One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 284 Belongs to Tailong's Battle

"I uh."

For a very rare moment, Katie didn't know how to answer, and the corners of her mouth twitched non-stop.

"Pfft ha ha! I'm really laughing to death. I can't do it. I really can't do it. My stomach hurts but I just can't stop. What should I do hahaha!"

Although he lost a foolish Tai Long, Enilu, who was alone, had no intention of restraining himself at all, looking at Katie's face full of embarrassing words, he couldn't stop laughing.

Although the other people on the side didn't laugh out loud, the hands covering their mouths betrayed their true thoughts.

However, it startled the shark star on the side, and hurriedly explained.

"Kai, Lord Katie, my younger sister has been trapped in the Hard Shell Tower all these years and has never been out. It is difficult to receive news from the outside world. Please forgive me if there is any offense. As an older brother, I am willing to be punished for her! "

After speaking, he bowed deeply to Katie.

The huge change in brother's attitude frightened the timid Shirahoshi once again, but now he was frightened again before recovering from the shadow of the cloaked man's arrival.

The huge body even began to tremble.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Although he didn't feel that he had done anything wrong, Shirahoshi still habitually chose to apologize. The tears shining in the corners of his eyes made me feel pitiful, and he bowed deeply to Katie just like his brother.

Silence fell suddenly, Enilo's smile stopped abruptly, and the corners of everyone's mouths that were originally raised were smoothed away.

Because no one thought Bai Xing was at fault from the very beginning, if this kind of thing happened to a normal person, at most they would only feel embarrassing and ashamed, and it would not be like Bai Xing's tearful apology now.

No one except Katie knew what this beautiful murloc had gone through, and the eyes that looked at her softened.

As for Katie, she even teleported to Shirahoshi's side, and slowly lifted Shirahoshi who bowed.

He said in as gentle a voice as possible: "You don't need to apologize. I'm just a small person. Of course it's normal if you haven't heard of it. Your brother is teasing you."

"Isn't it, Sharkstar?"

As he spoke, he cryptically kicked Sha Xing at the side.

Shark Xing, who was reminded, hurriedly comforted him together: "That's right, it's all brother's fault and nothing to do with Bai Xing, Bai Xing doesn't need to apologize."

"Really?" He asked suspiciously over and over while touching his tears, his big eyes were full of doubts.

"It's true." Katie replied affirmatively, looking at Shirahoshi with sincere eyes.

Barely believing what Katie said, Shirahoshi continued to ask: "Then who are you?"

"I'm Katie for the first time, please give me your advice." In a flash of inspiration, Katie introduced herself as she did when she met him for the first time in the manga.

"I, I'm Shirahoshi, please give me your advice." Influenced by Katie, Shirahoshi returned the gift in the same way, but deep down in his heart he firmly remembered the word Katie.

"Puff haha!"

The tacit and funny introduction made the two of them laugh at the same time. At this moment, Bai Xing with a genuine smile on his face made everyone's heart tremble.

I just feel that the title of the world's top three beauties is well-deserved.

However, all this seemed unacceptable to Shark Star on the side.

Thousand Changes Kitty, the man who offered a bounty of 3.5 billion and successfully beheaded two Tianlongren, his name has already rivaled any of the Four Emperors.

Perhaps only my sister, who hasn't stepped out of the boudoir for more than ten years, doesn't know this man's name.

It was such a person who was willing to call himself a little person just to make Bai Xing happy.

Even the white-bearded father who has guarded the Fishman Island for more than ten years may not be able to do this. And his crew members took it for granted, as if all this was what they should do.

At this moment, Shark Star's entire heart was filled with shock, which was really incomprehensible, and this impression was deeply imprinted in the depths of Shark Star's mind.

When the chat here ended, the chat over there also stopped.

After a brief exchange, Tyrone learned that in order to pick up the real golden trident, he must pass the Karason audit.

As for the review content, it is to find a way to take the golden trident from it, of course, the premise is that it can only rely on the strength of Tai Long.

Facing this review, Tai Long showed a bit of embarrassment.

He also saw where the golden trident was, and it was thousands of meters away from his own position. In normal times, it would only take more than ten seconds to get away from him at this point.

However, the problem now is that there is a super giant Neptune with a body length of nearly 10,000 meters within the range of several kilometers.

Even though it is talking to itself now, the other end of its body is still guarding the golden trident.

Although body shape does not determine everything, it has a great advantage here, and it is definitely not easy for him to break through the past.

No matter what Tyrone said, Karason would not refuse to lower the difficulty of the assessment, and even said that it was useless even if the safety of the entire Murloc Island was at stake.

Little did he know that Kara Sen knew about the situation on Murloc Island as well, and it was the one that was "holding the ground" outside the bubble at that time.

"Okay, I promise you, it's a fight!" Tai Long said this in normal language.

Therefore, everyone on the Emperor Wu also heard it clearly, and looked at Tai Long in amazement, not knowing what happened between the two.

"Tyrone, what's going on?" Katie, the captain, was the first to ask.

"It said that if you want to take the golden trident, you must pass its test, and the test is for me to take the golden trident from it alone."


After hearing this, the others behind Katie couldn't help but exclaimed, and Katie's expression darkened.

Everyone's first impression was that it was impossible. If Kara Sen in front of him circled his body around the golden trident, it would be an island!

Who can take the golden trident from it.

It is undeniable that Tyrone has the ability to destroy an island, but the usual island is a dead thing. Karason is a living thing in front of him. Although no one knows what kind of power a living island possesses, it is definitely not weaker than any general!

"If you need anything, just say it."

Looking at Tyrone Katie with determined eyes, she knew that it was impossible to dissuade him, and she had never thought of dissuading him. Now that he has made a decision, it's good to support him behind his back.

Anyway, there are still 75 million exchange points left in his system, which is enough to push Tai Long above the general level.

"Captain, I want to fight alone this time."

After listening to Tai Long's words, Katie was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't expect to be rejected.

But looking at Tyrone's determined eyes, Katie was silent.

After a while, Katie opened her mouth to speak.

"Let go, everything is mine."

Tai Long at this moment is very similar to himself when he decided to go to the island of wind alone. If so, why should he refuse.

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