One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 295 Respective Calculations

"Hey, thank you for the compliment. After all, there are too many people who want to kill me. If I don't want to do something, I'm afraid my head will be gone long ago."

With a faint smile, Katie was naturally happy that the plan was successful.

However, the cloaked man's reaction to Katie's ridicule was surprisingly flat, he didn't care at all, and even had the mood to reply: "Hehe, this competition has just begun, and it's not yet known who will have the last laugh!"

As soon as the voice fell, the sudden change occurred again.

Just when Tai Long was about to return to Noah, a ghost-like figure suddenly appeared behind him, it was the third cloaked man!

"Second brother, be careful!"

Huang Xing, who had been following Tai Long from the beginning, gave a reminder at the first time, and his originally relieved heart was suspended again.

He had personally experienced the horror of the cloaked man, and he couldn't muster the courage to resist in front of him. Even the strongest Jinping boss was severely injured by the enemy's punch and immediately lost his combat effectiveness.

Although he had noticed that one of the cloaked men had disappeared, he never expected that this guy could survive in the deep sea at 20,000 meters without any protection and could move freely.

Almost at the moment before Huangxing's reminder, Tai Long had a premonition that it would be difficult to ignore the killing intent that was about to materialize.

The first time he sensed the danger, Tai Long resolutely activated the Sea God's blood, and activated his armed domineering energy to defend his whole body.

Just after doing all this, the enemy's attack has also arrived.

The domineering triangular army thorns that are also blessed with armed colors reach Tailong's temples.

Even Tai Long himself was flustered for a while, and that thing even gave him a feeling of invincibility.

The successive changes even attracted everyone in the battle, and they couldn't help but stop to witness the final result, whether it was the armed head hard or the armed triangular army thorn hard.

In the next second, the answer was revealed, and the answer was—unknown.

Because at the last moment, a space gate suddenly appeared above the cloaked man's head. Not only that, but a slightly pink fist protruded from it.

With a loud bang, the calm seabed exploded directly, and the tip of the triangular army thorn scratched Tai Long's skin all the way down and flew into the distance with a 'swish'.

It wasn't until this moment that everyone could clearly see the appearance of the person coming.

Long blond hair, a green kimono, a face in his twenties, and a milk volume far above the average level make people daydream again and again, but when he saw the fist, he shuddered and subconsciously shook his head , because if the chili is too hot, it will kill people.

It was no accident that Tsunade appeared here, but it was planned by Katie in advance.

Karason had already reminded himself in the second roar. When he was summoned by Shirahoshi before, he clearly saw the number of enemies. When he found that there were only two people on Noah, he realized something was wrong.

So hurry up and remind Katie.

Just in case, Katie specially arranged for Tsunade to enter a different space, and with the cooperation of Teiwu, he became a surprise soldier.

"Thank you."

Feeling the faint pain coming from his side, Tai Long's forehead broke out in cold sweat.

Obviously, his own armed color cannot completely defend against the enemy's attack. If there is no Tsunade to rescue him, the result may not be very good.

He waved his hand to indicate that you are welcome, and stepped out into the air film in one step.

On the other side, the cloaked man who was blown away by Tsunade's punch also returned to Noah.

Looking at Tsunade's completely unfamiliar face, the boss of the cloaked man fell silent.

At this moment, he had to re-examine this kid named Katie, bringing 'surprises' to himself again and again.

He clearly remembered that when he was in Rogge Town, there was no such person beside Katie. Obviously, this woman who was comparable to a general was summoned by him recently.

His eyes swept over Katie and his group one after another, even though he had mastered the power of the law, he still felt a lot of pressure.

Six or seven powerhouses at least at the emperor's deputy level, such a force has even surpassed the four emperors in other aspects except for the leader, Katie, who failed to touch the law.

More importantly, these people all have good potential. If they are given another two years, maybe even I am not their opponent.

"It seems that it has reached the point where you cannot be kept."

After recognizing Katie's threat, the boss finally became serious, looking at Katie with naked killing intent.

"You hold the others, I'll get rid of Katie as soon as possible."

Let me tell you that the boss of the cloak man rushed to Katie decisively, he wanted to catch the thief first and the king first!

The second child didn't say anything about this decision, he didn't feel that he was in any danger who also had the power of law, but the third child on the other side was dumbfounded.

I don't have the power of the law, and my physical fitness is not particularly strong, so my strength is equivalent to that of an admiral in the navy.

This strength is a proper main force in any other place, but it is inconspicuous here.

Until now, the place where it was hit is still aching. The woman who was out of the plan is definitely comparable to a general, not to mention the sword demon Koshiro and the poisonous Magellan.

"May you be blessed, third child."

Without waiting for the other party to say anything, the second brother also left in a hurry, leaving the third child in a mess in the wind.

Although he knew early on that there was no bond between the three of them, he never expected to be sold out like this.

"Damn it, if I can go back alive this time, I will ask Wulaoxing and the others to help me take that step! Then you will look good!"

However, he could only say these words in his heart.

"Talon, take them away first!"

"Magellan, Koshiro, and Enel, you three deal with the one who attacked Tailong just now. If I guess right, that person should be the weakest. You should deal with him as soon as possible."

"I'll leave the last one to you, just hold on." After speaking, he glanced at Esdes Tsunade and Lina.


"Don't worry, captain!"

According to the order, a group of people dispersed, and Tai Long decisively escorted Neptune and others away.

In the next second, the roar spread quickly, and the huge ark Noah became a mixed battlefield of ten people from both sides.

"Thousand-change Katie, die!"

Katie disdained to answer the enemy's provocation, and defeating him with strength was the best rebuttal.

The figure unfolded, and a distance of several hundred meters was crossed in an instant. Just when the fists were about to smash together, a golden light suddenly flashed.

Katie's figure disappeared instantly, replaced by a golden dragon.


A dragon swung its tail and lashed at the enemy who hadn't reacted yet.

The powerful force directly pulled him out of the enveloping range of the air film, and at the same time, the golden dragon jumped up and followed closely behind.

For the two people who left, the few people on the boat didn't care, he believed that his boss would definitely win!

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