One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 429: Anil Road Rescued

Looking at the golden dragon that had successfully suppressed Kaido in the distant sky, Blackbeard and the others, who had escaped dozens of nautical miles, felt terrified.

Because from this moment on, their enemy is no longer the first person under the Four Emperors, but the real Four Emperors!

Even though there is an infinite distance, I can still feel the pressure from the golden dragon, and I just feel that a huge rock is extremely uncomfortable in my heart.

At this moment, a voice came suddenly.

"It's time to let people go."

It was the masked dragon who spoke.

In a word, the atmosphere dropped to freezing point, and the sea far away from Dressrosa also became dignified and chilling.

Seeing the four people chasing after him, Blackbeard's mind became active again.

This is undoubtedly a good opportunity. If you can arrest all these people in front of you, even if Katie comes to your door one day, you won't be afraid!

Thinking of this, Blackbeard subconsciously looked at the cloaked man beside him. After all, they were the main force to resolve the battle quickly.

The man in the cloak was stunned for a moment at the look that Blackbeard looked at, and then he reacted in the next second.

After a moment of hesitation, the boss of the cloaked man nodded.

However, halfway through the nodding, the masked man's voice came again.

"What a disgrace to be with you, Marshall D. Teach!"

A sentence with no deep meaning made Blackbeard stupefied for an instant.

The cloaked man at the side took a step back subconsciously, with a little vigilance on his face.

The two wanted to know why the masked man in front of them said that, and what kind of relationship did he have with Blackbeard?

Could it be that the helper I finally found was actually with Katie?

"Who are you?!"

At this moment, Blackbeard was a little flustered. If the person in front of him was really of the same race as him, things would become complicated.

Was what Katie did personally, or was it instructed by others, and what role did those so-called fellow-clan members play in it?

Just when Blackbeard was confused and puzzled, the masked man took off the mask he was wearing, revealing a face that everyone knew but could not guess in advance.

"It turned out to be you!"

Looking at the face of the dragon, the black beard and the man in the cloak spoke at the same time.

The three of them never thought that Long, the leader of the revolutionary army, would be personally dispatched in this incident, let alone that his relationship with Katie had reached this level.

Katie and Long, these two people stand together, just thinking about it feels a lot of pressure.

Blackbeard may not know how strong the dragon is, but the cloaked man knows it all.

Because they had carried out the killing order of Wulaoxing ten years ago, and the target of killing was the dragon.

At that time, the third child was still alive, but the result was undoubtedly a failure, otherwise the other party would not be standing here.

The ability of the dragon, especially the terrifying power displayed after awakening, is still fresh in the memory of the two of them even now.

However, compared to what happened afterwards, the power of the dragon seemed ordinary.

The day after the battle, Cap went to Marie Gioia.

Exactly what happened to the cloaked man was unaware.

But when they went back, they unexpectedly found that all the furniture in Wulaoxing's usual room had been refurbished.

Seeing the "old man" Long couldn't help laughing and said: "Speaking of which, how did the three-person group become a two-person group?"

However, Koshiro's voice came before the cloaked man could answer.

"The ghost thing you mentioned was cut off by me." When speaking, I emphasized the word "ghost thing".

Hearing that the aura of the cloaked man fluctuated for a while, the cold killing intent burst out like a ghost.

It wasn't that they were angry about the dead third child, but Koshiro's words touched the most sensitive area of ​​their hearts.

The ghost thing is obviously talking to himself!

Just relying on this killing intent alone to intimidate God Koshiro to kill, it's a bit of a trick.

Not only did it not frighten Koshiro, but it irritated him.

The bandages of the stretched hair fell away on their own, and the long hair over the shoulders stood on end like a god of death!

The familiar scene made Sirius tremble behind Blackbeard, and the scene in front of him directly took him back twenty years ago.

The reason why I am like this today is also inseparable from him.

It is precisely because of seeing Koshiro's terrifying power that he chose the same path as him.

But the problem is, I clearly have the killing intent and sword intent, but why I still can't stop being timid and afraid when I see him.

That feeling is the same as it was twenty years ago, it seems that as long as the other party makes a move, he can solve himself by raising his hand.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Long shouted sharply: "Why, are you trying to play tricks?"

While speaking, five faint rays of light appeared on his right hand, and the three of Koshiro beside him were also ready to fight.

Seeing this, although the man in the cloak was angry, he didn't dare to make a real move.

Ten years ago, Ryu was able to escape from the siege of the three of them. Now it is not a big problem for him to temporarily block the two of them. As for Koshiro and the three of them, it is not a problem at all to single out the Blackbeard Pirates.

Once the war starts, it will never end in a short time.

At that time, Katie in the distance even said that the Four Emperors may surround them, and everything will return to the original point.

Thinking of this, the cloaked man shook his head at Blackbeard, and he gave up his original plan.

Seeing this situation, Blackbeard froze, although he was unwilling to do so, he couldn't think of a better way.

"Stand here and don't move, we will release them after we withdraw two nautical miles!"

Regarding this statement, Long shook his head decisively without thinking.

He couldn't believe Blackbeard's words at all, if he was really asked to retreat for two nautical miles, there would be another moth.

"Then how can I be sure if you will do anything after you release him!" Blackbeard said.

Before he was sure that his life was safe, Blackbeard would never let Enilo go.

Wen Yanlong felt a little helpless, because he really planned it that way.

However, the other party really took this into consideration.

After thinking for a moment, Long said: "We can agree to your proposal just now, but the premise is that I don't move, but they must follow!"

After speaking, he stretched out his finger and pointed at Koshiro and the other three.

Seeing what Blackbeard wanted to say, Long took the lead and said, "This is our last concession. If you still don't agree, then let's go to war!"

"Okay, let's do it."

Without discussing with Blackbeard, the cloaked man decisively nodded in agreement.

When the matter developed to this point, they had long lost the intention of continuing to fight, and just wanted to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

Moreover, the two were really worried that Blackbeard would make excessive demands.

If the enemy is really cornered, it will be cool.

At this time, the two even began to doubt whether their decision to win over Blackbeard was right.

The one-hour action before and after refreshed the two people's perception of the world time and time again.

It turns out that there is really no lower limit to how despicable a person can be.

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