One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 515 Explanation of Empty (2)

Wen Yanlong nodded with great difficulty, no one knew how desperate he was when this plan was formulated!

Xiong is his brother for many years, if possible, he would not let him suffer this crime anyway.

"The final plan was for Vegapunk to transform the bear into a pacifist."

With a muffled bang, Bonnie couldn't hold on any longer and fell limp to the ground. Although she expected this result, when Long confessed, her inner defense completely collapsed in an instant.

She couldn't imagine how her father felt when faced with this plan, and she couldn't even imagine how painful it would be to witness the body being transformed little by little.

She only knew that this process was very painful and tortured.

Seeing Bonnie like this, Long hurriedly moved the stool he was sitting on to help her sit down, and continued after she sat down firmly: "Bear's situation is different from other pacifists, and the Vegapunk responsible for reforming him is ours." Man, he hid two special programs in the bear's body."

"One is the anti-program. This thing protects the bear's consciousness. Once it is activated, the bear is still the original bear and can even restore his physical body."

"The second is the control program, where a bear that regains consciousness can manipulate all pacifists around the world."

"It is important to know that pacifists are all made with reference to the transformation process of bears. Using this feature, Vegapunk has added a secret remote sensing program to the design drawings. Because of the existence of this program, they will give priority to obeying bears. Order."

"Is this true?"

Seeing hope, Bonnie grabbed the dragon's shoulders, her eyes full of longing.

She doesn't care about the second statement, and puts all her heart on the first anti-program, as long as her father can recover, she is willing to give everything!

However, Katie, who was on the sidelines, cared more about the second control program.

Vegapunk has a problem, and I have known it for a long time. When he was imprisoned in Advance City, this guy's performance was impossible to ignore, especially his relationship with Garp. The two definitely "colluded" in private.

Just imagine, in a large-scale battle, the pacifists who were placed high hopes by the Navy suddenly turned against the water. Just thinking about that scene makes people feel chills down the spine.

Moreover, these war machines were built by the navy, and the revolutionary army did not spend a dime. Such behavior is simply a model of the prostitute party.

In addition, I have not said about Lockes' conjecture. If he is added, a chessboard against the world government or foreign enemies is almost seen by Katie.

It has to be said that the success rate of this plan is still very high, but the premise is that the enemy cannot be limited to Im. If there are other stronger enemies, it is hard to say what the result will be.

His eyes swept over the dragon, and two or three people appeared in his mind. These people were even more courageous than Gou Jian, the King of Yue, who lived on fire and tasted courage!

Facing Bonnie's inquiry, Long Rou said: "A week later, when we go to the holy land to rescue the bear, the truth of the matter will naturally be in front of you. There is no need for me to lie to you in front of Mr. Kitty."

Hearing this, Bonnie felt a little relieved, then turned and knelt down towards Katie.

"My lord, I hope you will allow Bonnie to participate in the battle in a week's time!"

Seeing Bonnie like this, Katie smiled slightly, and then said: "Why, you just dismissed the punishment lightly?"

Hearing what Katie said, Bonnie couldn't help lowering her figure, her body was almost touching the ground and trembling slightly.

Such a scene made the revolutionary army and others next to him couldn't help frowning, especially Sabo, who was upright and upright, opened his mouth to say something, but was held back by Long at the last moment.

"I'll punish you for tidying up the place after the meeting. Is this punishment acceptable to you?"

Hearing this, Bonnie was stunned for a moment, unable to react immediately.


The sudden coughing sound awakened Bonnie, who was kneeling down.

"Bonny took the order, thank you, Mr. Landlord!"

Seeing this, Sabo and others at the side felt relieved, and of course expressed their gratitude to Katie.

Cleaning things up is not a punishment at all, and Katie's behavior is obviously an extrajudicial favor. The most disliked by any force in the world is a spy. Once discovered, they are often killed without asking why.

And even if Katie beheaded Bonnie in front of people like herself, she would have nothing to say, because this was the Shadow Studio's own business, and she had no right to interfere.

Sabo, in particular, felt ashamed of his actions just now. He was judging the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, and he lowered his head and dared not look at Katie.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's rest first, and we'll talk about the rest tomorrow, how about it?"

"It's all up to Mr. Kitty." Long nodded.

Not punishing Bonnie has already given me enough face, and I can't ask too much, not to mention that it's getting late.

Immediately, the two parties left separately, and Bonnie, who stayed at the end, also left after cleaning the meeting room.

In the next few days, meetings were held one after another, and the attack plan was gradually perfected.

After the time entered the fourth day, the entire plan had been determined, and personnel from both sides began to prepare for the final decisive battle.

"Are you sure these are really enough?" Katie pointed to about one-third of the red liquid in the star pool, showing doubts.

A dragon whose physical fitness has reached the god level wants to make further progress, so he naturally has to find a way in terms of laws, so he gets the attention of Xingchi.

Katie has no reason to refuse this, and of course she must fully support the enemy at the moment.

However, the time since Tai Long used it was only five or six seven days, and the liquid in the star pool was not full at all.

"let me try."

I can't be sure if I haven't experienced dragons, but I can't think of any other way except Xingchi.

"Okay, I'll help you watch outside the door, you just feel it."

After speaking, Katie turned around and left to leave space for the dragon. After all, the talent of the dragon is not weak, and there is an old man who has the power of the law to lead the way, so there is still a chance to awaken successfully.


After Katie left, Long stood on the spot and took a deep breath without jumping in. He didn't take off his cloak until he was in the best condition and slowly entered the star pool.

When the whole body was soaked in the red liquid in the star pool, the dragon's consciousness space exploded with a bang.

All the complicated thoughts in my mind disappeared in an instant, my body became light, and my perception of the world of laws became extremely clear.

The problems that I didn't understand in the past were easily solved at this moment, so I felt like I was immersed in it all at once, forgetting everything else.

In this case, time flies by.

On the sixth day, Katie, who was guarding the door, was puzzled. It stands to reason that one-third of the liquid should have been consumed as early as last night, which means that the dragon should have come out last night.

However, there is still no movement in the room until now, so it shouldn't be too weird.

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