One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 457 Continuous Fermentation (2)

"Are you so sure about your guess?" Esdeath was very puzzled

Although Katie didn't fully introduce her conjecture, but based on his different attitudes towards the world government and the navy and his few-word answers, Esdeath can more or less guess a part of it.

However, she is very skeptical about the result of her guess, because if the truth is true, then this world will be too crazy!

Katie shook her head and said, "You said it too, this is just my guess, so I'm sure I can't be sure."

After a pause, Katie continued, "However, I have already thought of a way to prove this conjecture."

Hearing this, Estes was taken aback, not expecting Katie to say that.

Subconsciously said: "How to prove?"

However, Katie played tricks, shaking her head and said: "The secret is undisclosed, you will know when the time comes."

somewhere in the North Sea;

Looking at the first father, Yizhi, who was sitting upright, he said, "Father, the boat is ready. When do you think it will depart?"

His sharp eyes swept over everyone present, but finally landed on the order book at hand. Various things that happened in the past few days and the latest order issued by the world government flashed in the back of his mind.

Then he said in a cold voice: "Since the world government doesn't give us face, we don't need to worry about them anymore. We must set off immediately and arrive at Cake Island within a week!"


Facing the order of their father, King Gaji, the three Iji brothers showed excitement, because the purpose of their trip was to unite with the Four Emperors BIGMOM Pirates as an alliance.

This kind of thing is exciting just thinking about it, and what's more important is that today's BIGMOM Pirates have united with the Beast Pirates, who are also the Four Emperors, to form an alliance.

In this way, it is equivalent to having contact with two Four Emperor forces at the same time.

Although Katie defeated Kaido, it doesn't mean that the Four Emperors have no deterrence. Ordinary cats and dogs can't get benefits from them.

What's more, when the two four emperors form an alliance, their strength will naturally rise with the tide. Being able to gain a relationship with them at this time is of course beneficial.

However, Reiju on the side was not very happy, her face was full of worry.

The reason why the father made a decision at this time is that one is to squeeze the final value of Sanji, and the other is because of the persecution of the world government.

The four seas are the largest sea area in the world.

Although it is very far away from the new world, it does not hinder the spread of news in the slightest.

The riots here are just as horrific.

Reiju doesn't know about the riots in the other three seas.

But what Beihai looks like is all too clear.

On the day when the news came, many people rushed to the sea, and the attack of Wang Guo's army was half a step late.

In addition, each kingdom is too selfish, and the actual blocking effect is not as good as expected.

In order to solve this problem, Steel Gukong selected four spokespersons from all over the world to unify the command.

The father always thought that Beihai's spokesperson would fall on him, but when the news was really announced.

The spokesperson of Beihai is not only his father, but also the Kingdom of Dius, which has always been at odds with its own forces.

Putting the two reasons together, the father is the enemy who decided to unite with the world government, the Four Emperors BIGMOM!

The sudden decision made Reiju very worried. After all, the other party is the Four Emperors who can't escape if something goes wrong, and the price of this alliance is to sacrifice the freedom of his younger brother Sanji.

However, the timid Reiju didn't dare to speak out her true inner thoughts, so she could only follow her father towards the dangerous new world.

The flames of war and gunpowder instantly spread all over the world.

After a long time, the kingdom coalition forces with the flag of the world government once again appeared in the eyes of the world.

Overwhelming newsbirds flew to every corner of the world to report the turbulent process for the world's current affairs.

Three days later, people were surprised to find that the riot was not stopped by the appearance of the 500,000 coalition troops, but instead became stalemate and indistinguishable.

The number of rebels exceeded 300,000!

The most important thing is that this number has not reached its peak, but continues to rise.

Such a scale makes the world silent and dumb.

When I think that the world I live in is engaged in a scuffle involving 800,000 people, there is endless fear in my heart, and I can't even sleep soundly. I always feel that the war will spread to my homeland in the next moment.

For a time, everyone in the world was panicked and worried about the future.

Looking at the intelligence received from all over the world, Sora frowned badly. The development of the situation to this point was beyond his expectation.

In just three days, the number of rebels has surged to 300,000.

If there is any further delay, this number may even exceed the 500,000 sent by our side!

While being startled, Kong couldn't help thinking why things had developed to this point, and why there were so many rebels in the world.

However, this idea didn't stay for too long, he knew very well that the most important thing to do right now was not to find out the reason, but to solve the problem.

The reason can be thought of later, but the riot cannot, because the world is dying every moment.

"Come on!"

With an order, the messenger guarding the door immediately came to Kong Kong.

"Go and tell the allies participating in the war that each country will send an additional 2,000 soldiers, and the riots must be contained within two weeks!"


Without asking any questions, the orderly turned and left, trotting all the way to the communication room.

Sora, who was in the same place, didn't relax because of this, his eyes were fixed on the huge sand table, thinking about how to end the riot as soon as possible.

"My lord, the situation has been like this for the past few days."

Seeing Katie's uncertain face, Doflamingo didn't know what to say. Even he was deeply shocked by the development of the matter.

Because if you add the navy besieging Murloc Island not far away and your own fighters, the number of participants in this riot has already exceeded one million!

One million, just thinking about it makes one's scalp tingle.

Regardless of Roger or Lockes, the world government never acted on such a large scale when they were at their peak.

This also means that the current Katie's threat to the world government has surpassed these two historical figures.

While being shocked, Doflamingo was more and more grateful for his original decision. Only those who follow such people have the hope of overthrowing the world government and realizing their dreams.

"Dover, do you still remember the request you made to me in Dressrosa?" Katie said suddenly.

"My lord, what do you mean?"

Katie's sudden question made Dover's mind go blank, and he didn't know how to answer.

"It's nothing, I just think it's time to fulfill my promise."

Hearing this, Dover was completely stunned.

Of course he remembered his request, but he never expected that Katie would declare war on the World Government so soon.

You know it's only been six days!

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