One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 508 Bonnie's Explanation

After tidying up Katie, the two set off to fly to the empty island. Before leaving, they did not order Bonnie's men to be arrested, so as to avoid unnecessary speculation.

Of course, Katie is not afraid of them running away, the entire Nuoqi sea area is under the control of the shadow building.

Without regulations, you cannot enter, and if you dare to break in, it means declaring war with the shadow building!


After a while, under the leadership of Columbus, Katie saw Joelly Bonney who was tied up.

Except for the extremely bad mental state, there is nothing wrong with the physical condition.

Obviously Columbus didn't do anything cruel, otherwise he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

Seeing Katie's arrival, Bonnie's face was as calm as water, because she was ready to face death as early as the moment she lost the battle.

Columbus Katie, who stopped her from making a move, moved a stool and sat in front of Bonnie Yimi, staring into her eyes silently.

Bonnie was taken aback by the unexpected and strange behavior, which was the first thing Katie did after entering the door.

The eyes fell on Katie's face uncontrollably, and the face of the other party appeared in his mind.

Bonnie was stunned for a moment, Katie was no stranger to her appearance, after all, it was hard not to see this one who dominated the headlines all day long.

However, it was the first time to see it at such a close distance.

At this moment, Bonnie's mind went blank, and she didn't know what words to use to describe this face.

Too young looks make people feel jealous, before that I never felt old, but now this kind of thinking is in vain.

More importantly, the word "young" is often associated with childishness, but it doesn't feel this way at all when it comes to Katie.

Some are only sacred, majestic and inviolable!

There seems to be a layer of light on his body, although it is invisible to the naked eye, it separates him from the world and is not affected by the world.

cough cough!

A cough came suddenly, interrupting the obsessed Bonnie.

Bonnie, who realized the problem, hurriedly looked back, but found that Esdeth was looking at her strangely.

But I don't know if it wasn't for the wrong place, Estes would have used his trump card to pinch Katie's soft waist, and dared to molesting other women in front of him, it is really audacious!

Sensing the danger signal, Katie quickly diverted her attention and said, "I want to hear your explanation."

Hearing this, Bonnie fell silent, thinking about whether to say or how to say it.

"My lord, I only did this to save my father, Bartholomew Bear." After thinking for a moment, Bonnie said such a sentence.

For a moment, the air was suddenly quiet. Even Katie didn't expect this answer. Although there were various signs that there would be a relationship between the two, she didn't expect it to be father and daughter.

It's really because Tyrant Xiong doesn't look like a father, and the appearance of the two is actually too different, they don't look alike at all!

"Continue." Katie said in a deep voice, temporarily accepting this fact.

"You should be clear about my father's situation. Although he was wiped out of his consciousness by Vegapunk, I still want to rescue him. No matter what he is now, my father is the king of the Sorbe Kingdom!"

Speaking of this, Bonnie's eyes full of death finally had something else, such as resentment, hatred, unwillingness, helplessness and so on.

"The name Joelly Bonnie is my pseudonym after I went to sea. My real name should be Bartholomew Bonnie."

"Father doesn't have the title of tyrant. The reason why he has it is given by the world government after he announced his joining the revolutionary army. The purpose is to slander his father and weaken his influence."

"Later, when I was ten years old, my father suddenly became a member of the Qiwuhai under the king for some reason. Although my mother asked the leader of the revolutionary army Ryu more than once, she couldn't get an explanation."

Such a situation made Katie frowned subconsciously, she didn't expect Long to have such an attitude.

According to the contact during this period of time, although the impression left by Long is not happy to talk and laugh, he still takes good care of the people around him, and usually he will not ignore it.

Moreover, as a cadre of the Revolutionary Army, it is puzzling that Xiong, who is a cadre of the Revolutionary Army, can become the Qiwuhai under the king. I am afraid that only Xiong himself and Long know what happened.

"For the next thirteen years, my father never went back. In order to find out the truth, I hid my identity and went to sea quietly two and a half years ago."

"Half a year later, that is, two years ago, after thirteen years, I finally saw my father in the Chambord Islands. When I rushed up to him full of expectations and asked him why, he slapped me away."

"After that, I was heartbroken. I couldn't believe that he had become like this. I became confused and didn't know whether I should continue."

"Not long after, I heard about the fact that my father was modified. The pain made me understand that I must persevere, because if even I give up this world, no one is willing to save him."

"It wasn't until two months ago that I found out about my father's specific situation. It was actually"

"It turned out to be the mount of the Tianlong people of the Holy Land!"

It was visible to the naked eye that Bonnie's body was shaking non-stop, even though Katie was sitting on her body in front of her eyes, she still burst out with piercing killing intent.

"If I could, I really want to go to the Holy Land to rescue my father like you, but I don't have the strength like you, so rushing up rashly is just one more dead body."

"Afterwards, the captain of CP0 approached me and told me that they would return my father to me as long as I provided enough valuable information. I had no choice but to agree to his terms."

"My lord, I admit that I am guilty and do not ask for your forgiveness. I only hope that my lord can bring my father out the next time I visit the Holy Land. I am willing to do anything for this!"

Speaking of this, Bonnie looked at Katie with anticipation and determination.

The discovery of the identity of the spy means that there is no hope for CP0. In this case, only Katie can bring her father out of the Holy Land, so this time Bonnie is sincerely surrendering.

As long as he can save his father, he is willing to do anything!

She frowned, a little surprised by Bonnie's words.

I clearly came here for interrogation, but now I am being begged by others, such a change is too dramatic.

However, Katie does not intend to answer now, because there are too many unknown secrets hidden in Xiong, and Xiong's spy identity has been exposed in the latest plot.

That is to say, what happened to this guy is under his control, and his meddling may interfere with his plan.

The bear has sacrificed so much for one purpose, it would be a pity if it was destroyed by itself.

Just when Katie opened her mouth to speak, the phone bug in her pocket suddenly moved.

Blue blue, blue blue.

After taking out the phone bug, Katie was surprised to find that the person on the phone was Monkey D. Long!

He didn't shy away from Katie's connection immediately, and then said, "I'm Katie, what's the matter?"

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