One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 541: Magical Green Light


Katie's offensive stagnated in vain, and the purple beam of light that originally entered the field was slowly pushed back, only because the oncoming pressure suddenly increased.

"Give me. Break!"

At this point, there was no way out, Katie exhausted all her strength and vowed to poke a hole out of this gray area.

For a moment, the golden light was shining brightly, and Katie in dragon form hung in the sky like a big sun exuding endless majesty, and the purple beam of light soaring into the sky also increased sharply to stop the decline.


Almost at the same time, the phoenix blew shook the sky, and Esdeth naturally did not want to be outdone and tried his best.

Where absolute zero passes, even the air and the remaining law of destruction are frozen, all fluctuations and energy disappear, and the world around stops as if the pause button was pressed.

"We're coming too!"

The masked duo, who sensed the change, also shot.

The golden light is all over the body, but the height of about two meters exudes the same terrifying aura as the wild giant beast.

When the golden light climbed to the extreme, the majestic man clenched his right fist and threw it down in front of him.

"Fist Bone Broken!"

After finishing speaking, the fist fell to the space to vibrate.

Under his all-out fist, even the terrifying Domain of Destruction was forced back hundreds of meters.

Not waiting for the domain to repair itself, the mighty one punched down again.

boom! boom! boom.

A continuous roar resounded through the heaven and earth, and the golden fist with a bowl mouth was raised again and again, and then fell at the speed of light to form an afterimage, so that the naked eye could not see where his fist was.

"Soul Finger!" With a low shout, the tall and thin man also made a move.

Different from the majestic attack scene of the majestic, his shots are extremely quiet.

While accumulating power, reach forward with both hands, and when the arms are stretched to the limit, a green light spreads from the front of the fingers.

Compared with the huge destruction field, this green light can be said to be insignificant.

However, the moment it appeared, Im, who was in the depths of the field and witnessed this scene with his own eyes, retreated subconsciously.

However, he didn't really retreat. Several previous experiences made him understand that this kind of attack cannot be avoided by keeping a distance.

With this in mind, while expanding the control field, an extra part of energy is allocated to stimulate the potential of the physical body and improve the physical state to the extreme.

Boom, boom, boom;

The heartbeat shook the void like thunder, and the unprecedented super-strong blood set it off like a small sun.

The horror of super god-level physical strength is undoubtedly evident!

Almost at the same time, the misty green light reached Im's forehead across a distance of a thousand meters!

chi chi chi.

When the green light touched the blood energy scattered around Im, the sound that erupted was not shocking, but rather like a hot iron branding on the skin.

After a few breaths of effort, the already faint green light became thinner and thinner, and in the end it was only as thin as a hair.

Even so, the green light finally passed through layers of blood and touched Im's forehead.


The hair-thin green light is like a swimming fish, and it has penetrated into Im's head in the blink of an eye.

In an instant, Imru's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and the fabric around his mouth bulged a little.

Obviously, the hair-thick green light caused him a lot of damage.

On the other side, the aura of the thin and tall man who performed this move has dropped significantly, and it is naturally not a small price to forcibly interfere with half a step of the super god level with the strength of an awakened person.

However, the effect is also immediate.

As the spellcaster, Im was disturbed, and the domain of destruction not only stopped expanding, but also became disordered. Under the joint attack of Katie and the three, it seemed to be collapsing.

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