One Piece: Billion Times Experience Increase

Chapter 147 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Xiaming, who had always been very powerful before, was unpleasant in his hands, and was completely downwind! And this is just a discussion! If Zephyr really let go of his hands and feet to fight, how terrifying would he think of this , Da Siqi naturally couldn't help but exclaimed.

What she didn't know was that Zephyr at this time was amazed by Xiaming's performance.

"This kid, the progress is really great!"

Zephyr suppressed Xiaming, but he was amazed in his heart.

At this time, he still remembers the discussions a few months ago.

At that time, Xiaming couldn't even catch his tricks! But now, even though Xiaming is under the wind by him, he is very tenacious. He has been fighting for dozens of rounds and has not been completely suppressed! And his swordsmanship is superb. , Far beyond Zephyr's imagination.

The most important thing is that during the battle, Zephyr can clearly feel! Xiaming is getting stronger! It is not because of the skillful use of various abilities that he is getting stronger, but because his abilities are gradually becoming stronger, so the strength is also Follow up! Especially the two-color domineering! Zephyr was shocked to find that Xiaming's two-color domineering seems to have a trace of breaking through the elementary level! But how long did his two-color domineering learn! This monster-like guy is really getting people Looking forward to it! Please download Feilu Novels to read the underlined version of the novel

114, Where is Xiaming going next?

"Blood Slashing Air Slash!"

In the warship training room.

As Xiaming and Zephyr continued to learn from each other, this warship training room was eventually affected.

As time goes by, it gradually becomes: a thousand holes are formed.

Their exchanges should also end.

Xiaming held Qiuyue in his hand, and finally turned into a line of electric light, passing over Zephyr's figure.

Then he stood behind Zephyr, and on Zephyr, there was a horrible line of fire sword mark! Just as before, Zephyr's tyrannical Armament Haki suppressed everything, not only resisted the sword, but also extinguished the blood-devouring flames. .

Seeing this, Xiaming immediately shook his head.

He still has no choice but to get Zephyr's powerful Armament Haki.

Thinking of this, Xiaming immediately regained his human form, and while retracting the sword, he said to Zephyr: "Teacher Zephyr, it seems that Jiang is still very old, I can't even hurt your old bones."

Saying that, Xiaming didn't have much discouragement in his eyes.

In fact, to be able to compete with Zephyr to this point, as a recruit who has only graduated from the elite camp for less than a year, he is proud enough! And Xiaming also saw hope in this competition.

Give him a while, he will definitely be able to break Zephyr's defenses, and even qualify to become his true opponent! About this, Zephyr naturally understands this very well.

Judging from the situation that Xiaming is getting stronger all the time, he knows that his suppression of Xiaming will not last long.(Read more @

Maybe in a few years, he might not be Xiaming's opponent! Realizing this, Zephyr was shocked and extremely pleased.

Even though Xiaming didn't hurt him this time, he still smiled and said, "You don't have to be scornful. The Aokiji red dogs that the old man taught before, at your age, their performance is not even as good as you."

"Your growth rate has surprised the old man, and the current strength has made him very satisfied. Therefore, the old man still allows you to make an unreasonable request."

Hearing this, Da Siqi who was watching was shocked.

Aokiji, isn’t the red dog the name of the current Marine Admiral! According to Zephyr, Xiaming's performance is even better than those two! Those two are Marine Admiral, Xiaming's performance is better than them, does it mean, in the future? Xiaming's achievements are likely to be the same as them, or even higher than them! Thinking of this, Da Siqi was shocked again.

As for Xiaming, it is calm and calm, and the reaction is indifferent.

After all, he also knows how perverted his performance is.If this is not comparable to Aokiji and the others, it would be too shameful.

It was what Zephyr said later that made Xiaming's eyes lit up.

"The old guy is still reasonable."

If it was good to hurt him, he promised himself an unreasonable request.

As a result, Xiaming didn't hurt him now, but he could still agree.

Obviously, as Zephyr said, Ming's performance satisfied him.

In that case, Xiaming was not welcome, and immediately began to think subconsciously.


What do you want Zephyr to do? Xiaming immediately thought of his next arrangement.

In fact, his next arrangement is not known yet.

After all, he has to report to Sengoku personally before making a decision.

According to Zephyr's attitude, he should stay at Naval Headquarters.

But what position, which department to work in, this is not accurate.

And with Zephyr's guarantee, he seems to be able to ask him to arrange for himself in detail which department and what work.

After all, Zephyr is in the Marine government, and the position and influence are very large.Up to Marshal Sengoku, down to a seaman, he has to give him face.

On Marshal Sengoku's side, he was not too worried.

Because the adopted son Rosinante died in the hands of Doflamingo, Marshal Sengoku's attitude towards Doflamingo was absolutely unkind.

This can also be seen from the fact that Marshal Sengoku asked Zephyr to come to Xihai to defend him.

All in all, what Xiaming needs to consider now is which department to go to, which position is best for itself.

After clarifying this idea, Xiaming's next thinking is much simpler.

He first thought of the Great Undersea Prison, Impel down! Don't forget, Xiaming's blood-devouring demon ape ability has not yet been used to the extreme! To be precise, it should be the blood-devouring flame ability, which has not yet been used to the extreme.

Swallowing blood is only incidental, strengthening oneself is the key! Especially to devour the blood of other races to strengthen oneself! In that way, Xiaming will be able to develop other forms of blood-devouring demon ape! And in the great underwater prison, fish and dragons are mixed, what? There are prisoners of all races, and they can almost be killed at will. This is simply the best place to develop other forms of Blood Devouring Demon Ape! However, in addition to thinking of this, Xiaming soon thought of another option.

That is to join the secret espionage department of the World government! To be precise, it should be to enter the department and serve as the bodyguard of Begapunk! As I said before, Xiaming wants to find Begapunk and get that... let the object take Zoan fruit Way.

If possible, he would also like to see if there is a way to make objects eat Paramecia fruit.

In this way, the cat fruit and castle fruit in his hand will naturally come in handy.

And when you get other Devil Fruit in the future, you can deal with it in the same way.

In this way, the object eats Devil Fruit, especially Paramecia fruit, and Xiaming masters this object, which is equivalent to Xiaming eating one more Devil Fruit! In this case, it is not too cool! And think about it, the benefits are also Not lower than going to Impel down.

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