One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 484 World Broadcast

Time flies, and a month flies by. Although Katie has been quiet during this period and has done nothing scary, his name is always on the first line of the first page of the newspaper.

Even the riot on Cake Island, the headquarters of the BIGMOM Pirates, failed to squeeze Katie, because that day a man named Baloric Redfield announced that he would join the Shadow House.

The huge change in straw hat Luffy's bounty from 500 million to 1.5 billion was forcibly suppressed by this name.

The three titles of Lonely Red, Red Earl, and Lonely Ryder resounded throughout the world, but the fifth emperor of the sea who was supposed to appear was completely absent, because the title of emperor of the sea had already existed in name only when the three major alliances appeared.

It would be idiotic to give the title of "Five Emperors" at this time.

In the following time, several heavyweights appeared one after another. With the appearance of these people, the word "four emperors" really became a thing of the past.

goo chirp, goo chirp;

Under the clear sky, several seagulls passed by at high speed.

As the entrance to the new world, the Nuoqi sea area has always been lively, especially after the fishman island was born, because something will happen here every few days after that.

As for today, of course, it is no exception, because Katie, the owner of the Shadow Building, announced a major event that shocked the world a week ago, and invited major newspapers to visit and report.

All the major newspapers that received the news were dispatched without exception. It didn't take four or five o'clock in the morning to find a venue and turn on the equipment to broadcast.

Although the event has not yet started, it does not prevent everyone from broadcasting the overall layout of the shadow building first, and this is also permitted.

"It's started, it's started!"

Seeing that the TV had a picture, the people who had been waiting for a whole week cheered. This day really made them wait very hard.

"Hello, audience friends, I am Pak Nuoqi"

"I'm Elkiri."

"I am Flocani."

A total of fifteen TV channels started broadcasting at the same time, bringing real-time broadcasting to all those who followed the matter around the world.

"My current location is the north coast of the headquarters of the Shadow Building. Before the official introduction, please allow me to briefly explain the situation of the island under the name of the Shadow Building, as well as my personal first impression of this place."

"Now there are five islands under the direct control of Shadow House, namely Fishman Island, Snowy, Punk Island, Shadow House Headquarters, and Capital of Seven Waters. Everyone knows the situation of Capital of Seven Waters, so I won't go into details. Yes, mainly the other four islands.”

"The first one to introduce must be the headquarters of the Shadow Building, because even now I can't believe what I see before my eyes!" The announcer's voice was very excited, and the muscles on his face continued to tremble uncontrollably.

Hearing that countless viewers in front of the TV stared at the screen with wide eyes, eyes full of curiosity and expectation.

"The main part of the Shadow Building also has a name that is Punk Hazard! You may not be familiar with this name, but if it is changed to the battlefield where the former admiral Kuzan and Sakasky duel, I think you should know it."

"Not long ago, this island was half fire and half ice, but now." The video phone bug turned around while talking.

Neat houses, vigorous plants, clean and wide roads, etc. appear together, just like a rich city.

"All these changes were completed in a month. To be honest, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe it was true. And yesterday I went to the sea area where Punk Hazard was originally located. All I saw was the vast sea."

"I personally don't believe in God, but I can't think of any other words to describe the change in front of me except divine skills."

All the people who were watching were silent. It is true that many of them did not know Punk Hazard, but they knew about the duel between Kuzan and Sakasky.

It is impossible for any island in the world to withstand the catharsis of force by those two people. The environment on the island is bound to change drastically. Under such circumstances, it can be built like this within a month, which can only be described by the word miraculous.

"About the headquarters of the Shadow House, I still have two points to introduce."

"First, the island is divided into thirteen areas of different sizes. Each area has its own purpose. As for the specifics, I don't know what it is. I just wait for the relevant personnel to announce it."

"In addition, I believe everyone can see that there is a tall red building in the center of the island, which is also the tallest building on the entire island. It is about 50 meters high. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the power center of the shadow building, where important personnel work. Unfortunately, I haven’t been there myself so I can’t describe it in detail.”

"But I believe that there must be something hidden in it. After all, everything related to Lord Katie is destined to be unusual, isn't it?"

Listening to the reporter's report, some people smiled and understood his humor, while others, such as Sakalski and others, turned dark.

"Okay, that's all for the introduction of the main part of the Shadow Building. Next, I will introduce the two islands of Snookie and Punk Island." The video call bug turned again, and the announcer appeared on the screen.

"These two islands also have a 'big background'. First of all, Snowy was originally a naval base. Before the riots started, the navy gave up here and was taken over by the Shadow Building."

"As for Punk Island, it originally belonged to the Whitebeard Pirates. The Whitebeard Pirates had to abandon it because of the heavy losses in the war on the top. In the next two years, it became a resting place for pirates, also known as a place of chaos."

"Before the riots started, all the pirates on the island expressed their wish to join the Shadow House, so this island is now under the name of the Shadow House."

"After taking over the island, Shadow House did not ignore it but continued to take advantage of it and built it into a trading port to be responsible for all commercial activities under Shadow House."

As the announcer turned his body sideways to give way to the line of sight, the picture on the TV screen also changed accordingly, and what came into view was an open port, the scale of which was beyond imagination was amazing.

Prior to this, the largest port in people's minds had always been the former Navy headquarters, Marine Vandou.

Although the island is small in size, the circular design of the port area maximizes the area.

However, compared with the current one, it pales in comparison.

There is no fancy design in this port, it is simply big because it is 'stitched' by three islands.

The main part of the shadow building is in the center, and the other two islands are separated on both sides, showing a structure similar to an isosceles trapezoid, but there is no 'bottom'.

It is simply estimated that the entire port can dock at least hundreds of ships at the same time.

"As you can see, Punk Island is on the right, and Snowy is on the left; as for Murloc Island, it is behind the headquarters of the Shadow Building, which is to the south."

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