One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 299 Jones' Plan

Crackling, crackling;

Lightning flashed, and when everyone barely lifted their feet, Anilu had already come behind Weipa, leading him to roll over to avoid the enemy's sneak attack.

The others who reacted hurriedly stood in front of Wei Pa and stopped the enemy.

Looking at Enilu behind his body, Weipa also looked embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

To be honest, when he realized that Anilu was in danger, it was not the brain but the body that reacted immediately.

The body rushed down uncontrollably to stop the enemy until his fist hit the enemy, and when his head reacted, he had already saved Enilu.

"Thank you~"

"Thank you~"

The two tacitly opened their mouths to say the same word at the same time, and the already awkward atmosphere became even more awkward, and the expressions of the two even froze at this moment.

"Asshole, is it interesting to learn how to speak from me?" Enel, who reacted, reprimanded Weipa with "the villain first sues."

When Anilu said that, Wei Pa immediately became furious, pointed at his nose and said, "Huh? Obviously you learned how to speak from me, okay! And I saved your life. Is this how you treat your benefactor?"

"Hey, hey, didn't I save you just now, we've already evened it out, don't pretend to be garlic for me!"

The friendly and harmonious scene just now disappeared in an instant, and the relationship returned overnight to before liberation, and no one knew what was going on in their hearts.

Seeing that the two of them didn't intend to stop, Linna couldn't help but open her mouth to complain: "Stop, stop, if you really want to quarrel so much, can you change the place, this is a battlefield! Even if you don't respect us, respect the enemy on the opposite side, okay? "

Facing Linna's complaints, Enilo and Weipa couldn't say anything and gave up their plan to continue the debate.

As for the second child on the other side, he has a black thread, and he doesn't understand why he has to bring himself.

But this thought only existed in my mind for a moment.

"I'll give you a piece of advice, if you don't want to die, hand over the body obediently."

There was no emotion in the cold voice, as if the person who was killed had nothing to do with him.

"Who are you, why should we listen to you!" In order to ease the embarrassment, Enilu decisively turned the gunfire and sprayed the cloaked man.

"Hehe, I'm just giving you a piece of advice, whether you listen or not has nothing to do with me."

The second child knew very well that the moment just now was his best chance to get back the corpse, and if he missed it, he really missed it.

Although I am strong, I am far from being invincible, and I can't grab things from them.

He subconsciously looked at the sword demon Koshiro. Although he had never fought, he could feel the horror of the blow just now, which was even enough to threaten him.

The others are not easy to deal with, especially the big girl, who has hurt her countless times, but until now she has not been able to leave the slightest scar on her body.

This feeling is even more uncomfortable than being punched in the air. At least you can be sure that the result will not be effective, so you won't have expectations.

Thinking of this, the second child can't help but look up at the battlefield between the boss and Katie, but finds that the battle is still stalemate, and the boss who has a stronger power of law does not take down Katie as quickly as he imagined.

He couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "One and two are trash!"

On the other side, Tsunade frowned tightly as he glanced at Weipa's body in both hands.

Although it was the first time I saw this kind of thing, years of experience in medicine told me that there were many secrets hidden in this guy.

After realizing this, he immediately said, "Weipa, go back first and protect the corpse."

"Don't worry!" Wei Pa resolutely turned and left.

Even if Tsunade didn't say that, he would take it away with him. Anyone can see how strange and important this guy is.

Otherwise, the enemy will not take the risk of snatching.

"What? Did you surrender voluntarily or did we beat you to surrender?" Enilu said with a sullen expression.

The experience of being almost sneak attacked just now made him engraved in his heart. He couldn't take revenge on the Lord, but he could spread all his grievances on the enemy in front of him. Who told them to be a gang.

"Heh, self-righteous brat, if it weren't for these companions around you, ten of you wouldn't be enough for me to kill!"

Facing the threat of the enemy, Enilu was not at all annoyed, but instead had a knowing smile on his face.

"I just have more partners than you, so someone will come to rescue me when I'm in danger, and if you don't accept me, come and beat me!" Suddenly Ainil fell in love with this feeling of being so angry that people don't pay for their lives, it's so cool!

Perhaps it was Enilu's words that touched the depths of the second child's heart, or maybe it brought back his memories, which made him suddenly silent.

"Partner? Where can a person who shouldn't be alive find a partner!"


Linna, who is most familiar with fluctuations, hurriedly reminded everyone when the enemy finished speaking the last word, she could feel the emotional excitement of the other party.

The next moment, the battle that had been suspended for a moment broke out again.

The second child among the cloaked men singled out the six official members of Katie's group. The fierce battle made the surviving murlocs tremble with fear.

"Hoddy Jones! I'll kill you!"

The angry Van der Daken IX waved a big knife and looked at Jones, the hatred in his heart.

Not long ago, I was living a happy life freely, and when I was lonely, I could throw a big ax or two to express my love to Princess Baixing.

Compared with now, Noah, his base camp, was forcibly demolished, and his life was even more threatened.

At this moment, he didn't think that the cloaked man would win at all. He didn't forget the way Tai Long looked at him just now. If he fell into Katie's hands, he would definitely not end well.

And the culprit of all this is Hody Jones.

However, the waving knife failed to land at all, and was stopped in mid-air.

Not only that, but a knife was placed on the neck, and the sharp feeling struck Vander Daken IX in an instant, and his whole body was not well.

"Do you want to live?"

Looking at the trembling Vander Daken IX, a look of disdain flashed in Jones' eyes. If he didn't need his strength, he would have killed him by himself.

"I want to, of course I want to, and I have something to say."

Under the threat of his life, VanderDayken IX resolutely persuaded him. He didn't have the courage to swear to kill the other party just now. Instead, he begged the other party in front of Jones like a pug.

"Since you want to survive, you must listen to me. Gather your men and let's attack Emperor Wuhao."

Jones boldly said his own thoughts, but he didn't know that this idea almost didn't scare Vander Dyken IX to death.

"Isn't it good for us to escape? Why do we have to provoke them! You must know that Tai Long is a big pirate with a bounty of 1.5 billion!"

Now Van der Daken IX is eager to stay away from that guy Tyrone, how could he be willing to take the initiative to find him.

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