boom! ! !

Without any warning, the gray world stretching thousands of miles exploded in an instant.

Horror waves swept across the world, and the giant tornado far exceeding the sixteenth typhoon ran through the whole world, vowing to tear it to pieces!

The suffocating law of destruction is like hundreds of billions of locusts, devouring everything without leaving a trace.


Those with weaker strength only felt that a giant mountain range wrapped in armed colors fell on their heads, but their internal organs were damaged in one-tenth of a second, a sweet mouthful of blood came out of their throats, and their bodies seemed to be disconnected. The kite was blown into the sky by the strong wind.

"Ice Field!"

"I control the world!"

In the world full of destruction, a blue light and a golden light suddenly appeared, propping up a stable sky and under the protection of everyone in the shadow building.

It was Estes and Long, whose strength had reached the state of awakening, who made the move.

In such a situation, only they are qualified to stand here. As for the others, even half-step awakened people will die or be injured.

"Deputy host, I request to pursue the enemy!"

As soon as the situation stabilized, Enilo's voice came.

Seeing his impatient look, everyone knew exactly what he was thinking, and they couldn't help but look at Esthers. When Katie is away, she will decide everything.

Frowning slightly, Estes said after a moment of thinking: "Koshiro, Ryder, Barrett, and Mr. Long, please follow up with Enilo to avoid something like last time."

"In addition, don't be obsessed with fighting, come back here as soon as possible after beheading the enemy, understand?!"

Everyone's heart trembled when they heard the words, they naturally knew what Esdes was referring to.

Especially Enilo, if the Dressrosa incident hadn't been for Katie to deter the audience with her absolute strength, the final outcome might not be so good.

"Understood!" The five replied in response, then turned and left and went straight to the direction where Blackbeard and the others left.

Although it does not belong to the Shadow Tower, Long also hopes to wipe out all enemies including Sanlaoxing.

After this incident, the whole world will definitely be in an uproar. At that time, a lot of manpower and material resources will be needed to control the situation and build a new pattern. It will be difficult to spare troops to deal with them.

Missing this opportunity is tantamount to leaving a nail and a hidden danger for yourself, and the only best policy is to kill them all.

Looking away at the rioting world through the blue ice wall, Esdeth's eyes were full of worry.

Of course she knows Katie's strength, but the atmosphere outside is too terrifying, not to mention that she is on the periphery. What kind of risks will Dee face?

In such a situation, she couldn't help but not worry.

hold head high! ! !

At a certain moment, a passionate and shocking dragon chant suddenly came out from under the destructive sky.

A beam of dazzling golden light suddenly emerged from the gray fog covering the whole world, followed by the second beam, third beam, fourth beam, and so on.

The next moment, a five-hundred-meter-long golden dragon soared into the sky from the world of gray mist, the mist receded in the area it passed, and the destructive aura of riots and restlessness quickly faded away.

"I'd like to see what other means you have!" Jin Long said, it was Katie's voice.

After saying that, Katie, who had transformed into a golden dragon, was shocked, and immediately turned into a huge golden arrow and rushed straight to a certain direction.

"My lord, save me!"

An exclamation came almost at the same time, but there was only time to leave these four words.

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