One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 261 The Horror of Palm Immortal Technique

"Who is this?"

Looking at the strange woman following Katie, Linna couldn't help asking.

"She is Tsunade, treating Weipa's injury." Katie briefly introduced.

However, this introduction startled Linna.

Katie found the ship's doctor when she moved Weipa into the room?

Isn't it popular now that the pie in the sky has changed to the doctor in the sky?

How else to explain all this.

But even though Lina was puzzled, she still gave way to Tsunade. Although she didn't understand how Katie achieved it, she believed that Katie would not harm Weipa.

"Okay then, come and show him."

As he spoke, he got up and walked to the side to see what the newcomer could do.

Although Katie didn't say that Tsunade will be the ship's doctor in the future, Linna believes that since Katie is eyeing her, then don't even think about running away.

As for Tsunade, he frowned slightly.

Because she could smell blood in the air long before entering the room.

Even though he had expected it in his heart, he couldn't help but be shocked after seeing Wei Pa's tragic situation. He didn't expect that this person's injury would be so serious!

"What are you doing to make him suffer such serious injuries!"

After saying that, he hurriedly squatted down to check Weipa's situation, but it embarrassed Enilu who was following behind.

However, Tsunade didn't get too entangled in this issue, a green light emerged from his hands and scanned Weipa's whole body.

Although everyone was curious about this peculiar way, they didn't say anything.

After going through it all over, I saw that Tsunade was frowning severely.

Seeing this, Lin Na couldn't help asking, "Is there any problem?"

"It's nothing, the situation is actually better than I imagined." After a pause, he continued to explain.

"First of all, the patient's physical fitness is strong enough. An injury that would be fatal to an ordinary person can only be regarded as a serious injury to him. Secondly, his body has been continuously healing itself, even without me. It might take a little longer."

However, this is exactly what shocked her, because if this was the world she was in before, it was absolutely impossible for someone with such a strong physical quality to remain unknown!

Even Naruto, who is Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, can't compare to this guy in front of him. Perhaps only his grandfather and the rumored Uchiha Madara can suppress him physically.

As for Katie behind her, Tsunade only has two words left in his heart. He only pays attention to people and not monsters, especially monsters with human appearance.

"That's the power of the blood in Weipa's body." Seeing that both Linna and Tsunade had discovered the abnormality in Weipa's body, Katie felt that there was no need to continue to hide it.

A group of people were stunned for a moment, but when they found out that the speaker was Katie, they immediately showed an expression of enlightenment.

Others may be unfamiliar with these four words, but here they are not, because there are two guys with blood power standing next to him, the captain and Tyrone.

"It's no wonder that this guy's combat power suddenly soared so much. It turned out that it was the power of the blood!"

Enilu on the side once again understood in seconds, and finally figured out why Weipa's strength soared again in the battle.

Hearing this, Tsunade couldn't help asking: "The power of blood? What is that?"

"Just treat it as a special blood succession limit."

In order to save trouble, Katie only used this statement to let Tsunade understand.

However, while Tsunade understood, the other people on the side were confused.

Blood inheritance limit? What is that?

Seeing that the problem was coming again, Katie hurriedly reached out to interrupt and spoke first before everyone else.

"Treat Weipa first, and I will explain other things to you slowly when I have a chance in the future!"

Katie's resolute attitude made other people realize the complexity and seriousness of the problem and kept quiet. Perhaps this will involve Katie's core secret.

On the other side, Tsunade, who had learned about Weipa's situation, finally made a move.

Because Linna has prepared various tools in advance, Tsunade can get started directly.

Under Tsunade's skillful operation, the pollutants on Weipa's body were quickly cleaned up.

As he approached, he flipped his hands quickly, one by one knot seals appeared one after another, and the green light that had been dimmed appeared again with stronger fluctuations.

"Palm Immortal Technique!"

With a soft shout, he pressed Wei Pa's wound with both hands.

An astonishing scene followed, the wound that was still bleeding quickly healed under the light of the green light, and even the squirming granulation could be seen!

It took only a moment for the wound, which was about the size of a little finger, to completely heal under the witness of everyone, which really shocked everyone.

Seeing this, Tsunade turned to treat another wound.

Not long after, all the injuries on Weipa's body healed, and it would be the same as normal if some parts were not bent and deformed.

After doing all this, Tsunade got up and went to one of the fractured places, tried a few times with his hands and then pushed and sent it violently.

Accompanied by two clicks, the bones were successfully reset.

This seemed to open some kind of consecration, and the scalp-numbing click sounded one after another, like a symphony.

Even Wei Pa, who was in a coma, couldn't help frowning, not knowing whether he felt pain or had some nightmare.

After all the bones were successfully reset, Tsunade once again used the Palm Immortal Technique to heal the vicinity of the bones.

"Call it."

The treatment in less than twenty minutes was over.

As for the result, look at the answers of the stunned people on the side.

"Then, why hasn't he woke up yet?" Enilu, who was already dumbfounded, subconsciously asked a stupider question.

"Although the patient's injury has been almost repaired by me, the spirit needs to rest and adjust, and he will wake up naturally in a short time."

Paused and then continued.

"Also, you'd better ask the chef to cook some high-nutrition food for him, so that the injury can heal faster."

So everyone looked at Katie in unison in an instant, the meaning of which was obvious.


This embarrasses Katie badly, she can't spend tens of millions more to summon the protagonist of Zhonghua Xiaodang's family just for a chef.

"Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, if the ship's doctor has a cook, there will be a cook, maybe someone will deliver it to your door someday."

However, before Katie could finish speaking, she was slapped in the face.

"I haven't promised you anything yet."

The cold tone and repulsive expression made Katie speechless for a while.

"Cough cough, then I'm in a hurry to urinate so I withdrew first." With a flash of thunder, Enilu's figure disappeared in an instant, and he didn't know where he went.

"Count me in and wait for me!"

It seemed that the feeling was coming, and Magellan's face changed and disappeared.

"Ahem, Kuina, come with me, and practice swordsmanship with you for my father." While talking, Koshiro took Kuina's hand and left.

On the other side, Linna decisively picked up half of the trash and left, blinking at Tai Long a few times.

"Tyrone come over here to lend a hand and throw this filth out."

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