One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 273 The chef arrives at the account

On the other side, Katie, who had just returned to Noble Emperor, came to find Alice.

"Alice, I know your plan and what you are for. But you have to know that although we are not pirates, the dangers and difficulties we face are no different from pirates."

Pointing at Wei Pa, he continued.

"For us, bleeding and injury are very common things, even I dare not say that there will be no injury, once you step on my boat, your life will never be like it is now. .”

"Of course, bearing high risks also means high rewards. Following me will at least allow you to have the strength to face Qi Wuhai directly, but it is still necessary to start as an intern."

"How? Do you want to join us?"

After hearing Katie's words, everyone looked to this side curiously, looking up and down at the imperial princess who might become a partner.

Even though Estes was upset, he didn't say anything. The captain of this ship is Katie, who has the right to decide whether to recruit new crew members, and she believes that Katie did not do it for lust.

As for Habilly, who was on the side, he was even more nervous. His daughter's conversation with Katie had already made him aware of Alice's plan.

When Habilly discovered this, he was surprised and blamed himself for not being able to give his daughter a stable life. So Habilli decided to respect her daughter's choice.

However, Katie's words made Habilly worried. The unconscious Weipa is the best example of such a powerful person whose heart was directly pulled out because of a little negligence.

Even now, his body is still trembling and unable to accept that fact.

So Habilly is really conflicted now. On the one hand, he hopes that his daughter can really do what he wants to do, but on the other hand, he is worried that she will get hurt, and his heart is extremely entangled.

Without making Katie wait too long, Alice just gave her own answer. "I will ask everyone to give me more advice in the future!"

There was an astonishing brilliance in the big eyes. This brilliance made Katie nod and at the same time made Habilly completely desperate to persuade him. He knew that after going through these things, his precious daughter had grown up.


Before Katie could say anything, Tailong Enilo on the side started to be lively.

"Banquet! Banquet! Banquet!"

The noisy atmosphere instantly enveloped the entire Emperor Wuhao.

"Where's the kitchen? I'll help with the cooking."

Infected by the atmosphere, Alice actively volunteered, and even rolled up her sleeves as if preparing for a big fight.

However, the change in the next second made her stay where she was.

The originally lively and noisy atmosphere disappeared instantly because of my own words, and everyone in Katie's group looked at him dumbfounded.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Alice asked anxiously, this was the first sentence she uttered as a full member, if she made a mistake because of this, Alice felt that she might never dare to speak again.

After realizing Alice's mistake, Katie hurriedly explained: "No, no, you misunderstood. The reason why they did this is because there is always a shortage of cooks on board, so when they heard that you can cook, they were stunned by the sudden surprise. .”

"Let me ask a question, do you really know how to cook?"

Even Katie didn't expect that a decision she made by accident would fill the original vacant chef seat.

"It's, it's okay, I learned cooking when I was free in the palace, but I don't know if it suits everyone's appetite."

Suddenly being entrusted with the important task of a chef, even though she has been learning to cook for more than ten years, Alice is still a little unconfident.

"Whatever it is, than those of us who mistake salt for sugar!"

Poof; but was amused by Katie's joke.

After a while, Di Wuhao reappeared in the central hall of the palace.

Looking at the extremely familiar scenes around, the sadness of parting quietly emerged. Neither Habilly nor Alice had the joy of being reborn after the catastrophe.

Because they know that parting is coming, and it may be difficult to see each other again in a few years, which is undoubtedly a painful thing for them who have been living together for more than 20 years.

"Master Katie, please wait a moment. I'm going to get something and I'll be back soon." Habilly seemed to think of something and said something before leaving in a hurry.

When he reappeared, he was holding a delicate box.

When the box was opened, two things appeared in front of everyone, a necklace and a devil fruit.

"Since you chose to follow Katie, it's time for you to keep this story of the stars."

Looking at the shining diamond necklace, everyone was silent.

For Alice, this symbolizes her father's love for her, but for Katie and others, it means the beginning of mutual fetters.

Looking at her father's reluctant eyes, Alice choked up.

"Father, father."

However, Habilli waved his hand and did not let Alice continue talking.

"I know what you mean. The Uz Empire is indeed too weak in this world. Perhaps it is right for you to follow Master Katie."

"As for this devil fruit, it's a gift I gave you before leaving."

As he spoke, he took out the devil fruit from the box. "This is the superhuman sonic fruit, and it's the only thing I can do for you."

Then he looked at Katie with a questioning look, wanting to hear what Katie had to say, after all, as a king, he didn't know much about devil fruits.

"Can I see it?"

Before Katie could say anything, someone took the first step.

Everyone looked curiously, but found that it was none other than Linna who spoke.

"You please."

Seeing the slightly dignified expression on Linna's face, Habili hurriedly handed the fruit to her.

A heart full of tension and apprehension, I don't know why the other party has changed so much before and after.

Linna, who got it, carefully looked at the shape and texture of the devil fruit in her hand, and even took out a fruit illustration book full of folded marks from her pocket for repeated comparison.

Seeing this, everyone understood that Lin Na might have set her sights on this fruit a long time ago.

After a long while, Linna reluctantly returned the fruit.

"That's right, it's indeed a Superman-type sound wave fruit. I really didn't expect to meet it here." The tone of the speech was full of emotion.

"Is there anything to say about Lina's fruit?" Katie asked curiously looking at Lina's state.

After all, I just planned to tactfully reject Habilly's proposal and choose a better one for Alice from the system space.

But looking at Linna's expression, it seems that this fruit is more valuable than I imagined.

"Captain, my ability is to perceive and control fluctuations, and the ability of the sonic fruit is to achieve control, interference, attack and other characteristics by producing sounds of various frequencies. This ability may be weak in the early stage, but once it is developed to the later stage or even You can control others invisibly."

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