One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 499: Ryder wants to accept disciples

However, the two sides on the battlefield did not intend to stop there.

After a brief greeting, the eyes of the two became sharp, and the trembling muscles implied the cohesion of strength.

People have a hunch that the next blow will definitely be different.


Accompanied by the tearing roar, Urki's body swelled rapidly, and his original height of three or two meters surpassed Weipa in the blink of an eye.

What's important is that this growth didn't stop there, but soared all the way to eight meters, like a smaller giant.

Feeling the endless power flowing in his body, Urki was full of fighting spirit!

"Come to fight!"

Due to the emotion, Urgi raised his head to the sky and let out a roar.

When I singled out the generals of the BIGMOM Pirates, the final decisive blow was only seven meters away.

The current state can be said to be overloaded, and the tyrannical power has caused damage to the organs in his body to a certain extent. If he can't release it as soon as possible, he will explode on the spot.

"In that case, I'll play with you!" Wei Pa said with a serious face.

"God of War Awakening!"

A deep voice came from Wei Pa's throat, and a mysterious and terrifying aura emanated from his body.

In a trance, everyone felt that the world in front of them had changed. Blood and fire filled the world, and the air was filled with gray gunpowder smoke.

The flames of war raged all over the world, and life in the sky and the earth was wiped out, but there was a bloody figure standing in the center of the battlefield.

Viscous blood covered the whole body and a silver gun reached the sky, but only one-third of the damaged cloak was still flaring, showing aloofness and unyieldingness!


The voice came from the bottom of my heart, even though it was just one word, it made my body tremble, and the blood flowing in my veins instantly boiled and subconsciously shouted.




The loud voice resounded through the heaven and earth, shattering thousands of miles of white clouds and everyone watching all over the world.


Karason on the side looked up to the sky and screamed, his body trembling non-stop because of his emotional excitement.

God of War, a man whom he admires and respects from the bottom of his heart, is always the first to go out and the last to come back in every battle.

Whenever the battle is over, he can't even find a complete skin that can exceed the size of a palm.

In the end, he could have come back alive, but he chose to die in battle.

There is only one sentence left, 'There is always only one destination for the God of War, and death on the battlefield will always be the end! '

The blood moon in the setting sun, the tomb of the god of war, why return the corpse wrapped in horse leather.

At the same time, the final collision between Weipa and Urki is also coming.

The two behemoths raised their fists at the same moment and rushed towards each other, giving up any skills and strategies, simply competing for strength, and performing the most primitive and direct confrontation.

The next moment the superstars collided, the fists of the two hit each other's heads respectively, and a tornado erupted in an instant with surging power, quickly forming and sweeping around, covering the figures of the two.

At a certain moment, a figure flew out of the tornado.

Everyone fixed their eyes and found that this person was Urgi.

Like the previous two, Urki, who fell into the ruins, was unable to stand up, and his huge body returned to normal in the blink of an eye.

A moment later, the tornado disappeared and Wei Pa's figure appeared.

Everyone was shocked to find that after such a battle, there was no trace of blood on Wei Pa's body, and the only injury was a scratch on his forehead.

There was a moment of silence, not because the result was too unexpected, but because Wei Pa was strong, Shadow Studio was strong, and Katie was strong.

In the eleven battles so far, the winners have all been the alternate captains selected by Katie without exception.

Even in the battle that has just ended, although the process seems to be back and forth, the actual situation is still crushing.

The strongest three were all in a coma, but Wei Pa, who was under siege, was nothing serious, and the difference can be seen at a glance.

For the next two games, people are increasingly hopeless.

"Congratulations to Weipa for successfully being promoted to the official captain, then I will invite Guina to come on stage!"

As soon as the time came, Morgans announced the result, and Kuina officially boarded the sky battlefield after the personnel replacement.

"Those who want to challenge can play!"

With an order, Morgans announced the start, not caring whether everyone was ready.

After a brief silence, thousands of challengers poured out of the crowd again. Although they knew that most of them would end in failure, they were unwilling to give up, because at least there would be no regrets in the future.

The melee resumed, and dense crowds of challengers swarmed towards Kuina.

They are eager to win and even more eager to prove themselves!

Losing eleven games in a row, they themselves feel ashamed!

Faced with countless enemies and countless attacks, Kuina didn't panic at all.

Unlike Weipa, her fighting style with the sword intent of softness is more about skill than unreasonable rampage, which is somewhat similar to Redfield.

But the effect is far from exaggerated.

But I saw Kuina dancing in the crowd with the saber in her hand flying up and down. The sharp saber felt like a branch fluttering in the wind, full of spirituality.

Driven by the sword intent, a mysterious force enveloped a radius of tens of meters around Kuina.

The challenger who entered this range didn't notice it at all, and still rushed straight towards Kuina.

However, at the moment of fighting, everyone's attacks deviated to varying degrees.

This scene made Ryder, who was watching the battle, interested. He walked up to Koshiro and said, "If I remember correctly, she should be your daughter, right?"

Hearing that Koshiro frowned, he was a little surprised by Ryder's question, but after thinking about it, he guessed the guy's intentions.

But she didn't expose it, and said suspiciously: "She is indeed my daughter, what's the problem?"

"Well, it's not a question. I just want to ask who she learned her swordsmanship from."

"If my perception is correct, her awakened sword intent should be a skill-oriented soft sword intent and your killing sword intent is completely different, so I'm curious how she did it."

Seeing that the other party still didn't admit it, Koshiro smiled slightly and continued to pretend to be confused.

"As you said, I'm only responsible for leading her to the beginning, and she's completely on her own to figure out the rest of the way. The awakened sword intent is naturally different from mine."

Ryder secretly said in his heart that sure enough, the idea of ​​accepting the other party as his apprentice became stronger and stronger.

This idea had already sprouted when he discovered that Kuina possessed the sword intent of softness. After confirming that the other party had not yet become a teacher, he became more and more determined to accept this apprentice no matter what.

Being able to reach this step in his twenties is enough to show his talent, and he is still exploring alone without guidance.

Ryder believes that as long as he gives some pointers, Kuina's future progress will definitely surprise everyone.

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