One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 263 S-level assessment and new tasks

Time passed, and two and a half months after the Tianlongren incident, it was also the time to arrive at the Uz Empire.

Katie's long-awaited assignment assessment is finally here.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the main task - forming your own forces."

"Mission evaluation: The host successfully summoned digital high-end combat forces such as Esdeth, Tyrone, Koshiro, etc., but lacked the chefs necessary for long-distance voyages. However, because the host has completed the task of "declaring the world" at a super level, the final task is completed The rank is S rank!"

"Mission reward: 100 million exchange points, 500 skill points."

"System, I love you to death!" After hearing the final mission reward, Katie's mood can be described in four words: elation.

"Hehe, host, your love is really cheap." It seems that he likes this feeling, and every time he talks to the system, he has to mock him.

Katie is also used to this, and she knows that the guy in the system has a typical sharp mouth and tofu heart.

However, before Katie had time to ask the system how to spend so many exchange points, the voice of the system came first.

"The new task has been released, please pay attention to the host to check it."

Wei Wei was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help feeling that the new task was issued quickly enough.

"Mission introduction: Now that you have established your own power, let's work hard to develop it."

"Task 1: Obscene development, secret savings. The era of riots is coming, the host does not need to stand in front of the riots, just leave the task of starting the group to Luffy, all we need to do is harvest the head to accumulate strength, in the new world Occupy a territory of your own!"

"Task 2: Hard work is king! As a real man, how can you rely on others? Since it has promoted the arrival of the new era, then continue to guide its development. If I don't go to hell, whoever will go to hell! A real man must face difficulties and overthrow the Four Emperors Take control of the new world!"

For a moment, Katie hesitated at the fork in the task.

Undoubtedly, the task given by the system is exactly in line with the current situation. I just decided to leave for the new world after dealing with the Us Empire, and then the system gave the task for the Four Emperors.

Although the first mission did not clearly indicate the need to overthrow a certain four emperors, but thinking about it, I knew that occupying my own territory in the new world ruled by Panzhen would inevitably lead to disputes with the four emperors, and fighting was naturally necessary.

As for the second task, let alone the direct request to overthrow all the Four Emperors, this is almost equivalent to becoming the One Piece King.

After thinking for a moment, Katie finally made a decision.

"System, I choose task one."

"The task selection is successful, the first branch task: Occupy an island in the new world."

"Mission reward: 50 million exchange points, 300 skill points."

Looking at the high task rewards, Katie didn't get carried away.

High rewards often correspond to high risks. In that chaotic battlefield, no one knows how many terrible characters are hidden behind the scenes except the four emperors on the bright side.

Among other things, only the two guys, Barrett and Ryder, haven't shown up until now.

Just when Katie was thinking about what to do after entering the new world, Tyrone not far away came up with news.

"Captain, the Uz Empire has arrived."

Hearing this, Katie couldn't help withdrawing her thoughts, and looked towards the Imperial Harbor not far away.

He asked lightly, "How's it going, have you found those two ships from the Qiwu Sea?"

Long made it very clear in the previous phone call that the reason why he begged himself to take action was because of the participation of the two kings Qi Wuhai.

In the Tianlongren incident, the propaganda role of the revolutionary army caused the navy and the world government a headache and a deep vigilance. Therefore, during this period of time, the navy organized many operations against the revolutionary army, which made Long unable to dispatch manpower and had to ask Katie for help.

As for myself, the reason why I promised him that I have a relationship with the Us Empire is just an excuse, more because I want to meet those two Shichibukai, Trafalgar Law and Bucky who had a relationship once.

"Indeed, they are parked on both sides of the port." Through the binoculars, Tyrone did indeed see two ships with the pirate flag on them.

"Di Wu, enter the different space, let's go directly to the palace."

Then he patted the hull of Emperor Wu.

The next moment, the gate of the different space opened in vain, and the entire ship disappeared in the blink of an eye, without attracting anyone's attention.

On the other side, the Imperial Palace of the Uz Empire.

The atmosphere in the bustling palace at the moment seemed a bit depressing, the central hall, which was the size of several basketball courts, was crowded with palace soldiers holding weapons.

Not only that, but the outside was completely surrounded. At first glance, there were at least a thousand people!

However, what is surprising is that the purpose of thousands of people gathering here is only to guard against the dozen or so people standing in the center.

What's even more strange is that the surrounded people looked relaxed, while the thousands of soldiers who accounted for the absolute number looked dignified and bewildered.

Just because the princess of the empire was hijacked, and the robber is even more frightening and frightening, the king Qi Wuhai.

"The two adults have something to say, can you let the little girl go first?"

Looking at the two leaders, Habilli tried to have a conversation.

The uncontrollable cold sweat on his forehead implied his nervous heart.

It never occurred to him that his daughter, who has twenty-four all-round protection, would be hijacked easily, and what made him even more unexpected was that the two kings Shichibukai did it!

You know, in this remote country of my own, I usually don’t encounter pirates a few times a year, let alone the Qibukai. The only thing related to the Qibukai is the sea pirate left by the Doflamingo family bandit flag.

"Let go of her, and let your subordinates swarm up to kill us?" It was Luo who spoke.

The cold voice made Habili couldn't help trembling all over. The moment he was stared at by those eyes, he felt that all the thoughts hidden in his heart had been completely seen through by him.

"No, no, my lord is joking, even if you give me a hundred guts, I won't dare."

No matter what Habili thought in his heart, he would immediately deny it.

"If the two of you need money, just let me know, although our Wusi Empire is not rich, we will definitely find a way to get it together!"

Habili, who is mature and mature, resolutely chooses to spend money to eliminate disasters.

Undoubtedly, if they encounter ordinary pirates, such a method can indeed easily resolve the crisis.

However, the pirates I met this time were unusual, and they didn't come here for money.

"As expected, the lord of a country is really sensible, so I'll just say it straight."

Hearing Luo's voice, Habilly suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. The purpose of these people's coming didn't seem to be for money.

"We were entrusted by Admiral Sakaski to prevent the Uz Empire from joining the Revolutionary Army, so you should understand." There was a bit of sarcasm in the cold voice.

But this sounds like a bolt from the blue to Habilly.

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