One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 287 vs Kara Sen


As soon as the eight tentacles came up, they were all dispatched. For this young man who was too arrogant and didn't know how to respect his elders, Karason decided to let him know what rules are and what pain is.

And he could see that Tai Long, who had the blood of the Sea God, was obviously dominated by Katie.

Even though he could feel the tyranny of the blood power in Katie's body, it used to gallop the world as the Seagod's mount and did not allow the Seagod's heir to be inferior to others.

Let's see what this human named Katie is capable of.

"Oh, it's really scary." A contemptuous smile appeared on his face.

With a fierce step in the sea, his feet turned into a golden lightning and rushed towards Kara Sen.

From a distance, Katie is so small compared to the kilometer-long tentacles, but everyone on the Emperor Wu believes that the captain of her own ship will definitely be able to create miracles!


Under everyone's gaze, Katie and Karason, who were countless times different in size, finally collided together.

The aftermath of the attack shook the area of ​​10,000 meters, and the dull loud noise hit the soul directly, leaving everyone on board dumbfounded. Because the result of this blow is evenly divided, evenly divided.

Although I believe that Katie has the ability to face Karason directly, the unprecedented shock when things really happen in front of my eyes still makes people feel that they are in a dream.

Especially Tyrone, he knows how powerful Kara Sen is, and he is not at the same level as it.

The only counterattack that can be considered effective is because the target of the attack is the weak joint of the enemy, otherwise the effect cannot be so good.


It seemed that he was very dissatisfied with his failure to deal with Katie with one blow, and Karason's second wave of attacks followed.

The huge three tentacles attacked from three directions together, leaving only one place behind it safe.

But, can Katie retreat at this time? The answer is - no! How can a real man retreat!

However, what everyone didn't expect was that Katie not only didn't dodge but even forgot to attack and defend, she just stood there stupidly.

"court death!"

Although it is not clear why Katie did this, Karason decisively regarded it as a provocation to him, and the intensity of the attack increased immediately, vowing to make this kid popular.

The three tentacles struck out quickly, and completed the joint attack in the next second.

The powerful force even shook the Diwu ship, which was 10,000 meters away, but there was no worry in the eyes of everyone.

Because they clearly master Katie, a god-level teleportation, if they want to run the whole world, few people can catch up with him.

"Where is the captain!"

With an exclamation, they saw Katie again following the direction of Linna's finger.

At this moment, he has already come to Kara Sen's head.

"I'll let you punch me too!"

The golden giant fist is covered with something similar to a gas mask, which is the shaking fruit ability.

The burning fruit is naturally unusable here, and it is obviously more suitable to deal with this kind of rough-skinned and thick-skinned enemy, which has the terrifying explosive power of an earthquake.


Without giving Karason any chance at all, he punched it directly on the head.

Powerful power and terrifying vibration erupted at the same time, even if the enemy was Karason, he was far from being unscathed by this blow, and his body slowly fell backwards.

"Is this guy really human?" Tsunade, who is also good at strength, couldn't help but open his mouth to question.

Because if she were herself, she wasn't sure if she could do this, and how could human beings move so freely in the sea.

There was no answer to that question, not even Estes, who was always frank.

Because every time we 'exercised' together, he was always exhausted, but he was still so energetic that he couldn't hold back.

"He's just a monster in human skin."

Kuina on the side muttered and told the truth in everyone's mind.

As an old crew member, she has witnessed many of Katie's legendary experiences. At the beginning, she was still in the mood to complain about this person who was similar to herself.

However, until now, she didn't even bother to say a word, and she was already used to all this.

Some people shook their heads helplessly after hearing Kuina's words, others nodded in agreement, only Magellan showed a gratified smile on his face.

When I first chose Katie to leave the world government and follow Katie, I didn't know whether this choice was right or wrong.

However, the two months of getting along and what he saw and heard made Magellan realize that his original decision was right or not, at least it would not be wrong.

After all, what I have seen and heard these days is even more than the sum of the previous decades.

In the eyes of the world, clowns are actually hidden powerhouses, sea kings can grow to a level of 10,000 meters, and there are hidden caves under the fishman island.

The mermaid princess turned out to be the king of the sea, one of the three ancient weapons in the legend, and of course everything related to the sea god.

Only now did Magellan know that the sea not only means pirates and navy, but also tolerance and acceptance.

Tolerate differences and accept differences.

Magellan's contemplation was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a bottle of wine.

"How is it? Is the scenery here different from that of Jinjin City?" It was Koshiro who came up.

"It's too bad. Before I came out, I thought I knew enough about this world, but now it seems that I was ignorant enough at that time."

Can't help shaking his head and lamenting life.

"Who said it wasn't?"

Koshiro naturally has the same idea. Compared with Katie, he, a character more than 20 years ago, has no advantages at all. He doesn't know anything, and he doesn't know any secrets. He even wondered for a while that he might have lived on a pig for the past twenty years.

"Do you think the captain can win this battle?" The curious Magellan couldn't help asking.

However, Koshiro gave him a blank look.

"Don't ask the question of who can win. You should say how long it will take for the captain to solve the battle."

"Ah, I'm speechless."

Unlike the relaxation on the Emperor Wu, the atmosphere on the battlefield is still tense.

Karason didn't really fall down, and used his two forelimbs to support the leaning body at the critical moment.

Feeling the pain coming from his forehead, Karason no longer dared to underestimate Katie and regard him as a real enemy. The eight tentacles danced again, but only two were left for defense and the remaining six were for attack.

The bloody lesson made Karason no longer dare to only attack but not defend. Who knows when this slippery loach will appear in front of him, and he has to guard against it.

Seeing Kara Sen's vigilant look, Katie smiled, it seems that this big guy also knows what pain is.

Taking a deep breath, Katie also rushed towards Karason.

For me, this battle is not only for Tai Long to vent his anger, but also to prepare for the following battle.

I have a hunch that in the near future, I will definitely meet the guy with the strongest creatures in the sea, land and air.

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