The inexplicable words attracted everyone's attention, and everyone couldn't help turning their eyes to Im.

Then he was surprised to find that his naked eyes were full of solemnity, which was clearly the eyes only when encountering enemies!

enemy? Will this one still have enemies?

Everyone shook their heads subconsciously, denying this ridiculous idea.

He is number one in the world in terms of personal strength, and he is already invincible, since he is invincible, how can he have an enemy?

However, as soon as such an idea came into being, a young figure appeared in the back of my mind, named Thousand Changes Katie.

Although the last battle between the two ended with Katie running away, it also reflected that Im had nothing to do with Katie.

Compared with the absolute strength, the unparalleled talent in the world is the most eye-catching part of Katie's whole body.

The strength he displayed was stronger and more terrifying every time than the last time. What ordinary people can achieve in two or three years is only three or two weeks, or even three or two days.

Although the last Holy Land battle had just ended a little over a month ago, they had reason to believe that Katie was no longer what she used to be.

If the battle resumes, no one dares to say that the final winner is still Im.

"Ah la la, don't be in such a hurry, after all... we don't know each other very well, do we?"

The same voice came again, and everyone present was at a loss.

They found that although they heard the sound very clearly, they could not find the source of the sound, as if it sounded from the void and from the bottom of their hearts.

Tick, tick, tick;

Dou Da's cold sweat slid down Heibeard's cheeks, and his body could be seen trembling non-stop, like a mouse cornered by a cat, his heart completely surrounded by fear.

Although he couldn't judge the exact location of the person, he could hear his voice.

The unique timbre has been possessed by only one person in the whole world, and it is the man who completely rewrites the top war by himself, and also rewrites the trajectory of his own life along the way.

"No, it's impossible! We haven't prepared everything yet, how could he appear!?" Blackbeard trembled.

The dilated pupils imply emotions that are about to get out of control. The two confrontations between the North Sea Wind Island and Dressrosa made him very clearly see the gap between them.

Although he still hasn't given up on devouring Katie's powerful ability, he doesn't plan to face it in person, otherwise he won't appear here.

Although there is Im who is stronger than Katie standing beside him, but according to what I know about him, Katie never fights unprepared battles.

Since I chose to appear here at this time, it means that I have made sufficient preparations...

"Stop talking nonsense and kill me!" Immortal Im didn't want to say another word, so he punched Katie in his perception.

At 0.01 seconds, the world in front of everyone shattered with a bang.

The sinister wind roared, the air flow reversed, and a terrifying black hole exuding a terrifying aura suddenly appeared, swallowing everything around it.

Chairs, chandeliers, paper files, and of course people.

In the face of natural disaster-level suction, even Blackbeard could barely stabilize his figure. As for the guards and the king, they were sucked out of their seats as early as the moment the black hole formed and rushed towards the black hole without hesitation.

"Help, help!"

Although there are no guns or monsters in the black hole, the absolutely unknown environment is more likely to cause fear, because no one knows what will be faced in the next second.

And the terrifying suction alone gave everyone an ominous premonition. The black hole in front of them seemed to be the mouth of a giant beast, and he was the food that was about to be swallowed!


In the scream of tearing, the black hole ruthlessly devoured one king and guard after another.

In just three seconds, the number of people in the room dropped by a third.

"grown ups."

Seeing more and more people being sucked in, the servant standing behind Im couldn't help but step forward to remind him.

"Bastard, stop!" Im erupted again after speaking.

Unrivaled strength and angry voices merged into one, instantly enveloping the entire conference room.

Crackling, crackling;

In the sound of dense "raindrops", everyone floating in the air finally got rid of the shackles of suction and fell to the ground. There is no doubt that this is the credit of Im.

He didn't want to make a move at first, but considering that these people still had to save them later, Im didn't say anything about the person who had been sucked into the space crack.

Because all his attention was on Katie who hadn't shown up yet, at this moment he felt the danger he hadn't felt in a long time!

Im is very sure that his perception is correct, and Katie's real body is definitely in the space crack he created.

However, the empty void in front of him made him doubt his own judgment for the first time in such a long time. Could it be that his perception was wrong?

The moment this thought arose, an indistinct figure suddenly appeared in the pitch-black crack.

The strange sight instantly attracted everyone's attention. Even though they were scared, they couldn't help stretching their necks and looking away, wanting to know who had such a fierce heart and leopard courage.

On the other hand, Yim and the others, who had predicted the truth in advance, silently accumulated strength like black panthers crawling in the grass and preparing to attack their prey, showing their fierceness!

In the next second, a familiar face... appeared on the stage.

Looking at that face, everyone was silent for a long time, because they couldn't think of any words to describe the extremely complicated mood at this moment.

Before they reacted or Im launched an attack, faces appeared behind Katie.

Esdes, Tsunade, Ryder, Barrett Revolutionary Army leader Ryu, Sabo, Karas, and of course two unidentified masked men.

The crowd swallowed their saliva all the time, the pressure and shock caused by this scene was really great.

Because these people include all the high-end combat power of the Shadow House and the Revolutionary Army, and they are still under the premise of excluding the masked people.

No one knows how strong such a force is, but from Im and Blackbeard's expressions, one can guess that even under the premise of having the world's best personal strength, the situation is still not optimistic.

When everyone ignored the masked man, there was one person who stared at the two of them.

"So, are you planning to tear up the agreement?" Imson said coldly, looking at the masked man with a compelling coldness.

Besides, what made him even more concerned was that he didn't even know one of them, but his sense of danger to himself was no weaker than Katie's!

Im confused by such a discovery, but at the same time furious, the useless four old stars are too useless to allow the enemy to grow to such a degree!

"Hehe, don't you think it's boring to say that?"

"Do you need me to clarify what you have done secretly all these years?" said the thin and tall masked man.

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