One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 475 Transformation of Ice and Fire Island

"Forget it, it's expected."

In a word, Katie is changing her power and preparing for the next second step.

"Dragon Transformation!"

At the same time as the sound fell, the blood flowing in the veins boiled instantly, and golden dragon scales that were far more dazzling than the sun emerged one after another, and a 500-meter golden dragon was born out of nowhere.

hold head high! ! !

A dragon chant shattered the white clouds in the sky, but Katie plunged headlong into the central lake in front of her.

In three to five seconds, Katie came to the bottom of the cracked lake. The ten-meter-wide crack in front of her eyes was the reason for the formation of the central lake, but Katie's trip was not for it.

The vigorous dragon claws stepped on the bottom of the lake, and a thick brown light emerged from the golden scales.

"Soil roll!"

With Katie's roar, the whole bottom of the lake began to tremble, and the tremor became bigger and bigger and more obvious!

This frightened the fish in the lake, and they wandered around in panic but to no avail.

A moment later, when Koshiro and the others were surprised by Katie's behavior, the ground around the central lake suddenly moved.

The two subconsciously rubbed their eyes, thinking that they were dazzled.

However, in the next moment, the land with a radius of 100 meters was churning collectively, and the soil hidden deep below the surface surged up to replace the soil that was too dry or wet on the surface.

And this is just the beginning, with the central lake as the center, the turbulent ground spreads rapidly around.

No matter the 100-meter mountain peak or the low basin, they all 'moved' like ripples.

"This, this is a bit of a foul." Doflamingo tremblingly said.

He believes that Katie can easily destroy an island, but isn't it a bit too much to mobilize all the soil of an island?

When her abilities are awakened, she can also control the inanimate objects around her body, but the scale is limited to a hundred meters around her body, but right now, Katie can control a range of dozens or even nearly a hundred kilometers!

In this scene, even Koshiro, who was used to all kinds of shocks, was speechless.

Years of experience made him understand that creating something is far more difficult than destroying something.

I can cut down the island in front of me with one sword, but I can't create an island with one sword.

It can be said that the current Katie is no longer at the same level as himself, and his power is really enough to change the world!

This irritated Koshiro, because he had never felt inferior to anyone before, not even Hawkeye!

But now, he obeyed, he convinced Katie from the bottom of his heart.

The reason why this man exists is to create miracles, to make all the impossible possible.

Compared with the previous ice and fire melting, this time will undoubtedly take more time.

Twenty minutes later, the turbulent ground calmed down.

As far as the eye can see, there is a flat river in the sight range. While improving the land, Katie also erased all the original uplifted mountains and low-lying basins, leaving only a central lake.


The golden dragon came out of the water and looked at the normal-colored soil. Katie nodded silently while fading away the power of the earth attribute, and at the same time invoked the wood attribute.

"Giving vitality!"

The fluffy green light spread outward from the dragon-formed Katie, and the two of Dover, who were above the sky, felt comfortable all over their bodies, and the tiredness caused by overtime work disappeared instantly.

"Uh cool~" Stretched, Dover couldn't hold back his moan.

At this moment, Koshiro's excited voice suddenly came.

"Look, it's sprouting!"

Hearing this, Dover hurriedly looked.

But I saw some green and fresh shoots drilled out of the bare ground.

"This is a magical skill!" Dover couldn't help but sigh.

He knows how bad Punk Hazard's situation is. In theory, even if the ice and fire subside, there will be no life in three to five years.

However, in less than thirty or fifty seconds, fresh life has already appeared.

This speed made Dover dumbfounded!

Five minutes later, the green light disappeared, and Katie cut off the supply of wood attribute power, and she really couldn't bear it anymore.

The initial melting of ice and fire was easy, and the whole process was equivalent to a warm-up.

However, it will be difficult to turn over the soil of the entire island afterwards, and it consumes almost 30% of his physical strength in the end.

Not to mention the gift of vitality just now, 60% of his physical strength was directly absorbed in the first five minutes!

But the result is quite obvious. The whole island is no longer bare. The large area of ​​green is mixed with bright red and yellow, and occasionally there are a little blue and purple, which is really beautiful.

"grown ups!"


Seeing that everything was over, Koshiro and the two came up, and the shock in their eyes could not be concealed.

"How do you feel?" Katie couldn't help asking, with a bit of complacency in her words.

There is no way not to feel complacent, this is done by my own strength, but any normal person will have some feelings.

"Amazing skills!"

"God's method!"

The two who don't like to brag very much said sincerely and praised without hesitation.

"Haha, from today onwards, this is the headquarters of my Shadow Building! Go, go back!"

At the moment, Katie pressed the ground and used the fluttering fruit ability.

After a slight tremor, Punk Hazard, who was comparable to Murloc Island, slowly soared into the air, and after a while, he completely left the sea and flew towards the distance.

"My God, what is that?"

Seeing the black spots suddenly appearing in the distant sky and getting bigger and bigger, someone exclaimed in surprise, their wide eyes were full of shock.

Not long after, someone saw the clue, and said tremblingly, "Island, that's an island!"

"Master Katie, this must be Master Katie's ability!"

"Long live Lord Kitty! Long live Lord Kitty!"

For a time, the entire sea area boiled.

Although people don't know why Katie did this, it doesn't prevent them from admiring Katie's strength.

His boss is so powerful, as his younger brother or younger brother's younger brother naturally has a bright face!

However, Neptune and others standing in the Dragon Palace Kingdom were not happy.

"It seems that the matter was really hit by Jinbe." Neptune couldn't help feeling, recalling what the other party said before he left in his mind, and there was a bit of disappointment between his brows.

"King, we haven't interfered with the Shadow Tower's operations these days. Why does Lord Katie insist on relocating the headquarters!"

The right minister on the side said puzzledly that they were there when Jinbe left so they knew what Neptune meant.

"One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, what Katie wants is absolute authority."

Hearing this, the left and right ministers showed embarrassment. It's not that they don't understand the truth, but they don't want to see the shadow building move, because it means that Katie will reduce her attention and attention on Murloc Island. development will slow down.

"Forget it, Murloc Island can't accommodate Katie. He has done his best to take care of us all the time. If we ask too much, we are ignorant." Neptune said.

While explaining to others, you are also comforting yourself.

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