One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 127 Convincing Columbus

"Although I have invincible blood power, and I also have a variety of fruit abilities, and I even use a good sword, but I don't think I am qualified to be your master."

"Perhaps in the future, as you said, the entire planet will be reduced to a battlefield, but I believe that with the strength of myself and my partners, I can still defend a piece of space and spend the rest of my life."

"You should entrust others with the heavy responsibility of saving the world. We have reached our limit to be here. We are already content to be the only person who has seen you in hundreds of years, and we don't want anything else. "

At this moment, Katie's tone of voice suddenly became very respectful, and the few people who followed were confused for a while, wondering what her captain was going to do.

"Don't worry, we will keep our mouths shut when we go back. We won't tell anyone anything about this place, and even say that we will help you stop the crazy people who are trying to rush to the moon. I'm really sorry to disturb your quietness for hundreds of years. just leave."

After speaking, he imitated the appearance of Columbus in the video and bowed in a dignified manner, then turned and left. The whole set of actions was completed in one go. By the time Columbus reacted, Katie and the others had even walked to the door and were about to disappear. .

"Wait, I can't promise you!" Columbus had no choice but to agree to Katie's request.

"This is your own choice, I didn't force you." Turning around, he smiled and looked at Columbus not far away.

However, this smile was so eye-catching to Columbus. Unlike the gentleness and calmness on his face, Columbus's heart was already turbulent.

Your sister doesn't play like this, of course he understood the meaning of Katie's words, saying that he is not qualified to be his own master, but he didn't think so at all in his heart, and introduced his own advantages all over the place. It is to say that besides me, you will never find a more suitable candidate than me.

If it was just these Columbuses, they wouldn't have reacted so much, but the problem was that Katie's words behind her were simply blatant threats.

What do you say to help me stop the person who is trying to rush to the moon? If this is the case, God knows how long it will take me to see the next living person.

Hundreds of years have passed, and no one knows how far the enemy's situation has recovered. They might launch an attack in the next moment. Katie may be able to afford to wait, but she can't.

"Can't we really change the conditions?" Columbus tried to make a final test.

"There's nothing to discuss. For me, if I can't fully grasp a certain power, it's better not to have it. Even if that power is very powerful, I won't feel sorry. This is the same as developing technology. If you rashly use a power that has not yet been You should know better than me how much risk a mature technology will face.”

Staring straight at Columbus, he had already made his words clear enough. If the other party still disagreed, there was really no need to continue.

Katie believes everything Columbus said, and it is now 1521 in the Haiyuan calendar, and the time when the accident happened in the future country is about 700 years ago, which is exactly 800 years apart.

What's even more coincidental is that the 100-year blank history of Pirate World happened to be 800 years ago. Katie wouldn't believe it if it had nothing to do with it.

But this does not mean that I have to help Columbus for free.

As Columbus himself admitted before, the danger is caused by the future country. Although they have paid the price of destroying the country for this, it is not enough. After all, the subsequent war swept the entire pirate world and even changed the history of the entire world.

Moreover, the last statement was not an excuse that he made casually. He disdained to pursue the power that he could not fully grasp. Even if Columbus really disagreed in the end, it was nothing but a pity.

Whoever makes himself a man with a system, as long as there are enough exchange points, all problems will not be a problem.

"Okay, my lord, please come with me." With a long sigh, Columbus still chose to bow his head.

The meaning of my existence is to wait for someone like Katie to appear. I have given myself clear instructions long before the death of the real Columbus. I have to try my best to satisfy myself, which naturally includes becoming the new owner of Zhengtu.

And to be honest, Columbus is not really unwilling to this result, at least his master has a strong bloodline of the superior rank, and Columbus knows how strong the fully grown superior is.

Long before the destruction of the Zhengtu, they had encountered a battle with superior superiors. Although it was tens of millions of meters away from the real battle center, the stability of the Zhengtu was affected to a certain extent, and they were almost lost in space. control.

That scene still left Columbus with lingering fears after thousands of years, because their battle directly affected the stability of a star field and even directly blasted several huge planets. Compared with the enemies he encountered, they were nothing worth mentioning.

So when it was discovered that Katie had the blood of a superior, Columbus was already ready to give up everything.

Follow Columbus into a certain room again. Unlike just now, this room is obviously different. Not only is it larger in size, but it also has some special equipment for unknown reasons.

"My lord, please come here."

Under the guidance of Columbus, Katie stood in front of the podium-like equipment in the center of the room.

The next moment, the entire podium suddenly lit up, and the screen in front of him had a picture. Under Columbus's operation, windows popped up one after another.

Looking at the scenes in front of her, Katie couldn't help being surprised. Even though she was a scientific youth in the 21st century in her previous life, she had never experienced these things. All these are just scenes that only appear in science fiction movies. If you want to It will take at least 30 years to reach this step in real life, and the country's reputation in the future is well-deserved.

"My lord, please put your palm here." When Katie couldn't help sighing, Columbus also completed the operation.

A palm shape appeared in the center of the screen, apparently asking Katie to put her palm on it for fingerprint verification.

Frowning slightly, it seems that fingerprint verification is very popular everywhere.

The moment I reached out to meet the palm print, a progress bar starting from zero appeared on the screen.

"Fingerprint authentication has been completed, please proceed to the next step - blood verification."

The robotic female voice suddenly sounded, and at the same time as the words fell, a groove stretched out in front of Katie.

Following the prompt, Katie forced a drop of blood from her fingertip into the groove.

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