One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 434: Awakening of the Dragon

Hearing Katie's answer, Long didn't delay any longer.

"Ability Awakening!"

As the voice fell, five colors appeared around the dragon's body, blue, blue, white, purple, and yellow.

Different from Katie's power of the five elements, this implies five kinds of weather, corresponding to wind, rain, snow, thunder, and dust.

The five colors swirled rapidly around the dragon's body, and then slowly merged.

With two breaths of effort, a touch of gold was quietly born.

When the golden color completely replaced the multicolored light, the dragon shouted in a low voice: "Field Expand!"

As the sound fell, the golden light quickly spread to cover Katie and also the space crack.

At this moment, a mysterious aura rose from the dragon body.

It's a bit like an imperial king, but also like a religious leader; majestic and holy.

After completing the preparations, the dragon said again: "Get ready!"

Hearing that Katie's whole body was tense, she carefully felt the situation around her body.

The next moment, the endless golden light turned into a golden river and poured into the space crack.

Almost at the same time, Katie found that the gravitational pull on her became a little bit weaker.

After about three minutes, Katie felt it was almost time to leave.

Dang even mobilized all his strength to try to retreat.

Katie, who can reach nine times the speed of sound, is slow like a snail at this moment, moving a little bit at a speed of ten centimeters per minute.

What Katie couldn't see was that the face of the dragon behind him was somewhat pale.

Although there is no battle, the consumption of the dragon is not small at all.

The existence of space cracks means the collapse of the world, although it is only a little bit, it is quite serious.

This is like a one-centimeter cut in the human body. Although it is nothing to the whole body, it is a disaster for the cells near the cut.

It is no exaggeration to say that among the awakened people in the entire world, he is the only one who can save Katie from this state.

After the meteorological fruit is awakened, the dragon can not only change its surrounding environment, but also gain a trace of world power!

This weak power of the world can make him change the world in essence. It can be said that no one can beat him in his field at the same level.

Even if the enemy has mastered the power of law, the effect will be greatly reduced in front of the mighty power of the world.

It is also because of the existence of the world's mighty force that the suction force from the space crack becomes weaker.

Ten minutes later, Katie, who had withdrawn one meter, felt light all over, and the suction force pulling her was greatly reduced.

Leap with all your strength and completely break away from the influence range of the space crack.

Seeing Katie begging for danger, Long Chang breathed a sigh of relief and withdrew his abilities.


Just when Long opened his mouth to ask Katie a few words, a beautiful shadow rushed into Katie's arms.

Looking at Katie and Estes embracing each other, Long suddenly regretted it.

I have worked so hard to get him out, is it just for a bag of dog food?

Long, who has always been calm and calm, has a bit of a mental breakdown at the moment.

This wave of blood loss.

Gently stroking Estes' back, Katie comforted: "Okay, okay, isn't your husband all right?"

It's just that this time, Estes is not as easy to talk to as before, holding him tightly and not letting go.

If it weren't for the great significance of this battle to Katie, Esdesh couldn't help but rushed to help.

It's not a good feeling down there to witness crisis after crisis passing Katie by the shoulders.

It took a while for Estes to recover.

He turned around and stepped aside, but his hands were holding Katie's left hand tightly, and he would not let go of anything.

Glancing at the sky, Katie asked suspiciously, "Where are Kaido and BIGMOM people?"

Half of the four emperors could not be seen in the field of vision.

"Uh, I'm afraid he ran away." Koshiro said uncertainly.

This is indeed the case. After Kaido was defeated, BIGMOM woke up Kaido for the first time and took him away.

Things have progressed to this point, and the shrewd BIGMOM has already given up pursuing anything.

Not to mention that we still have business deals with Katie, just the flag appearing on Murloc Island made her deeply puzzled. Before finding out the attitude of that person towards the Shadow House on Murloc Island, BIGMOM did not plan to have an enmity with him.

It is best to leave early.

"Are you leaving now? By the way, I still want to talk to them." Katie felt a little regretful about this.

Hearing this, Long maliciously guessed that Katie must be trying to ridicule him, and he couldn't help sighing inwardly that this guy is too bad!

After speaking, his eyes turned to the space crack not far away, and his brows frowned fiercely.

At any rate, I have mastered a little space ability, but just now I didn't have any tricks at all.

Neither spatial movement nor blurring works.

What's even more irritating is that he had mastered an exile ability similar to this in the Shattering World back then.

It's just that after returning to One Piece World, I couldn't use this skill because the space barrier was too strong.

Who would have thought that he almost fell on it today, it was a slap in the face.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came. "Hehe, you still know how to slap your face. You are the only one who uses Pokong for this."

The voice she hadn't heard for a few days made Katie quickly withdraw her consciousness and dive into her mind. Looking at the appearance of Pokong in front of her, even if it wasn't the first time she saw her, she still felt amazed.

"Long time no see, Pokong."

However, Po Kong's answer was only one word.


I don't buy Katie's account at all.

Katie was so embarrassed by this, she scratched her head and didn't know what to say.

"Sister, it's alright if I'm wrong, just teach me." In desperation, Katie had no choice but to admit that she would be shocked if outsiders saw her like this.

Is this still the ruthless man who defeated Kaido?

How, how could it be like this!

But who let this be Katie's own consciousness space, no matter what she does, others are destined not to know.

And as the saying goes, a man can bend and stretch, so there is nothing wrong with doing it yourself!

"Okay, okay, I really convinced you." Pokong sighed while holding his forehead, but there was nothing he could do about Katie.

"If you improve your space ability as soon as possible, you won't end up being rescued by others. With your current physical fitness, as long as you improve your space ability to the holy level, you can tear the space with your bare hands, and you don't have to worry about being sucked in."

"And when you successfully master the laws of space, you can use the space cracks to travel long distances, and you can reach any place in the pirate world within a minute."

Hearing this, Katie's heart was pounding.

If that's the case, Huang Yuan doesn't even have the qualifications to eat farts behind his own ass!

When the time comes, don't let yourself decide.

"No, don't I have extraordinary spatial fluctuations? If it's really as strong as you said, shouldn't there be no room for resistance?"

"Hehe, you are ashamed to say that it's just space fluctuations, even if you upgrade to the god level, that thing is useless!"

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