One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 448: The Secret of the Holy Land

After Katie left, Tezolo did not return to his territory because he had too many things to discuss with Dover, but he also informed his subordinates to rush this way.

At this moment, Tezolo looked at Dover with sharp eyes.

Ordinary people may not know this, but Tezolo, who is in charge of the world's largest entertainment city, has enough channels to know this little-known secret.

Hearing this, the excited expression on Dover's face quickly faded, and he became taciturn.

Images from decades ago popped up in the minds of no one.

"Dover, father doesn't ask for your forgiveness, but you have to believe that I will not give up life on the Holy Land for no reason."

"If one day you return to the Holy Land, remember to take a look at that place, and then you will understand my difficulties."

Not long after that, I really returned to the Holy Land, successfully infiltrated using the title of 'Last Look', and took a look at that place.

What Dover never expected was that he saw a historical text!

After the smart Dover realized that he could not understand the words recorded on it, he decisively changed his mind and forcibly memorized the words on it.

In the end, before being discovered, Dover managed to record the contents of the upper third.

In the following time, Dover tried his best and exhausted various means to finally understand the content recorded above.

When he saw the complete translation, Dover was dumbfounded.

Although it is only one-third of the content, it has completely subverted Dover's world view, because if everything recorded in the historical text is true, then the world I have always seen is false.

A gigantic lie had deceived all the people of the world, and it had lasted eight hundred years, so that even Dover was terrified.

While Dover was basking in the shock of the translation, trouble struck.

Although I mostly searched and translated through underground channels, CP agents still found traces.

However, what hurts itself also protects itself.

Because of the existence of the translated text, the world government did not dare to really push itself, and finally shut itself up and kept it secret on the condition of the privilege of the Tianlong people.

This is the end of the recollection. Facing Tezolo's question, Dover shook his head and said, "Sorry, I can't say that yet."

After staring at Dover for a long time, Tezolo finally gave up. He was not Katie and had no right to force the other party to say something.

Moreover, Tezolo believes that there must be his reasons for Dover's reluctance to say anything, otherwise his attitude of hostility towards the world government would have been known to everyone.

"Anyone else want to say anything?" Dover asked again.

This time, no one said anything. They saw Dover's determination and were moved by what the other party said.

Moreover, strictly speaking, the people here are not masters who keep their own place. Although following Katie may face unprecedented dangers, this is not a reason to shrink back.

"If no one answers, I will assume that everyone agrees to join the Shadow House."

Facing the silence of the crowd, Dover smiled. It is of course more reassuring for everyone to be together.

Looking at the time, Tezuolo calculated silently in his heart, and then said: "Since everyone has no objection, then pack up your things and get ready to go. After all, we will arrive at Fishman Island tonight, and we don't have much time left." Not much."


The huge sound spread quickly, it was the movement caused by the tsunami caused by the sinking of the island.

In order to deal with possible chaos in the future, after removing the equipment left by the Navy, Katie moved the original Snowy Naval Base to a place only one nautical mile away from Fishman Island.

At this distance, the murlocs could see the general appearance of the island with their naked eyes.

In addition, Katie also moved Punk Island, a chaotic place on the other side, because all the pirates on the island expressed their hope to join the Shadow House.

During this period of time, the murloc grocery store has brought huge benefits beyond imagination to the pirates on the island.

By purchasing the jewels on Murloc Island, everyone will benefit from almost one million.

What's more important is that there is no risk at all for these benefits, you just need to take a boat to sell it elsewhere.

Such a thing was unthinkable before.

People can't help but worry about the easy benefits, whether the shadow house will take the opportunity to increase the price.

However, this worry did not last long. The stable price in the next few days made everyone realize that the Shadow House is really different from other organizations.

So after hearing that Katie had defeated Kaido, all the pirates on the island gathered in front of the murloc grocery store, hoping to join the murloc island.

After hearing this news, Katie decided to accept these pirates after a little thought.

It can be said that they were the first batch of humans to accept the murlocs, and they had no reason to refuse.

For a time, fifty or sixty pirate ships raised the flag representing the shadow building at the same time, and the progress of completing tasks in the system soared from 60,000 to 80,000 in an instant.

They were only 20,000 short of the 100,000 target required by the mission, and 60,000 of them were fighters from the murlocs.

However, Katie did not let these people land on Fishman Island.

Although these people wanted to join him from the bottom of their hearts, they were so close to each other. No one knew if these people would cause any conflicts once they landed on Fishman Island.

Under the current circumstances, any turmoil is not allowed on Fishman Island.

With the enemy at present, if internal conflicts arise, it will be really bad.

Overlooking the sea, the three islands are placed by themselves at the three vertices of an equilateral triangle.

No matter where there is a problem, I can arrive as soon as possible, and it is safer to watch each other.

After confirming that there was no problem without taking too many photos, Katie returned to Fishman Island.

Looking at the people walking towards him, his eyes finally stopped on Koshiro.

"Koshiro, you will be in charge of all the affairs on Punk Island for the time being. You can watch the deployment of various resources and manpower. Is there any problem?"

"No." Koshiro replied.

He is very clear about the current situation, and he will not refuse the responsibility he should bear.

"If Doflamingo and Tezolo come over at night, please let me know, and don't bother me if there are other things that are not necessary."

After speaking, Katie left silently.

Looking at Katie's back gradually going away, everyone felt uncomfortable.

All along, they felt that their strength was enough, but in this situation, they were not at all useful!


The irritable Enilo couldn't help cursing, and the black Destruction Thunder danced wildly around him.

I clearly know the enemy's plan, but I can't think of a suitable countermeasure. I can only watch the situation getting worse and worse. Don't be too aggrieved by this powerful but ineffective feeling!

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