One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 480 Explanation (1)

Facing Brook's sudden greeting, BIGMOM was stunned. He couldn't give an answer for a long time, and his body trembled even more.

"Boat, captain,"

BIGMOM was incoherent with excitement. Although he had too much to say in his heart, he didn't know what to say when it really came to his mouth.

To make matters worse, BIGMOM, who suddenly failed to react immediately when the incident happened, subconsciously opened his eyes to look at the skeleton in his hand, but the moment he opened his eyes, he was the first to see a few voyeurs.

The air was suddenly quiet, and even BIGMOM was stunned at this moment, not knowing what expression to face.

Because the identity of the visitor had a close relationship with Brooke in his arms, he could neither kill him nor expose his relationship with Brooke, so the situation should not be too troublesome.

Just when BIGMOM was thinking about how to get out of the predicament in front of him, a strange voice suddenly came.

Buzzing, buzzing, but a fly hit.

BIGMOM was overjoyed, it really didn't take much effort.

I was worried that I didn't have a suitable excuse, so this is no excuse to find me.

"What, it turned out to be a fly!" He muttered and closed his eyes.

However, after thinking about it, it was wrong. I had to give these voyeurs some warnings. It would be better to let them retreat in spite of their difficulties.

Immediately, BIGMOM mobilized his left hand to point at the fly and greeted him with a slap.

boom! ! !

A loud noise followed, and a deep pit was directly blasted out of the hard ground.

This is not over yet, the huge movement woke up Zeus the Thundercloud, Prometheus the Sun, and Napoleon in the Bicorne who were sleeping beside them.

Thunder and lightning blared, flames burned, and the light of the knife was terrifying; the violent attack destroyed half of the floor of the entire room in an instant.


Seeing the devastating scene in front of them, the cowardly trio composed of Nami, Chopper and Garrett directly turned their souls out of their bodies and petrified their bodies. With a few drops of cold sweat, I am in awe of the power of BIGMOM.

After the deterrence was over, BIGMOM withdrew its attention from the voyeur, tried hard to control his emotions to make himself as calm as possible, and then whispered: "Captain, you are finally... back!"

"Yeah, finally back."

After speaking, the two sides were silent for a while, recalling the days thirty-eight years ago and also the days after the Valley of the Gods were separated in the First World War, and their hearts were filled with emotion.

"Captain, the four of us have formed an alliance, and we ask the captain to regain the throne and take over the world government and rule the world!" BIGMOM said excitedly.

She always believed that the reason why the Rocks Pirates failed was because they were ambushed by Garp and Roger.

However, now, Roger has been dead for more than 20 years, and it is just a capuche who wants to defeat the captain.

In addition, regardless of personal strength or the power of the subordinates, I and others are no longer what they were in the past. Once they hold up the banner and make a comeback, they will definitely shock the world!

However, Brooke's next sentence extinguished BIGMOM's fantasy.

"I'm sorry, Lingling, but now is not the time."

Hearing this, BIGMOM was taken aback, and subconsciously said: "Why, why? The world has changed, isn't it our chance to come back!?"

At this moment, an accident happened. Nami and others, who did not abandon Brooke, started the Brooke rescue operation. Chopper even arrived on the battlefield as the starter with a temporary substitute.

First round;

"Okay, readers and audience friends, I am dreaming of the present, and today I will explain this unprecedented adventure and rescue for you."

"The player who is walking towards us is named Chopper, and he is the partner of the famous maritime relationship monkey Monkey D. Luffy, commonly known as the Straw Hat Boy. Although the current bounty is only one hundred Baileys, I personally believe this The numbers will definitely skyrocket exponentially in the near future!"

"Let's not talk nonsense, let's appreciate its performance together!"

"We can see that Chopper made full use of his short stature and walked towards the Four Emperors BIGMOM step by step with light steps. He quickly walked through the half-court area. What is worthy of recognition is that the opponent has not noticed it until now. .”

"Wait, what did I see?"

"Our Chopper pays too much attention to the situation above his head, but ignores the gravel on the road. There is a gravel on the road two steps away from him. Can he find and avoid it? Let us wait and see! "

At this point, the explanation was suspended, and everyone's eyes were focused on Chopper who was moving forward cautiously.

But I saw it taking one step and two steps, like a devil. Ahem, I made a mistake and started over again.

However, it saw it stepping cautiously, although it didn't trip over the gravel, it didn't notice its existence, and kept going in the original direction.


"Tripped, tripped!"

When the commentary returned, the voice was a little excited.

"Our Chopper made a momentary mistake and the balance of his body was destroyed, but he didn't give up but tried his best to regain control of the balance. Can he do it?"

"It did!"

With a roar from the commentator, Chopper's swaying body finally stabilized and did not really fall. Nami and others in the mirror world also let out a long sigh of relief, and they were really sweating just now.

"Okay, the stable Chopper continued to move forward and soon came to BIGMOM's bed, but it didn't act in a hurry but stood still and observed the situation. It seems that the previous lessons made it remember."

"No, the situation has changed!" The conversation changed, and the voice of the commentary became tense again.

"Why, how did Chopper's expression become so weird?"

After speaking, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he thought of some possibility and said inconceivably: "No way, our Chopper actually wants to sneeze at such a critical moment!"

At the same time, the expression on Chopper's face became distorted, something was about to 'spray'.

At this moment, everyone's hearts were raised to the position of their throats, and they were very worried.

As if by the blessing of the heavens, a clear stream poured into Chopper's cap from the sky, dispelling his desire to sneeze.

Chopper, who successfully suppressed his sneeze, turned his head proudly to gesture to Nami and the others.

"As expected of Brother Qiao, you are so amazing!" Charlotte Rabbit said with emotion.

"Okay, quickly bring Brook back!" Nami urged, really worried that something unexpected would happen again.

Hearing that Chopper is going on another journey, he is going to climb into bed to rescue Brook.

"Ahem, the critical moment has arrived. Let us wait and see if Chopper, who is the starter, can successfully save Brook!"

However, just as the commentary sounded, Chopper sneezed without warning.

ah chirp

At this moment, the inside and outside of time and space are suddenly quiet.

The wind has stopped and the rain has stopped, and the commentator is stuck

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