One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 569 Kuzan Seeking a Battle

Over the years, he has witnessed so many outstanding talents being killed in various forms, his heart is bleeding!

Their death means that technology cannot break through and the times cannot progress.

Even Vegapunk was almost murdered.

The reason why the yellow ape is stationed in the naval research force all the year round is to prevent sneak attacks.

Because of the existence of those outsiders, the whole world was not only deceived for 800 years, but the development of science and technology and civilization was also forced to stay in place for 800 years!

For all the people living on Sea Spirit Planet, this is such a sad thing.

"But the fact that you betrayed the navy is a fact!"

This time, Sakalski also learned well, no matter what Karp said, he always insisted on the word "betrayal".

Once the matter is settled, even Karp's extraordinary strength can't help him.

And he doesn't believe that Steel Bone Kong, Sengoku and others have no opinion on this matter. The partners who have fought together for decades have always had two hearts. gaps between.

Flies don't bite unsealed eggs.

When the gaps and gaps expand to a certain extent, they can be used by themselves.

"I don't think Mr. Cap has betrayed the Navy."

At this moment, Kuzan, who had been silent all along, stood up.

Previously, his attention had always been on Sakaski, and he wanted to know what was different about Sakaski sitting in the position of marshal.

The result he got disappointed him.

Because of his status as a marshal, he didn't learn to take into account the overall situation, nor did he become far-sighted.

Not only that, but it made him more arbitrary.

So, Kuzan stepped up.

"I would like to ask everyone here a question, what is the meaning of existence of the navy or every soldier?"

No one answered the words, because the question was too heavy.

"It is to defend peace, to defend the country, and of course to protect justice." Kuzan said to himself.

"The so-called justice is not an order from the boss, but a belief and concept. It requires us to help the weak, punish evil, and pursue fairness."

"Everyone is equal before justice, even Tianlong people should not ignore human life! The sinful slave trade should not exist!"

"However, the world government has never paid attention to these issues. In their eyes, the Tianlong people are everything! The meaning of other people's existence is to serve the Tianlong people!"

"Blindly obeying the order of the world government is undoubtedly helping the evildoers!"

"Sakaski, the reason why you think Karp betrayed the Navy is because you dare not face up to the mistakes you made, dare not admit that you are an accomplice of criminals, let alone admit that you are not righteous but evil!"

"shut up!"

Almost immediately, Sakalski interrupted Kuzan with a growl.

His wide eyes were about to breathe fire, and the veins on his forehead were bulging, and he looked irritable and might strike at any time.

It was because every word and every word of Kuzan's words pierced his heart like a blade.

Not only him, Sengoku, Steel Bone Kong and even Crane sitting beside him also felt the same way.

They have wiped the ass of the world government too many times over the years.

Even if the circumstances are justifiable, if you do it, you have done it, and it will never be erased.

As Kuzan said, they don't have enough courage to face all this, so they can only selectively ignore and forget, because only in this way can they be a little easier.

"Although I don't like to use the victory or defeat of the battle to determine the position of the marshal, but the matter has come to this point, and there is only one way left."

"This time, it's my turn to challenge you, Sakarski, do you dare to accept it?" Kuzan said after changing the subject.

His eyes were deep and calm, and there was no joy or anger on his face, as if winning or losing had nothing to do with him.

"Kuzan, you."

Garp was taken aback by the unexpected decision, although he was injected with the strengthening potion developed by Vegapunk, making him a half-step awakener.

But Sakaski had already stepped into the star pool to comprehend the power of the law earlier, and became a half-step awakener first.

Once the war starts, there is no full assurance.

"Sir, don't worry, this time... I won't lose again!"

The voice was slightly hoarse, and the eyes looking at Sakaski became full of fighting spirit.

This time, he wants to avenge his shame!

"Haha, that's what you said, but I didn't force you!"

Sakaski, who thought he was settled, laughed out loud, and even looked at Kuzan with a little smile.

He was worried about how to resolve the current situation, when he heard Kuzan say this.

He didn't know about the strengthening potion, so he didn't pay attention to the other party at all, and even thought he was giving up on himself.

"Be careful." Patting Kuzan on the shoulder, Karp urged.

At this point, he has nothing to say, he only hopes that he can win the next battle.

Soon, Kuzan and Sakaski appeared in the sky 10,000 meters away from the headquarters.

Others, far away from each other to watch.

"Don't worry, I will restore you to the position of general." Looking at Kuzan opposite, Sakaski waved his hand nonchalantly.

"Hehe, then I'll thank you in advance."

Kuzan said with a smile, he knew exactly what Sakalski was thinking, and he just hoped he wouldn't be too surprised later.

"Get down!"

With a sound of anger, Sakaski took the lead in attacking.

Half of the body quickly turned into crimson hot magma, accompanied by the powerful force of law.

When the aura was sensed by everyone below, the CP0 captain still nodded secretly.

In terms of personal strength alone, Sakaski is still qualified to serve as the marshal.

The eyes shifted, and several people looked at Kuzan on the other side.

Of course he didn't sit still at this time, half of his body was also elementalized, and the hard ice reflected several colored lights under the sunlight.


Without unnecessary nonsense, the huge fists made of ice and lava collided brazenly in mid-air.

The terrifying aftermath of the attack followed closely, forcing the sea surface a thousand meters below into a vortex, and the clear sky instantly turned gloomy, just like a stormy weather.

"Is this the strength of a general?"

The scene in front of him had an unprecedented impact on Kebi, who had just become a major general.

The successful promotion to major general made him feel that the distance between himself and the general has shortened a lot. However, after seeing such a picture, the previous feeling disappeared instantly.

The gap is still one sky and one underground, without any change.

"Why did you just give up?"

Seeing that the battle could no longer be stopped, he simply began to teach Keby around him.

In him, Garp saw himself when he was young, with a ruthless and aggressive spirit!

"No, no!"

Although the gap is huge, he never thought of giving up. He has been promoted from a small soldier to a major general, and there is no reason why he cannot become a general.

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