie had a hunch that as long as she took the last two tricks of Anilu, the task of recovering him would be more than half.

His eyes were fixed on the rising Enilo. Although he hadn't seen him use it yet, he couldn't help himself who was familiar with the plot.

He held Po Kong's hand tightly.

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