One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 408: Katie Appears

The line of sight is far away, and the figure of Sea Kings such as Kara Sen can be vaguely seen outside the passage thousands of meters away.

It's just that their behavior made Katie very puzzled. They stretched their heads and glanced at her side vigorously, but the horror and awe in their eyes couldn't be more obvious.

This kind of look of wanting to read but not daring to read is very much like the deskmate who hid under the covers and read comic books back then, not me!

Katie nodded subconsciously, she firmly believed that she would never do such a thing with her pure self!

Shaking his head, he hurriedly threw this boring thought out of his mind before his belief collapsed.

The body sank, and the vigorous dragon claws exerted a little force

The next moment, Katie, transformed into a golden dragon, ejected and set off, shooting into the sky like a golden lightning!

The seabed behind him burst into countless cracks, and even the deeper seabed magma could be vaguely seen.

Katie was taken aback as she felt the sea water rushing past her sides.

Just like before, I only used 10% of my strength, but the speed I displayed was quite different!

Katie estimated that the current speed is at least three times faster than before!

And this is just pure physical strength. In the inheritance space, I got two super powerful innate supernatural powers from Zulong, one of which can indirectly increase my speed.

In the case of a full burst, even if he can't catch up with Huang Yuan, it may not be much worse.

At the beginning of the battle against the capital of seven waters, he seemed to win easily, but in fact it was because Huang Yuan didn't understand himself.

After all, in the face of the magical skill of space confinement, don't say that Huang Yuan's speed has not reached the speed of light, even if it does reach him, he can stop or suspend him.

It is precisely because of the lessons learned that the follow-up of the yellow ape will always maintain a warning distance of more than 1,500 meters. In that case, I really have nothing to do with him.

Recalling this, Katie showed a faint smile on her face, which was the expectation for the next duel.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came.

"My lord, please accept your supernatural powers."

After hearing the reputation, Katie was surprised to find that Karason was speaking.

"Where did you start? I obviously didn't do anything?" Katie was at a loss as to why the other party said that.

"My, my lord, we really can't bear the breath on your body."

Karason said slightly sadly.

Obviously, not long ago, he was able to fight the other party a few tricks, but now he can't bear the breath that Katie inadvertently exudes, and the huge gap makes Karason feel ashamed.

His eyes scanned back and forth on the seabed trying to find a suitable trench to drill into, his meowing was too embarrassing.

Hearing this, Katie was taken aback for a moment, never expecting that her influence on it would become so great.

You must know that Karason has seen himself in the golden dragon form more than once, but he has never been so miserable.

It seems that the improvement this time is really not small, and Katie can't help sighing secretly.

The change in body shape is secondary, and the improvement of strength, speed, blood, etc. is the key point.

The level of my physical fitness in the system has been raised to god level lv1!

And not only the golden dragon form, but also the human body and half-dragon body have been simultaneously upgraded to god level lv1.

At this time, Katie really understood Zulong's words.

In the current self, the blood of the human race and the blood of the dragon race flowing in the blood vessels are completely fused together.

Although I don't know what level I have reached when I burst out with all my strength, Katie believes that even Kaido, the Four Emperors, can be tough now!

With a thought, the 500-meter golden dragon disappeared instantly.

Seeing that Kara Sen recovered, Katie subconsciously asked, "How long have I been here?"

"Less than five hours." Karason estimated.

"It's been so long!" Katie exclaimed and turned away instantly.

The time left for me before I came was only four and a half hours. Now it seems that I am obviously late, and I don’t know if Estes and the others have set off.

Seeing Katie's hurried appearance, Karason muttered doubtfully behind his back: "Is it really long? Isn't it just time for a daze?"

"Did you find it?"

Looking at Enilu who appeared, Long hurriedly asked.

"The entire Fishman Island has been searched, but there is no trace of the captain." Enilo said in a deep voice.

At this point, almost half an hour has passed since the time Katie set before, and everyone else has arrived, but Katie herself has been slow to come.

"Shall we go first?"

The slightly anxious Long suggested.

The situation in Dressrosa is like a pot of porridge, involving the three major forces under the World Government. The general-level powerhouses on the surface include Admiral Fujitora and Golden Emperor Tezoro.

There are countless strong candidates at the general level, and no one knows if there are more strong people hidden behind the scenes.

Once the melee broke out completely, the two boys Sabo and Luffy were still a little bit worse, and there were not many people who bought themselves and the old man's face like the Navy Headquarters!

Hearing that Esdes frowned slightly, Katie had occasionally talked about Dressrosa's situation with herself, and he could hear the importance he attached to this matter in his words.

Logically speaking, it is impossible to be absent intentionally and not to show up, not to mention that he personally ordered and notified this action.

But Esdeath wasn't worried about Katie's safety, because no one in this world could take away or kill Katie so quietly.

Being late for so long, it was obvious that there were very important matters that needed to be dealt with urgently, but I couldn't think of anything that had to be resolved now.

Just when Estes was hesitating, Katie's familiar breath suddenly appeared.

However, the strength of the breath made everyone stunned.


A wave broke out on the calm sea, and Katie's figure finally appeared in front of everyone.

"Sorry, I'm late."

The familiar voice did not wake up the silent crowd.

Her strength increased too quickly in an instant. Although Katie restrained herself as much as possible, she still couldn't achieve 100% perfect control, resulting in the exposure of Qi and blood and affecting others.

At this moment, in the perception space of everyone, Katie's energy and blood fluctuate just like the vast sea in front of her, surging and majestic!

"The captain is not a human being again." Enilu on the side subconsciously complained.

Hearing the words, Tai Long nodded approvingly, the power awakening and the acquisition of the trident made Tai Long feel that he was getting closer to Katie.

But now it seems that instead of getting closer, the distance has been opened up even more!

Compared with the former naval marshal Buddha's Warring States, the captain's energy and blood fluctuations are undoubtedly stronger!

Maybe it's only slightly worse in terms of rules.

Thinking of this, Tai Long felt a dull pain in his chest, because not long ago, he was punched by the strong punch of the Warring States Period there.

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