One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 424: Kaido Shot

Just at this moment, when everyone thought the matter was over, an unexpected voice suddenly came.


It was these two short words that made Blackbeard and the others put back the feet they had barely lifted.

Just because the speaker's name is Kaido!

For a moment, everyone in the sky and on the ground looked at Kaido, the man known as the strongest creature in the sea, land and air!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Kaido resisted the provocation with his mace on his shoulder.

"How dare you leave without asking me?"

The second sentence that followed brought the already dignified air to a higher level and almost solidified it.

Ordinary people under the sky hid in the corner and shivered.

Just because the Four Emperors have spoken

Compared with the fast-rising Katie, the long-established Four Emperors are undoubtedly more frightening. It is even said that many people grew up listening to their legends.

The fear of them has already penetrated into the bone marrow and even the soul.

Kaido, who had been silent all the time, spoke at this moment, and the meaning in his words was to intervene in the negotiation between Katie and Blackbeard.

This signal really made the residents of Dressrosa nervous.

Although they were not able to attend the scene of the top war, the subsequent battle damage report and video broadcast made the world aware of the terrifying fighting power of the Four Emperors.

Once you make a move, the sky will collapse!

At that time, the entire Dressrosa will become a life-swallowing abyss hell.

What's more important is that there are as many as two of the Four Emperors here, if the battle really breaks out, how long can I survive by luck?

One second or two seconds?

On the other hand, Doflamingo was trembling with excitement.

Finally, the four emperors who were on the sidelines finally made their move. Although less than ten minutes have passed since the four emperors appeared, Dover feels like his days are like years.

If he wasn't afraid of the opponent's strength, he would have stepped forward to urge him.

At this moment, the phone bug in Dover's pocket rang unexpectedly.

blue blue, blue blue;

When he found out that the caller was Tezolo, Dover frowned slightly and suddenly felt a bad omen in his heart.

"I'm Dover, what happened?"

"Straw Hat Luffy and Trafalgar Law have discovered the location of the factory, and now they have broken through the first layer of defense. I can't stop it alone."

Hearing this, Dover's heart tightened, and he replied, "Hold on, I'll rush over right away!"

Glancing at Katie not far away, after realizing that the other party's attention was completely attracted by Kaido, he hurriedly used his ability to fly in a certain direction.

Glancing at Dover who was leaving, he looked back, thinking in his heart that he should be jumping around for the last time, and it was not his problem that needed to be dealt with the most right now.

When looking at Kaido again, Katie said seriously: "Kaido, what do you mean?"

Hearing this, Kaido gave a very educated answer, "Take people's money and help them eliminate disasters; BIGMOM and I's goal is Blackbeard, and people who have nothing to do with it will leave on their own. I am not responsible for being accidentally injured."

Hearing such an answer, even though they were enemies, Katie and Blackbeard felt about the same.

Speechless and helpless.

If he had known that Dover would find two Four Emperors to deal with Blackbeard, he would not have come, what a fucking steal!

As for Blackbeard finally reached an agreement with Katie and was able to leave here, but unexpectedly Cheng Yaojin came out halfway, making the situation more dangerous and complicated, and he had already greeted the eighteen generations of Kaido's ancestors in his heart.

After thinking for a moment, Katie looked at Blackbeard and said, "Blackbeard, let me let Enel go! I promise you not to make a move, and you can handle the rest yourself!"

At this moment, everyone's eyes gathered on Blackbeard, wanting to know how he would choose in such a situation.

After ten seconds of silence, Blackbeard grinned and said, "Katie, this is different from your promise just now. You said you would let me go."

While talking, he even took out a dagger and put it on Enilo's neck, even piercing the surface skin and slipping a drop of blood.

However, the look at Katie was so nervous, it was a bit too exciting to entrust her life in the hands of the enemy!

Clenching her fists tightly, Katie wished she could kill Blackbeard immediately!

However, he couldn't abandon Enilo himself.

After two years of standing together through thick and thin, everyone in the shadow studio is no different from family members in my heart.

If she chooses to give up now, Katie knows that she will regret it for the rest of her life

"Kaido, if you let go today, I, Katie, owe you a favor; if you don't let go, I, Katie, will be your opponent!"

Katie's decisive voice spread into every corner under the fire curtain extremely clearly.

This answer left countless people stunned.

It turns out that someone really went to war with the Four Emperors for the sake of their partners. This bond is shocking.

"The boy is so brave, how dare you talk to me like that! Your kindness is not rare!" Said Kaido slammed his footsteps, rushing towards Katie at a speed beyond the sound.

"Dragon, I'll leave Blackbeard to you. Magellan, Tailone, Koshiro, you three follow the dragon! The others keep an eye on BIGMOM!"

Taking advantage of the gap between the attack burst, Katie gave the order and then jumped towards Kaido who was attacking rapidly.

"Thunder gossip!"

With a roar, the ten-meter-long mace was swung violently by Kaido, and charged at Katie with endless power.

Faced with Kaido's famous skill of blasting the Five Emperors, Katie raised her right arm violently, and secretly gathered all her strength, choosing to use the giant's super skills.

"Hero Gun!"


Seeing this situation, Blackbeard decisively turned around and retreated, holding Enilo tightly with his right hand.

He will not let go no matter what until he is sure that his situation is safe.


Long, Koshiro and others followed closely behind.


Estes ordered the others to stay away from the center of the battle with a low shout, but his eyes were fixed on BIGMOM, and his right hand was holding the saber sleeve Shirayuki tightly!

As long as the opponent makes a slight change, she will definitely intercept it immediately.

Seeing the two figures rapidly approaching in the sky, countless people felt nervous.

Known as the first person under the Four Emperors, Katie is finally going to war with the Four Emperors!

Although the battle between the two will threaten their own lives, they can't help but look up at this battle that is destined to affect the whole world.

boom! ! !

An unprecedented loud noise came in the next second.

Katie, who seemed weak in stature, was neither blown away nor pushed back.

Without waiting for people to look any further, an invisible burst of air took shape instantly, centering on the two of them and rapidly spreading around.

The curtain of fire all over the sky was broken at the touch of a touch, and disappeared completely in an instant.

However, the exposed sky was not clear but pitch black, and heavy clouds replaced the curtain of fire covering the entire Dressrosa!

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