One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 289 The Perception of the Cloaked Man

Before it was too late to feel it, Katie quickly attached the ability of the shaking fruit to the dragon claw.

The distance of a thousand meters passed in a flash, and the whirlpool could no longer stop his footsteps. Seeing that the attack was about to land on Kara Sen, a voice suddenly came from his ears.

"Stop fighting, I surrender!"

Even though he was surprised, he recognized Karason's voice for the first time.

He didn't have time to think about the reason, so he quickly adjusted the direction of the forward charge. At the last moment, he almost brushed Kara Sen's body all the way down, but the arrow was already on the string and had to be fired.

Looking at the empty coast, the dragon's claws slammed down.

There was a loud bang, and the huge movement spread far away.

It was as if a nuclear bomb had been dropped on the entire secret land, and the sea water spread wildly around Katie, and the violent current even overturned Kara Sen's body, and even the Emperor Wu, which was tens of thousands of meters away, was also affected.

If it wasn't for Linna's ability to weaken the incoming current, I don't know what the result would be.

Unlike the Emperor Wu, the seabed hit head-on by Katie was not immune.

After experiencing the battle between Karason and Tyrone first, and then the battle between Karason and Katie, the seabed has already become torn apart.

Katie's blow became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

The cracked seabed completely collapsed, and countless cracks burst out all over the entire seabed, densely packed like a spider web.

And this is not the scariest thing, the red hidden in the depth of the crack is the scariest and most frightening thing.

Katie, who has fought Akainu many times, knows what it is too well.

There is no doubt that it is the submarine magma that is about to erupt!


At the same time that Katie realized, Kara Sen also discovered the seriousness of the problem.

Maybe Katie couldn't see the coverage of the magma, but she could. The crimson lava has already wrapped the entire secret land!

With a roar, he signaled all creatures to retreat. You must know that even you can't ignore a natural disaster of this level, let alone other creatures that might disappear in smoke if they encounter it.

However, what made Karason dumbfounded was that no one listened to his order at all, and the creatures who roared throughout the secret land did not move at all.

Before it could understand the truth, a majestic voice suddenly sounded in its ears.

hold head high!

The dragon chant swayed and quickly spread throughout the secret realm.

The next moment, the countless creatures who had gathered evacuated one after another.

The scene in front of him made Karason look back at Katie, with shock and doubt in his complicated eyes.

It has to admit that this human bloodline is indeed stronger than Seagod's here, and it's more than a little bit stronger.

In fact, it had already discovered it when Katie first transformed into a dragon, but the pride in her heart made her unwilling to admit it.

But now, he couldn't help denying either the facts before him or the palpitating aura in Katie's body.

"Hurry up and evacuate, it's very dangerous here."

After reminding Katie, Karason stretched out his tentacles towards the golden trident, ready to leave with the artifact.

However, the golden figure that suddenly appeared beside the trident caused its pupils to dilate, and its aura instantly became dangerous.

On the other side, the Fishman Island Dragon Palace.


Sitting high on the throne, the boss of the cloak man suddenly gasped in surprise. The brows under the cloak were slightly frowned, and then he closed his eyes to perceive silently.

Seeing this, the second and third children on the side hurriedly stopped what they were doing to avoid disturbing them.

After a while, the boss' perception just ended.

"What's the matter, brother? Is Katie here?"

Before the boss could open his mouth, the impatient third child had already asked.

"Go, bring me Neptune."

Instead of answering the third child's question, he asked someone to bring the king of Fishman Island.

"Yes, boss!"

There was no need for the three of them to do anything, and Hody Jones, who was waiting by the side, hurriedly sent someone to go.

After a while, Neptune, who was covered in bandages, was brought over.

Seeing the three of them majestically staying in the Dragon Palace, Neptune's eyes flashed with anger, but he was not impulsive. He knew very well that he had no strength to resist.

As if he didn't see the fleeting anger, the boss asked calmly, "Nepton, I want to know what's 10,000 meters below Murloc Island?"

After speaking, the eyes under the cloak fixed on Neptune's eyes.

Seemingly not expecting the other party to ask this question, Neptune suddenly shook his body, and then answered calmly.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about."

It would be difficult for others to find anything, but the cloaked man is not an ordinary person.

"Why don't you cooperate obediently? You can also suffer less flesh and blood."

The boss's indifferent tone made Neptune's body tremble, and the previous scene couldn't help but appear in his mind.

"I really don't know what's there."

Although afraid, Neptune still chose to keep silent.


There was a muffled sound, and Jones, who was standing beside Neptune, made a sudden move and kicked Neptune's right leg joint from behind.

His right leg gave way, and Neptune, who lost his balance, fell to his knees directly in front of the cloaked man.

"Don't you understand? It's your honor to explain to adults. Hurry up and tell me everything you know!"

After finishing speaking, he punched and kicked Neptune again, making it even more difficult for Neptune, who was already in a bad situation.

It has to be said that Jones does have the potential to be a dog, and it is an absolute talent to be able to do this without guidance.


Seeing that Neptune was about to be beaten to death, the boss slowly stopped Jones' behavior, and then asked, "How is it? Do you remember now?"

"I, I really don't know anything." It took a long time to finish the sentence.

The cloak man was quite dissatisfied with this answer.

However, they are not good at letting Jones do anything again, the reason is very simple, they are afraid that he will be killed.

Just when the cloaked man didn't know what to do, a voice suddenly came.

"My lord, maybe I know what's there." It was none other than Vanderdeken IX, the captain of the Flying Pirates.

He's here for Hoddy Jones too.

In order to express his sincerity and to give a back, and in line with the principle that dead fellows never die poor ones, Jones, who had just joined, confessed VanderDayken IX.

When he heard that the big ax was thrown by this person using his fruit ability, the cloaked man followed him, and after a repair, he naturally regained the opponent.

"Oh, then tell me and listen."

The boss also didn't expect that Van der Daken IX would know that he decided to accept him in the first place just to make it easier to hunt down Bai Xing after finishing Katie.


Neptune, who was lying down, suddenly jumped up, raised his fist and attacked Vander Daken IX brazenly.

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