One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 115 Rush to the Moon

"Are you all ready?" Looking at the few people gathered on the deck, Katie suddenly felt that she was not so alone in this world, and had a partner she could rely on.

"I have already brought Ainil to know about the energy device of Emperor Wu, and the energy can be guaranteed."

"Food is also prepared, and the entire ship is filled with food and drinking water wherever there is space."

"In this case, let's go, the target--the moon!" Katie's voice was not loud, but she was extremely firm.


The ship whistle sounded, and the familiar space gate opened again.

The next moment, the figure of Diwu disappeared completely from the eyes of the world, and the journey to the moon officially began from this moment.

While others were fighting for a certain piece of land in the sea, Katie and her party set their sights on an alien planet.

Under the condition of sailing at the maximum speed, the Emperor Wu has left the atmosphere and entered the outer space in a few hours. Because of the different space, everything around is dark green, but it does not affect everyone's appreciation of the magnificence and magnificence of space.

Behind him is a huge planet that cannot be described in words. The blue color occupies nearly 90% of the surface of the planet, and two crossed red lines divide the planet into eight pieces.

Looking at the two thin red lines, Tai Long's expression was obviously a little unstable, his fists were clenched tightly, not to mention his chest was unsteady.

"Tyrone, do you trust me? One day I will make those people pay the price they deserve." Katie knew exactly what Tyrone was thinking.

My attitude towards the Tianlong people is still the same. Although I haven't decided what kind of identity I want to live in this world, I don't mind overthrowing their rule.

A group of scumbags who are stupider than pigs are not worthy of ruling this world.

"To be honest, at first I didn't believe you and I didn't think you were serious. The reason why I agreed to follow you was because what you did in the top war made the navy embarrass the world government. You are destined to be unable to reconcile. That means we have a common enemy."

"However, through this period of observation, I found that you seem to have a unique ability. Even now, I can't think of what kind of power it is, so I choose to believe in you." This is what Tai Long made after careful consideration. decision.

Whether it's the fruit of the door, the trip to the empty island, or the means of subduing Enilo, Tai Long refreshed his understanding of Katie. Whenever he thought he saw Katie clearly, the next moment he would show the Unprecedented power, his existence seems to be to create miracles, to create miracles.

If there is anything impossible in the world, Tyrone immediately thought of Katie, and the existence of Katie itself is impossible.

"Don't worry, you will find out how correct your current decision is in the future."

"Di Wu, leave the different space!"

"Tailone, Enelu; go down and push the boat forward!" Katie issued several orders in a flash.

"Your bodies are too weak. You must know that our enemies in the future will be admirals and four emperors. Now you are still far behind! Don't give me exercise!"

At the same time, Di Wuhao once again used the door fruit to open the door to the present world.

Unlike the previous Earth, here, the outer space is not an absolute vacuum, but has air and oxygen just like the ground.

"Yes, Captain!" Without waiting for Katie to continue talking nonsense, Tai Long left the cabin and came to the stern, and his strength exploded in an instant to push the Emperor Wu forward with his body alone. After the battle with Katie, he knew very well that he was far from the real top power There is still a gap between them, even if Katie doesn't tell him, he still has to find a way to exercise.

"This this"

Anilu couldn't understand the way of exercising in front of him for a while. Normal people who have nothing to do will use the way of pushing boats to exercise.

"What? Do you think your physical fitness is strong enough?" Glancing at Anel, the power hidden in Katie's blood burst out instantly, and golden scales drilled out of Katie's skin little by little, replaced by ferocious beast faces Without her original pretty face, Katie has already entered the state of dragon transformation.

"I, I'm going now."

Feeling the violent and bloodthirsty aura on Katie, Enilu was stunned for a second. He hadn't recovered from the shadow of the previous battle, but he found that Katie after transformation was completely different from before. Nima, unless you are stupid, who wants to stay here, whoever stays, anyway, I don't stay!

With a sound of thunder, Enilo also came to the stern of the ship and followed Tai Long to push the Emperor Wu to the moon.

Feeling the speed of Di Wu, Katie nodded in satisfaction.

The war on the top made him and the navy a deadly feud, and no one knew what plan the navy had arranged for him.

When the yellow monkey red dog can't catch her for a long time, the navy will definitely change the previous action plan. Katie has a hunch that when she leaves the sky island and enters the great route again, she will definitely encounter the navy's interception.

Circumstances don't allow me to waste time

"Captain, what about me?" Just as Katie was about to leave with Esdeth, Weipa on the side hurriedly spoke, his pupils flashing with desire for power.

"Is your body okay?" Wei Pa's attitude is worthy of recognition, but it cannot ruin the body because of it, after all, the body is the capital.

"Don't worry, captain, it's all right." He even tore off the bandages wrapped around his body.

It didn't stop Weipa's move, and Katie wanted to see what level his physical fitness had reached.

The bandage came off little by little, and looking at Weipa's wounds that had begun to scab, Katie fell silent. To be honest, Weipa's recovery speed was a bit beyond her expectations.

You must know that this guy was still seriously injured yesterday, and after just one night's rest, he changed from a serious injury to a minor injury, which is very unusual.

"Are you an ability user?" For this change, Katie only thought of this possibility.

"No, I'm not an ability user. To be honest, I don't know why. It seems that my physical fitness has been better than that of my peers since I was a child, especially the recovery speed of my body. That's why I dare to use row Hit shells to make weapons."

Weipa also doesn't know much about his own body. Although he asked the elders in the clan, he couldn't get any decent answers. After a long time, he gave up. Anyway, it's not a bad thing for him, and he didn't pay much attention to it. , I don't think this will bring me any substantial improvement.

However, Katie doesn't think so.

If I only watched the first 400 episodes of One Piece, I wouldn't take it seriously, but after watching the entire 900-odd episodes, I have a hunch that physical fitness will have a great impact on a person's strength.

Katie feels that sometimes physical fitness can even determine a person's strength.

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