One Piece: Billion Times Experience Increase

Chapter 168 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

A magical scene appeared! As Xiaming touched it with his right hand, the white big barrels disappeared out of thin air! If Kalifa were here, I would be surprised.

Xiaming has no surprises.

Because at that instant, he had activated the castle fruit ability of the storage ring, and collected these white big barrels into the castle space one by one.

Speaking of it, the space inside this storage ring is also quite large, as big as a castle.

It may be the same area as Capone Bege before.

I just don't know if it can expand.

Although the space the size of the castle should be enough, Xiaming certainly doesn't think it is too big.

This kind of thing, of course, the bigger the better! Also, Xiaming suddenly thought that the castle fruit ability of this storage ring can still be enhanced, or it can only stay at this level! If it can be enhanced, That is not bad.

Otherwise, this seems to be a big flaw.

After all, the reason why Devil Fruit is strong is its sustainable development.

If this kind of Devil Fruit ability loses this continuous development, its value and usefulness will undoubtedly be greatly reduced! Of course, it is not the time to think about this, Xiaming will not even use storage or how to get the benefits for the time being. After thinking about it, after collecting the blood, I turned my head and went straight to the independent training room! The most important thing now is to swallow the blood and cultivate other forms of the blood-devouring demon ape! With this idea, Xiaming came soon Independent training room.

It is worth mentioning that, of course, scientists don't have a training room, let alone an independent training room, but the members of the Science Department do.

The members of the Xiaming scientist team take care of it, and naturally they also have their own independent training room.

After arriving here, Xiaming suddenly thought about it again, and couldn't wait to take out the blood of those foreign races.

Puff puff puff!!!! Four barrels of blood appeared one after another immediately.

Immediately afterwards, when Xiaming was about to start transforming and practicing, an accident occurred.

A graceful figure suddenly stood in the training room.

Xiaming suddenly raised his brows.

The graceful figure that suddenly appeared this time was actually Kalifa! How did she go back again, "What are you going to do, haven't you seen me practicing?"

Xiaming frowned immediately and expressed dissatisfaction.

He didn't want to be watched by others when he was devouring blood.

Kalifa's heart suddenly tightened, and as Xiaming frowned, she vaguely felt an invisible pressure.(Read more @

That was Xiaming's powerful performance in the past, which caused her subconscious deterrence.

But in the end it is strictly

At 9 of the grid training, Kalifa quickly calmed down and explained faintly: "Xiaming, I am now in charge of your scientific research project. It is necessary to stay by your side while you are doing scientific research to ensure your safety."

Here, Kalifa's duties are similar to those of Zhan Momomaru and others.

However, there is still a difference, that is, Zhan Tao Maru and others are responsible for foreign enemies, while Kalifa is responsible for dealing with any dangers that arise in scientific research.

Of course, this is just Kalifa's rhetoric, or an excuse.

Yes, it is an excuse.

Kalifa wants to investigate Xiaming's strength, even his scientific research projects, and naturally wants to get close to him.

The reason why she left so obediently before was because she felt that Xiaming could not study in the material room.

But what she didn't expect was that Xiaming then left the core area directly and went to the training room.

And it seems to have secretly brought the blood of those alien races.

Thinking about this, Kalifa's beautiful eyes swept across the four buckets of blood in the corner.

In view of this, she naturally couldn't remain indifferent, so she rushed over and appeared next to Xiaming again.

At this time, Xiaming finally saw something was wrong.

It stands to reason that Kalifa should be afraid of him! Even if he does things for himself because of the rules, he can't be so enthusiastic and considerate! Thinking of this, Xiaming's rejection psychology is naturally strengthened.

Just when he was about to start to expel Kalifa seriously, his heart suddenly moved.

"It doesn't seem to matter for this woman to see"

Xiaming thought secretly in his heart.

It seems that when cultivating the new form of the blood-devouring demon ape, it is okay to let Kalifa see it, because knowing that he can swallow blood, it is not one person or two people, if Kalifa wants to inquire, it is not difficult to know.

In this way, it doesn't matter if she knows that she is cultivating by swallowing blood.

In addition, although he didn't know that Kalifa had the idea of ​​probing his true strength, even if he knew it, he wouldn't care.

Because it is impossible for him to use his full strength during cultivation, Kalifa is absolutely unable to see clearly.

Of course, the most important thing is that for a while, he will cultivate the new form of the blood-devouring demon ape, and it seems that he lacks a training target! Since he is a special team member, Zhan Taomaru and others are not with him.

In this way, after a while, if he cultivates a new form of the Blood Devouring Demon Ape, it doesn't seem to be great if no opponents practice it! And now Kalifa who insists on staying next to him, isn't it just right, as soon as he thought of this, Xiaming turned to laugh. Got up.

He looked at Kalifa, his eyes narrowed.

"I'm here, not... doing scientific research, but just daily practice. If you don't leave, then we will have two tricks later."

Hearing this, the beautiful eyes under Kalifa's nearsighted glasses suddenly lighted up.

This is not exactly what she wants! If she can practice against Xiaming, it will be much easier for her to discover Xiaming's true strength.

Of course, she can't even beat Rob Lucci, and she definitely can't force Xiaming to give her full strength, but this way, at least it gives her a general idea, which is not bad.

With this idea, Kalifa naturally has no reason to leave.

But then, when she saw Xiaming suddenly turned into a monster, she suddenly felt something wrong.

132, weird practice, gibbon ape! ?

Since Xiaming wants to practice with himself, Kalifa is certainly one hundred willing.

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