One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 461 VS Five Old Stars

"We are gods and the masters of this world, so we should enjoy privileges! How can those untouchables compare with us!" One of the five old stars said as a matter of course.

"I'm fucking better than your mother!"

Really unable to control the anger in her heart, Katie cursed out loud.

I was wrong, I shouldn't reason with the scum, the scum is the scum because they have no human kindness at all, and they can only be killed by force! Saying one more word is a waste of time!

"Dragon Transformation!"

The golden scales emerged in response, and Katie resolutely entered the half-dragon body state.

With a thought, break through the air and start.

"Swastika solution!"


One divided into twelve, and the twelve broken holes turned into a sword wheel and floated behind Katie.

At this moment, Katie did her best, and all the forces in the Holy Land could feel the terrifying aura originating from Katie.

In their perception space, Katie's existence is like a glorious day that needs to be worshiped by oneself. It is the fear that comes from the depths of the soul, and personal will does not work at all!

"How can this guy be so strong!"

Wu Laoxing was shocked, because the feeling of facing Katie at this moment was a bit like facing Karp!

Although they discovered early on that Katie had become a real awakened person, the awakened person also has strengths and weaknesses.

For example, Garp, who has been immersed in the realm of the awakened, is even older than Katie, and his understanding and application of laws is undoubtedly much stronger.

Although I don't know when Katie broke through, but I'm sure it won't be long, because the flames were still purple when he fought Kaido a few days ago!

Moreover, although I and others are only half-step awakeners, they have studied the power of laws for some years, and they think they have the ability to deal with people who are just awakened.

But why do I feel fear?

The five were very puzzled, and they were even more worried in their hearts, because according to Katie's behavior all the time, he was not a reckless person.

Although it made people feel that he was going to be finished several times, but then he died and survived.

Once or twice can be said to be a coincidence, and every time it happens like this, it cannot be simply described as a coincidence.

"Golden Flame Ten Thousand Swords Unleashed!"

Without giving the opponent too much time to think, Katie made a move directly and it was a big move as soon as she came up!

The golden red flames attached to the twelve blades, and then transformed into countless flaming blades and shot them towards the five old stars.

The dissipated energy even split the void on the path.

The bald swordsman hastily reminded: "Get out of the way!"

However, before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the boss beside him.

"We can't hide, we dodged, what about the people behind us?"

Hearing this, the bald swordsman was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help asking: "Then what should I do? Is it just so exhausting?"

"Temporarily block it from the front, the people of CP0 are evacuating, and wait for the tribe to settle the new and old ones!" said the long-bearded man.

"That's the only way to go." The boss nodded, agreeing with the bearded man.

Immediately, a great battle broke out over the holy land of Mariejoa.

It didn't take a while for the news to reach the ears of Morgans, the president of the World Economic News Agency.

As the number one newspaper in the world, his informants are all over the world, including the holy land of Mary Joa.

Looking at the news from the informant in his hand, Morgans was stunned.

Even though he has witnessed numerous events, large and small, over the years, the news this time still shocked him.

Thousand-changing Katie raided the holy land of Maryjoa, but the simple twelve words almost shattered Morgans' soul. Fortunately, he didn't know that more than a hundred Tianlong people had died in Katie's hands.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it's really possible to lose my soul.

"Guhahahaha! Thousand Transformation Katie deserves to be you!"

At this moment, Morgans was trembling with excitement. Decades of experience in the news industry told him that Katie's next move would definitely surprise the eyeballs!

After thinking for a moment, Morgans made an extremely risky decision without hesitation.

"Come on, tell me the informant on Mary Joya, let him find a hidden location to put down the video phone bug; then use the underground channel to hack into the normal channel that is currently playing!"

"I want to have a real-time broadcast that the world will remember!"


As soon as Morgans gave the order, his subordinates acted quickly. Although they didn't know why the boss did this, they believed that it would be right to do so!

After a while, the steps together were successfully completed.

When they saw the incoming video for the first time, everyone was stunned.

This shows a holy place? How is it like the riotous place where pirates cross the border?

However, when everyone saw the face of the five old stars who disappeared in a flash, the surrounding air suddenly became quiet.

Gudong, Gudong;

The sound of swallowing saliva joined together, and at this moment they were sure that what they saw before them was really the holy land of Mary Gioia.

But everyone could not accept this fact.

That is the center of the world government, and it is also home to the five old stars, the world's highest power holders, and is guarded by hundreds of CP0 agents and tens of thousands of soldiers.

Of course, these are not important, the important thing is how can someone dare to do this, even if you are looking for death, you can't look for death like this!

However, Wu Laoxing's subsequent words answered the doubts in everyone's hearts.

"Katie, if we have the ability, let's fight somewhere else!"

Facing the 'answer' given by Wu Laoxing, everyone either nodded or secretly said, 'That's how it is'.

Since it's Katie, it's fine.

If you want to ask the reason, the word Katie alone is the reason, and they are not surprised by anything linked to Katie.

After all, Katie, there was nothing he was afraid to do.

However, while understanding, everyone couldn't help but feel a little worried. Although he was using an underground channel, he couldn't escape the investigation of the CP agency.

What if it is pursued by the world government afterwards?

So, someone asked: "President, what should we do if we are settled by the world government after autumn?"

"Why, are you afraid?" Morgans asked without answering.


I was underling for a long time and couldn't say the second word, but the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"You bastard, you don't have any determination!"

"Forget what I told you when you set foot in the press? Huh?"

Faced with Morgans' accusation, everyone bowed their heads in silence, because they hadn't forgotten but had no face to answer.

"When doing news, you can't be afraid of power. We have to use the notes in our hands to write down any meaningful thing in the world, and then let everyone know!"

"The big deal is that after this matter is over, we will also join the Shadow House. What will the world government do with us then?"

Everyone was taken aback when they heard this, because their president had never said such a thing.

However, he quickly realized that joining the Shadow House was indeed a way out.

"President, I was wrong, I will connect to the channel now!"

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