One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 276 Jinbei Defeat

Watching the more intense battle, Neptune began to sweat coldly on his forehead.

I thought that everything could be solved quickly with the appearance of Jinbei, but now it seems that it may not be so smooth, or even whether it can be solved is a problem. After all, the other party has only shot by one person until now.

"You must not come here."

Looking into the distance, Neptune secretly prayed in his heart that his three sons would never show up at this time.

"Everyone, follow me!"

Looking at the assembled palace soldiers, the second prince, Huangxing, waved his hand and prepared to lead everyone to the battlefield, and the third prince, Carousel Xing, did the same. However, the eldest prince, Shaxing, stared at the Dragon Palace on the other side with a pensive and puzzled expression.

"Second brother, wait a minute."

Just before Huangxing set off with everyone, Shark finally spoke.

"Don't you think it's strange? To make such a big commotion, Boss Jinbei has obviously joined the war, but he failed to solve the problem. This means that the seriousness of the problem is beyond our expectations. At this time, we should be the first to notify Bai Beard Pirates, not blind reinforcements!"

Huang Xing was stunned by Sha Xing's words, and his hands holding the weapon were covered with white marks.

"Brother, you are right. Maybe this time the enemy is strong enough to destroy the entire Murloc Island. Maybe it won't be of any use if we go."

However, when the topic changed, Huang Xing's voice suddenly became passionate. "But! I will never let my father face the enemy alone. Even if he dies, I will accompany him!"

At this moment, Huang Xing's eyes were firmer than ever before.

"Brother, do you know why I dare to rush forward without hesitation?"

Facing Huang Xing's sudden question, Sha Xing didn't know how to answer it. He couldn't think of the answer, and he didn't expect that he who was always singing and messing around in the past had such a decisive heart.

"Because with you, even if we really made a mistake, you can find a way to make up for it with you."

"Brother, do what you think you should do, we will protect the father's place!"

After finishing speaking, Huang Xing didn't say any more nonsense, waved his hand and hurried away with a group of guards.

Shark Xing, who was standing in place, suddenly had the urge to just follow up, but his rationality failed to make him take this step. He took a last look at the distant figure of his second brother, then turned and rushed in the opposite direction.

Casually glanced at the stalemate battle, the second child among the cloaked men urged impatiently: "Third child, the time is almost up, let's end it quickly."

"Ah la la, since this is the case, the next move is to finish you." A hoarse voice came out slowly from the cloak, and the frivolous tone was full of disdain for Jinbei, as if everything just now was just playing with him.

Faced with the enemy's ridicule, Jinping's face darkened and he opened his mouth to reply: "Hehe, who wouldn't say bragging, in the end it's just a hideaway."

It seems that he is very sensitive to the words "hidden head rats", the aura emanating from the cloaked man suddenly became sharp and full of chills, and Minister Zuo who said the same thing has not woken up until now.

"you wanna die!"

Accompanied by a roar, the man in the cloak who was stabbed in pain one after another could no longer tolerate it, and the aura he exuded skyrocketed in vain, reaching an unattainable height in an instant.

As Jinpei, who resisted the aura head-on, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley, as if he had returned to facing Admiral Akainu alone in the war on the top more than a year ago.

"Hurry up and hide!"

Jinbe, who realized that something was wrong, hurriedly reminded King Neptune behind him, because he would no longer be able to protect them.

As if to verify Jinbe's statement, the air in the entire Dragon Palace was automatic without wind, and before Jinbe could react, the cloaked man had already appeared in front of him.

"Plum Blossom Skin!" But I saw Jinbei holding his right ankle with his left hand, covered with jet-black armor.

Facing the enemy's blow, Jinbe decisively used his strongest defensive skills.


The loud sound spread quickly, which shocked Hody Jones who was coming from a distance. Even the originally clear sky of Murloc Island turned dark and gloomy in an instant.

"As expected of a person who has been the Qiwuhai, he is much better than those residues. But... that's it!"

While speaking, the cloaked man exerted his strength again, and the arm under the blessing of Jinbei's armed color directly deformed.

The next moment, the air exploded, and Jinping's figure turned into a cannonball and shot at the Dragon Palace, directly destroying half of the palace and not being able to get out for a long time.

Seeing this scene, Neptune's remaining hope was completely shattered, even if he was stronger than Jinping, he couldn't resist the opponent's punch, and Murloc Island might not be saved.

I can't help but suspect that even if the Whitebeard Pirates come, they may not be able to resolve this crisis.

You must know that there are three enemies, and Whitebeard only has one, not to mention that this one seems to be the weakest of the three.

For a moment, Neptune was confused.

"Third brother, go see how that Jinbei is doing, if he is still alive, he will be brought here as a hostage."

The second child spoke again, the difference was that he didn't continue to wait where he was after he finished speaking, but turned around and walked outside.

"It's been yelling non-stop since the beginning, but I want to see what kind of blind thing it is."

After a while, the commotion stopped, and the disappeared dick went back and forth, the difference was that each held a murloc in each hand, followed by a large group of murlocs in fancy dress, the leader was Hody Jones.

"Second, third!"

Seeing this, Neptune panicked. What the other party was holding was clearly his two sons!

"Oh, I just said that these two people look unusual. They are two princes. Not bad, and there are two more hostages." After speaking, he threw Huang Xing and Crashing Xing in Nip Stun your feet.

At the same time, the third child also appeared again, holding the unconscious Jinbei in his hand.

"This guy is really lucky. He still survived after being hit by me with all his strength."

After finishing speaking, he also left the person behind.

"If you work harder and master the power of the law as soon as possible, it is impossible for him to survive."

It was the boss among the cloaked men who spoke.

"Hey, isn't there you and the second brother here?" He flattered her secretly.

Shaking his head, he didn't dwell too much on this issue, but turned to look at his second child.

"What happened to those murlocs?"

Hody Jones, who was pointed out, couldn't help but froze and was taken aback. It's really because the experience just now was too scary.

Just now, when I was fighting the guards of the Dragon Palace, the cloaked man descended from the sky and cleaned up all the leaders including myself in twos and twos. If he hadn't surrendered, he would have already received his lunch.

"They came here for refuge. Anyway, we are going to stay here for a while, so I will keep them."

Nodding his head, he didn't say anything more.

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