One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 279 Angry Tyrone

Hearing this, the others collectively mourned for Tyrone. For a murloc, not being able to swim is undoubtedly the most uncomfortable.

It's as if you just took off your pants and broke the net. When you win a wave of super soldiers and steal your home, you just pay back your wages.

If I put myself in the same position by empathizing, I am afraid that I will have the desire to die.

However, Katie frowned and hurriedly asked the system.

"System, since I can use exchange points to eliminate the side effects of devil fruits, does that mean that I can also eliminate them for others?"

"Indeed." The short and clear answer shocked Katie, so that the double fruit ability of all staff is no longer a dream!

Of course, it is not easy to achieve this. Devil Fruits are not a commodity, and any one of them costs 100 million Baileys, and there is still a price but no market.

The fruit of superhuman surgery owned by Trafalgar Law has reached an astonishing four billion, which is comparable to the head of a Four Emperors!

Even if you buy it in the system mall, you need a lot of exchange points.

Shaking his head, he expelled this boring thought from his mind. The most important thing in front of him is to find a way to become an awakened person or to find a way to master the laws. There is no rush for all members to have double fruits.

"Don't worry, Tai Long, it's not a problem with me here!"

Katie assured Tyrone, smacking her chest.

Tai Long was stunned for a moment, completely unexpected that Katie would say such a thing.

"Ship, Captain, is what you said true?" The sudden good news made Tai Long so excited that he couldn't even speak.

If it were someone else, Tyrone would certainly not believe it, but Katie Tyrone, who possesses the double fruit ability, believes that he must have his own solution.

It's just that this method may involve secrets that he doesn't want to reveal, so Tai Long has not opened his mouth to ask.

However, now that Katie has spoken out, it means that she has the hope of returning to the sea, how can Tai Long not be excited.

Even the other people on the side couldn't help but look at this side. Although Enilo and the others, who are devil fruit capable users, are not murlocs, they don't have any special feelings for the sea.

But they are also eager to eliminate the disadvantages brought about by the devil fruit, otherwise when fighting, they must always pay attention to the sea water and sea floor stones.

Even Koshiro, who has never eaten a devil fruit, can hardly maintain a calm mood at the moment.

There is no doubt about the power of the Devil Fruit. Among the top three generals of the Navy, the Four Emperors of the New World, Shichibukai, etc., more than 80% of them are capable people.

One or two may be accidental, and the word accidental cannot be used to describe such a large base number.

Koshiro couldn't help laughing and said: "Captain, I'm so moved to hear you say that, do you want to take responsibility?"

"Yes, yes, Captain, we want it too!"

All of a sudden, Katie became the "landlord and old fortune" in the eyes of everyone, and they robbed her.

After tightening her belt and calculating the exchange points in the system, Katie just opened her mouth.

"It's all right, all the capable people on the ship now have a share, and if those who are not capable ones find a devil fruit that suits them one day, I will help him eliminate the disadvantages, so the head office will be fine."

"Long live the captain!"

Katie's promise made everyone excited, and even Koshiro couldn't help being in a good mood. If he really came across a suitable devil fruit in the future, he could eat it directly.

Just when Katie was looking for an excuse to go back to the captain's cabin, the commotion in the distance interrupted Katie's attention.

It was only when they got close that they heard what the other party was saying.

"Didn't you fucking eat, drive fast for me! If you let that mermaid escape, none of you will live!"

In an instant, the cheerful atmosphere on the Emperor Wu disappeared completely, leaving only the chilling chill and killing intent.

"Go, do whatever you want, don't hold back." A faint voice came from Katie's mouth.

Everyone knew who he was talking to, and for a moment everyone focused on Tai Long, who had an extremely gloomy complexion.

"Yes, Captain!"

However, Tai Long stepped away from Di Wuhao step by step.

The legs exploded completely, and the powerful force directly blasted the air, and the whole person rushed to the distant battlefield accompanied by the sonic boom.

"Die to me!"

Tai Long, who was above the pirate ship, didn't talk nonsense, and punched down decisively.

In the next second, the calm sea boiled instantly, and a mushroom cloud with a diameter of 100 meters rose up. Before the enemy could react, the entire pirate ship was swallowed up by the attack and huge waves.

Staring blankly at the enemy who was completely destroyed in an instant, Shark Star couldn't react for a while, and didn't realize that he was rescued until the cold sea water hit his face.

Subconsciously looking towards the sky, looking for the benefactor who saved him, but the moment he saw it, Sha Xing was stunned.

"Tai, Boss Tiger?"

With dark red skin and a strong body, Shark Star uncontrollably called out the word Tiger.

"Shark, why are you here?"

When Shark Star saw Tai Long, Tai Long also saw him. Although he hadn't seen Tai Long for more than ten years, he still recognized Sha Xing at a glance.

The unexpected meeting allowed him to temporarily suppress his hatred for the enemy and become more curious.

Although the Fishman Island is protected by Whitebeard, he has no control over the places outside the Fishman Island, so unless there are special circumstances, the Murlocs rarely leave the Fishman Island, especially the royal family members who may not go ashore once in a few years.

So Tyrone was surprised to meet Sharkstar here.

"You are the second brother?"

At this time, Shark Star finally realized that although the person in front of him was 90% like Tiger, he was still obviously different in some places. He was not the boss of Tiger who crossed the Red Earth Continent with his bare hands.

It was Tai Long who followed Qianbian Kitty and killed the Tianlongren! At the same time, it is also the goal of my trip.

As Tiger's younger brother, Tai Long often went to Dragon Palace when he was young, and because he was older than Sha Xing and the others, he naturally became their second elder brother.

The unexpected meeting made Sha Xing's eye circles instantly red.

The difficult pain of being away from home on land made the prince nearly collapse. If it wasn't for the hope of the entire ethnic group on his shoulders, Shark Star would have given up long ago.

"What's the matter? Tell me quickly!"

At this time, Tai Long also realized the seriousness of the problem, otherwise how could Shark Star run out alone.

"Murloc Island, save Murloc Island!"

A thunder blasted in Tai Long's mind. Although he didn't know what happened, it was obvious that the problem was not small.

People all over the world know that Murloc Island is protected by the Whitebeard Pirates, and if they dare to attack under such circumstances, it is obvious that the enemy is not afraid of Whitebeard's reputation.

Such an enemy is simply a disaster for Murloc Island.

"Come with me, let's go to the boat and talk."

Interrupting Shark Star's words, Tai Long took Shark Star to the Noble Emperor. At this stage, if he wanted to save Murloc Island, he had to ask the captain for help. His strength alone was not enough.

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