One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 445 Shaking the World (1)

At this moment, Wu Laoxing felt fear again, and the last time he had this emotion was when Lockes was alive thirty-eight years ago.

Perhaps the current Katie's personal strength is still far behind Lockes, but Katie's potential threat is even greater than that of Lockes back then!

Compared with manpower, there are eight people under Katie who have bounties exceeding one billion, and Katie herself is as high as 3.5 billion. This is the data that has not been updated before defeating Kaido.

This lineup is not much worse than the Rocks pirates thirty-eight years ago, and Rocks never mastered the Pluto battleship.

In addition, according to the report of the cloaked man's battle against Murloc Island, the mermaid princess is likely to be Poseidon, the king of the sea among the three ancient weapons!

It seems that Katie has two of the three ancient weapons that can destroy the world!

Such a situation has been unheard of for eight hundred years, and Wulaoxing couldn't keep calm.

The five old men looked at each other and saw the determination in each other's hearts through their eyes.

Immediately, the leader took the case and said: "This matter will be carried out according to Kong's plan, and the air supervisor will be in charge of everything, Sakaski and CP0 will be supplemented."

"Resources and funds are used at will, and the development of the Shadow House must be hindered, as well as the investigation of the internal situation of the Fishman Island, understand?!"

This time the five old stars made up their minds. Apart from preventing Katie from growing too fast, they did not forget Im's ultimatum not long ago.

If Katie's trouble cannot be solved within a year, his fate may not be much better.


Everyone stood up and took orders.

His eyes are full of determination and sharpness. If such a level of support can't win Katie, he should stop doing it and go home to farm.

"Mr. Kitty, no matter what happens next, you must stay calm and don't be impulsive."

Under the moonlight, Long, who was standing at the port and was about to set off, couldn't help repeating what he had said several times.

Whether it's what he saw and heard in the navy when he was young, or the various encounters in the establishment of the revolutionary army later; Long is too clear about what the world government will do at this time.

He was really worried that Katie would act recklessly, because this time it was destined to be different from the past, if she was blindly reckless, she might get bloody!

Whether it's position or personal relationship, Long doesn't want anything to happen to Katie.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion." Katie nodded in agreement, not much could be seen on her calm face.

Taking a deep look at Katie, Long finally turned and left.

However, after just taking two steps, he turned around and came to Katie in two steps, and then gave Katie a bear hug.

The inexplicable behavior made Katie look confused. When she opened her mouth to say something, something suddenly appeared in her hand.

At the same time, the voice of the dragon came from the ear.

"Keep it safe, and if the situation really cannot be resolved, call it."

After finishing speaking, he turned and left without waiting for Katie to reply.

Because if I don't leave now, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave in a few days.

It wasn't until the opponent's ship completely disappeared that Katie looked away, and there was a sleeping phone bug in her pocket.

"You guys go back first, I want to be alone." Without looking back, Katie ordered lightly.

Everyone behind them looked at each other, then retreated quietly.

Looking at Katie's back, Estes hesitated for a moment and finally gave up the plan to go forward to comfort her.

Since leaving Dressrosa, Long has introduced in detail the next possible actions of the world government from various aspects.

At the beginning, everyone didn't take it seriously, but the first news they received when they returned to Fishman Island made everyone's expressions change instantly.

The navy that was originally stationed at Snowy had all withdrawn an hour ago.

In order to verify the accuracy of the news, Anilo even rushed over to investigate in person.

Then it was discovered that there were not even a cat or a dog left on the entire island, not to mention people.

If it was normal, they wished that the other party would leave early.

However, leaving in such a hurry at this point in time means too much.

The Snowy Naval Base is the first line of defense for the navy to prevent pirates from stepping into the new world.

Back when the Fishman Island had just surfaced, in the extremely dangerous situations such as the deep-sea sea kings and the shadow house, they never chose to give up.

Even the former admiral of the Buddha Warring States was sent to guard it, which is enough to show that the navy attaches great importance to it.

With so much emphasis on the situation, just leave suddenly without saying a word?

No matter how you look at it, it feels strange.

Coupled with Long Fangcai's analysis and interpretation, everyone had to re-examine his statement.

In the end, they all believed in the possibility described by Long.

Huge pressure came for a while, and the current strength of the shadow building is not enough to directly resist this wave of storm.

But if you leave it alone and keep silent, it will damage your reputation and make the World Government go too smoothly.

It's just that everyone can't think of any good solution.

Looking at the endless sea in front of her, Katie was not at peace.

If the situation after a few days is really as Long described, I don't know what to do, after all, I have never had the experience of being an enemy of the whole world before.

But if you stand on the sidelines, you will not be reconciled.

I can't bear to let the world government wantonly massacre those who have expectations of themselves.

A pair of fists are clenched tightly, and it has been more than two years since he came to this world, but this is the first time he is so helpless and doesn't know what to do.

Obviously, his own strength has improved a lot, and even defeated the Four Emperors Kaido, but why there is still no way to change all this.

What can be done to change all this?

In a place that cannot be seen, a storm is already brewing.

Before the news reports started to spread, the storm centered on Dressrosa had already begun.

It was just that on the day of the battle, the news that Katie defeated the Four Emperors Kaido head-on spread.

In an instant, several kingdoms boiled directly.

Although people often fantasize about the battle between Katie and the Four Emperors, it is even said that many people really think that Katie has hope of winning.

But when the news really came, no matter whether they really supported Katie before or not, they were all shocked without exception.

No one doubted this news, because no one in the world dared to spread rumors and slander the Four Emperors.

However, believing the news and accepting the news are two different things.

Who would have thought that in the second month after the fishman island surfaced in the sea, such a thing would happen to Katie who had just snatched the capital of seven waters from the Demon Slaughter Order.

You know, he has only entered the new world for less than sixty days!

Under the same circumstances, it would be good if other people could get out of the second island.

But Katie succeeded in winning the overlord of King's Landing.

Such a gap can be described as a world of difference, and I dare not even imagine it in my dreams.

The reason why they have the title of Four Emperors is because they are so powerful that they exist like gods.

However, today, the God of God was defeated by a young man who was only in his twenties.

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