One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 454: The Turmoil Begins

Looking at the calm CP0 captain, the anger accumulated in Sakaski's heart suddenly rose.

"This is the 'three-day deployment time' you said! Today is only the second day, and half the world knows about it!"

"Do you know what that means?"

"This means that my deployment is completely disrupted! Our interception effect will be greatly reduced, do you understand it!!!"

Faced with Sakaski's angry roar, the CP0 captain was not angry at all, and even waved his hand to signal him to sit down.

"Be safe and don't be impatient, be safe and don't be impatient."

"There is no impenetrable wall in the world. When something happens, it is destined to be known by the world. If you want to hide it, unless you kill all the people in the world, it is absolutely impossible."

Hearing that even Sakalski couldn't help but feel a chill, because CP agents had more than once indiscriminately massacred people who knew the truth in order to cover up something.

However, this does not mean that Sakarski will give in.

"Although the words are good, this cannot be regarded as the reason for the intelligence error. I don't need to tell you about the scale of the next operation. You should know that the preparation time of one day and the preparation time of three days are not the same concept at all!"

"If you can only control the situation for one day, you should explain it one day in advance, not three days!"

"If the operation fails because of this problem, can you take responsibility?!"

Waving his hand to deny Sakalski's point of view, the CP0 captain continued: "Marshal Sakalski, you are too paranoid, don't you realize that the world is still peaceful until now?"

"It is inevitable that the news will be revealed in advance, but it is impossible for people to react as soon as they receive the news. After all, this is a life-threatening event. If you choose the wrong one, it means death. No matter how many people in the world, it takes two to three days. Time to think about it."

"It's true that some impulsive people may flee to Fishman Island immediately, but these people are a minority after all. We have to start from the overall situation and ignore those who have nothing to do with the situation."

The CP0 captain's explanation made Sakaski's frown relax a little. He had to admit that some of the opponent's views were indeed reasonable.

"Hmph! I hope things won't go wrong in the future!"

After leaving a word, Sakarski turned around and left. It was really uncomfortable to talk to such a sharp-tongued person.

However, the moment he opened the door, a person's name flashed through the back of his mind, and he thought of who that woman was just now.

So he turned around and left another sentence.

"I hope your spy selection is correct."

Hearing that the captain of CP0 had a strange look in his eyes, but he didn't take it to heart. He is an expert in intelligence and he believes in his own judgment.

After all, he holds the most cherished person of the other party in his hands.

The extraordinary second day was spent like this. The result of the battle between Kaido and Katie shocked everyone who saw it, but all the sea areas that received the report were talking about this sudden incident.

Even the elderly and children who usually don't care much about current affairs are deeply attracted by this news.

When the third day came, reports of further propaganda thoroughly covered every corner of the world.

For a time, the whole world was shocked.

Although people had a hunch when Katie stepped into the new world, Katie would run into the Four Emperors sooner or later.

But they never thought that this day would come so fast and early, let alone that the Four Emperors would lose in the end.

In their cognition, the two sides have to fight back and forth three, four, five or six times before the final decisive battle breaks out.

Who would have thought that the first battle between the two sides would be a decisive battle, and it would also give such an unexpected result.

Just when the world thought that Kaido was about to leave the stage, an amazing news came from Wano Country, the headquarters of the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

The Hundred Beasts Pirates and BIGMOM Pirates officially formed an alliance.

Immediately afterwards, BIGMOM himself appeared in Wano Country, and Katakuri, the number two member of the BIGMOM Pirates who stayed behind on Cake Island, also announced the news of the alliance.

Shocking news appeared one after another, causing twelve levels of shock to the world.

What's wrong with the world, they want to know?

Why does the whole world change when I wake up?

The atmosphere of tension and fear is spreading rapidly. While trying to accept all this, people are more aware that the world situation will undergo major changes in the short term.

And the New World will be the source and the main venue where the changes begin.

After hearing about the alliance between Beast Pirates and BIGMOM Pirates, Katie only said "Got it" and then turned and left with no fluctuations on her calm face.

My current attention is all on the world government, and the two four emperors alone are not enough to divert my attention.

Regarding this news, the attitudes of the navy and the world government are surprisingly consistent with Katie.

His gaze stayed on Katie all the time, and he didn't pay any attention to the newly born Double Emperor Alliance.

Katie's age and speed of progress meant that his threat was far greater than that of the two Four Emperors, and Katie's deployment plan had reached the point where he had to launch it.

There is no turning back when there is no turning back. This joint operation had no way out when it was first formulated.

On the night of the third day, countless people were inevitably tossed and turned.

Part of it was because it happened so suddenly that they couldn't accept it.

The other part is thinking about their own future.

The change of the situation means riots and dangers, but it also means great opportunities; once grasped, it is not impossible to soar into the sky.

Joining Katie is undoubtedly the most hopeful of all possibilities, but it is also the most dangerous. Anyone with a little brain can think that the navy and the world government will definitely take action against Katie.

But this does not stop people from running to the sea, because they believe that Katie can create another myth!

Since the war on the top, the foregone conclusion in the eyes of the world has been changed again and again by Katie, so this time Katie has no reason not to change!

Henceforth, some courageous people started to drive their boats towards the Fishman Island.

In addition, those who chose to go to sea due to the decisive battle on the Island of Wind and the Rogge Town incident but failed to make a good appearance, once again set sail and flocked to the sea.

The difference is that they didn't have a clear goal last time, they just wandered around blindly; this time, they went straight to Katie!

Katie and Shadow House are their targets.

It's just that, compared with the people who set off from the waters near Dressrosa, not only did they have a longer voyage, but they also faced more dangers on the way!

But they have no choice.

Born in such a world where the jungle preys on the jungle, there are only two paths left for them.

Either live humbly, or make a way out with the determination to die!

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