One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 144 Total War

Koshiro and Kuina could think of the same thing that Kizaru could think of, even more!

As early as many years ago, Huang Yuan once asked his teacher, is there any devil fruit in the world that can restrain his own ability or is there any stronger ability than the shining fruit.

On that day, he memorized the names of two fruits that he would never forget in his lifetime, one of which was the thunderous fruit.

Staring at the naked upper body stranger in front of him, the chatty yellow ape suddenly became silent. The unexpected situation made him feel a little overwhelmed for a while.

Before coming here, he thought about all kinds of possibilities, but there was no such possibility, and the peculiar costume made it impossible for the yellow ape to recognize where the person came from.

"Who are you? How come you have the thunderous fruit!"

"Remember my name, I'm called Ainil. As for the thunderous fruit, it's none of your business!" The spirited boy Ainil would not foolishly tell the story of Sky Island.

"God's punishment!"

A thunderbolt as thick as a bucket fell from the sky, forcing the yellow ape back where it was.

"From now on, don't think about hindering the captain's battle!" The body turned into thunder and caught up with the retreating yellow ape in an instant, and the black stick swung the wind to attack the yellow ape.

Not long after leaving Sky Island, Enilo finally succeeded in mastering the armed color domineering.

At that moment, Enilo finally officially stepped into the ranks of the strong, and officially became the emperor's deputy level strong. This is not Katie's own judgment but the system's.

At the moment when Anilo successfully awakened the armed color, the summoning task assigned to him by the system showed that he had completed three-fifths of it.

In other words, the strength of Tai Long, Enilo, and robot 001 has reached the level of the emperor's deputy.

Katie really didn't expect the robot to be counted, but it's normal when I think about it. After all, Columbus already belongs to me, and the robot is of course also my own, and its strength is also a proper emperor's assistant, so naturally it counts as one. bit.

"Hugh is rampant, Tian Congyun Sword!"

Although shocked, he would not lose his sense of proportion, and with the lightsaber, the yellow monkey also fought fiercely with Enel.

Thunder and light flashed, and the speed of the two of them even exceeded Koshiro's expectation. He had to admit that if he faced those two, he might have little choice.

Due to the joining of Enilo and Huang Yuan, the battlefield area instantly expanded to twice the original size. Although the four of them deliberately avoided Seymo Zhiji Village, the aftermath of the attack still caused a lot of damage to it.

"Fortunately, Uncle, Aunt, and the others left early, otherwise it would be dangerous." Feeling the violent airflow around, Guina was very glad that the people in the village started to evacuate when her father asked about Bogart's purpose. On the way, Kuina found that only herself and her father were left in the village.

"Look carefully, this battle has just begun!"

When Koshiro's voice fell, two opposite but equally powerful auras suddenly appeared in the farthest area of ​​Kuina's perception. Although it was only a trace, Kuina felt the threat of death.

"No way, the navy actually, actually sent three generals at the same time!"

As if to verify Kuina's guess, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Katie, die for me!" The voice containing endless killing intent arrived before the person arrived.

The next second, a red figure like a shooting star appeared in front of everyone. His choice was the same as that of the yellow ape. In his eyes, no one else rushed straight to Katie who was fighting Bogart. The sky was as bright red as if it had been ignited.

"Finally it's my turn." After Enilo, Tai Long also made a move.

"Twenty thousand Wazheng fists!" The inflated right arm covered in armed colors blasted out instantly.

Facing the powerful attacking Akainu, Tai Long chose to be tough from the front. The extremely powerful force directly blasted the air, and the fist-shaped air cannonball rushed towards the extremely fast attacking Akainu.

"No name, get lost!" Akainu, who was eager to avenge Katie, directly turned into a lava boulder and rushed towards the air cannonball, intending to pierce it directly.


The fluctuations that shook the world erupted in an instant, and the entire sky presented an unprecedented spectacular scene because of the bombardment of this blow.

The red lava boulders fell from the sky and fell into the sea, setting off layers of waves, and the whole sky even showed a red color because of this, which was more vivid red than the Huoshaoyun in the evening.

However, the strange thing is that the gods in charge of the sky seem to have drawn a line in the sky, no matter how turbulent the crimson sky is, it will eventually cross that line.

"This, is this still a human?" Looking at the scene in the sky like annihilation, Kuina said with difficulty, swallowing her saliva.

Although I have always heard that the Admiral of the Navy is a group of peak powerhouses with the power to destroy the world, but I never thought that they would be so powerful. This is really going to destroy the world!

The next moment, Chiquan's figure appeared again, but his angry face was a little more gloomy.

The blow just now has fully demonstrated that the strength of the murloc in front of him is not bad at all, it can definitely be compared to those powerful emperors in the new world, even if he himself can't defeat it in a short time.

However, Katie's figure was right in front of him, how would Akainu want to waste time with a murloc here.

"Go away!"

The crazy Akainu almost yelled the loudest voice in his life at Tai Long, but the response he received made him lose his mind in an instant.

"It's just a red dog, it's not worthy to be the captain's opponent at all!"

"You're looking for death!" His eyes were bloodshot instantly, and the words "red dog" also touched the most sensitive nerve of red dog.

It was because Katie gave himself the title of Red Dog in the top war, and now people all over the world are using this name to mock him, even saying that there are such voices in the navy, which makes him almost crazy.

The anger that had been suppressed for half a year was completely ignited by Tai Long at this moment, and he even temporarily gave up revenge on Katie and only thought about how to brutally kill the murloc in front of him to relieve his hatred.


Facing the irrational Akainu, Tai Long did not dare to be careless. Although his mouth was disdainful, his body was very honest and directly used the fruit ability.

In the next second, the two were fighting together, and the movement was far greater than the other two battlefields. After all, both of them were powerful players, so the movement of the fight was naturally unusual.

On the other hand, unlike the yellow monkey and red dog, Aokiji did not attack Katie as soon as he came up, but took the initiative to find Esdeth who was watching the battle.

"Probably this one."

However, before he finished speaking, an ice pick pierced through his body, but instead of bleeding, there was a pile of crushed ice.

"So much nonsense!"

An ice blade took shape in an instant, and Esdesh exploded in an instant.

At this point, the all-out war between the Navy and Katie's group broke out completely, and the eight members went all over the battlefield

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