One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 464 Space Showcase

Taking a deep breath, Katie resolutely gave up the perception of the mind network, and switched to the special knowledge color copied from Katakuri.

At the same time, the flame receded, the power of space emerged quietly, and the breath on his body changed in vain!

This change visible to the naked eye made the mysterious man frowned, feeling very bad, and cautiously gave up the initiative to attack.

However, Katie was not in a hurry, she opened her mouth and said mockingly: "Oh, you were quite arrogant just now, why are you being cowardly now?"

Faced with Katie's ridicule, the mysterious man's eyes flashed with anger, but that was all and he didn't really do anything.

But Katie was interested.

"Stupid, do you have a problem with your ears? Why don't you answer me when I ask you?"

After waiting for two seconds without getting an answer, Katie continued: "It's so pitiful, you have to go out to fight as a disabled person. Although you and I are hostile, to be honest, I really sympathize with you."

As he spoke, he took out a steel coin from his pocket.

"I didn't bring much money, so you can make do with this one dollar." After flicking his thumb, the steel coin flew in a parabola in the air and flew towards the mysterious person.

Seeing the flying steel hammer, the mysterious man punched out angrily!

The anger in his heart!

I have never seen a person who doesn't talk about martial arts like Katie in such a big age, and he turned the battle into a verbal battle, without the dignity of the strong!

But at the moment when the fist smashed through the steel, the danger signal struck instantly! The hairs all over his body stood on end!


At this moment, the mysterious man finally realized the reason for all of Katie's actions just now, and before it was too late, the muscles all over his body tensed instantly.

With a loud bang, the mysterious man flew upside down for nearly a thousand meters.

Looking down at the bleeding wound on his arm, the mysterious man's face was ashen, it was crushed by the force of space.

Although the injury returned to normal within two seconds, it still made him extremely angry.

Because if Katie's attack was stronger, her arm would be lost, and it would not be so easy to recover by then.

"court death!"

In extreme anger, the mysterious man couldn't control so much anymore, and rushed to Katie swearing to crush her to ashes!

"Well done!"

With a low drink, he rushed to meet the convenience.

His eyes were fixed on the mysterious man, and the actions related to him were reflected in the back of his mind, the power of space in his right hand and the magical powers of the five elements in his left hand.

Although there is no blessing of law power, Katie at this time is stronger and more dangerous than before!

The distance of a thousand meters passed in the blink of an eye. When the distance was only the last ten meters, the mysterious man raised his right fist angrily and pointed it at Katie's head.

The other hand is ready to support at any time. Although he is angry, he has not lost his mind. Knowing the weirdness of space ability, he is fully prepared.

If she was really punched, Katie would be seriously injured even if she didn't die.

However, Katie's actions were beyond everyone's expectations. She rushed towards the mysterious man straight up and had no intention of dodging, but her right hand was clenched into a fist, condensing the terrifying power of space, and was also aimed at the mysterious man's. head.

The decisive eyes seemed to want to die with the enemy.

The arrow had to be fired. Although surprised, the mysterious man did not intend to change his offensive at all, but his other hand was ready to defend.

The previous battle made him realize that his physical fitness is far better than Katie's, and he has the upper hand if he really wants to fight hard.

Time passed, the fist fell, and the mysterious man exploded with 120% strength in this blow, wishing to blow Katie to pieces.


There was a loud noise, the air exploded, and the laws exploded. The whole world trembled three times because of the mysterious man's punch.

But he himself was not satisfied, with disbelief and horror written all over his face.

Because my fist hit the empty space!

"Damn! Damn space!"

In just a split second, he realized the problem, and he was defeated by the space ability again.

The distance seen by the naked eye is not the real distance, but stretched false information.

However, it was too late, how could Katie miss the opportunity.

At the same time as the opponent attacked, he compressed the space, came directly in front of the mysterious person, and slammed his fist on his head with the power of space.

"Die to me!"


The condensed power of space exploded in an instant, and the space with a radius of one thousand meters was directly chaotic. Dozens of space cracks were born out of thin air, but Katie standing in the middle of the cracks was completely unaffected!

Under the hands-on teaching of Po Kong, within a week, Katie successfully raised her spatial ability from scratch to the holy level, and it was still level 5.

Faced with Katie's speed of progress in the rocket, even if she breaks through the air, she is a little envious.

Little do they know that the reason why Katie's talent is so high is inseparable from the blood of Zulong.

As a natural holy spirit, Zulong has a very high affinity for any kind of power. Even if Katie doesn't study, with the continuous awakening of blood, Zulong will naturally be able to master the space ability.

In addition, the extraordinary spatial fluctuations also paved the way for Katie, which is more or less a foundation for Katie to understand and accept faster in the early stage.

However, the most important thing is to teach them hands-on, otherwise it will be useless no matter how talented you are and no one will guide you.


During the gap, Katie breathed a sigh of relief.

From the beginning to the present, I have always greeted him with big greetings, and even my god-level physical fitness is somewhat unbearable.

However, the results achieved made Katie gratified.

At least in my own perception, the enemy's aura has become very weak, and if I guessed right, it should be a coma.

For this result, the group of four hiding in the building in the distance was collectively dumbfounded. They didn't expect the result of the battle to be like this, let alone Katie as the winner.

"It's over, it's over." The bald swordsman knelt down and said in despair.

Such a strong person was defeated by Katie, he couldn't think of anyone else who could save him.

Master Im?

He is indeed strong, but the key is that he has never seen him make a move before, and no one can say whether he can defeat Katie in front of him!

Silence enveloped Mary Gioia, and even more so, the entire world.

They had just accepted the Holy Land gong, and then found that Wulaoxing was overwhelmed by Katie alone.

When Katie swung her knife to kill the bald swordsman, everyone held their breath and widened their eyes, not daring to miss a single frame.

Then it was discovered that a peerless strong man suddenly appeared and rescued Katie.

Before anyone could react, another big battle started.

Everyone was shocked by the evenly matched picture, and no one thought that there were such characters hidden in the Holy Land.

The battle between the two left the world completely stunned, because they never thought that one person could be so strong before.

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