One Piece: Billion Times Experience Increase

Chapter 176 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

But it's impossible to say unlimited, or when he needs something, he will do everything he can to search for it.

For a while, the bear didn't know what to say.

Upon seeing this, Begapunk shook his head immediately: "You are going to overthrow the World government, but my goal is to use the power of science to break the world!"

"There is a saying in my hometown, saying that different ways are not conspiring, so you should go."

Xiong suddenly became more silent, subconsciously chanting Begapunk's words.

He knew that the chance of persuading Begapunk had been minimized, and it could even be said to be completely impossible.

Now that he shook his head, the bear's face was a little more indifferent, and then without warning, he suddenly reached out and patted Begapunk.

Since they couldn't persuade, they could only let Begapunk make sacrifices for their revolutionary cause.

At that moment, Begapunk's face changed, he couldn't dodge or even dodge the bear's attack, he could only watch that...bear's paw approaching.

Only at this moment, an accident happened.

A slash of blue light suddenly flew in! With a movement of Xiong's face, the palm of his hand turned, and the slashing bullet flew away.

Immediately he turned his head, and a handsome young man suddenly appeared in his sight.


When Vegapunk saw this, he was relieved immediately.

Although he is relatively calm, he is still a little stressed in the face of death.After all, he still has goals that have not been achieved, so he does not want to die.

The arrival of Xiaming finally made him feel relieved.

At this moment.

Xiaming, who rushed over, had a strange expression on his face.

Although he had guessed that it would not be easy to invade people, he still did not expect that it would be a tyrant bear in Seven Warlords of the Sea! But if it were him, it would be weird.

With his unpredictable flesh ball fruit ability, he does have the ability to invade here.

At the same time, Xiaming couldn't help thinking about the conversation between Xiong and Vegapunk that he had just heard.

He also heard the last conversation between the two.(Read more @

Xiaming suddenly understood the bear’s intention, and it turned out to be to win Begapunk! But obviously, the win failed, so the bear wanted to kill Begapunk! Another thing Xiaming cares about is that Begapunk just

The last words.

His goal turned out to be to break the world. What does it mean? Why do you want to break this world? Could it be that Begapunk knows this world, it is the One Piece world, and the words are different and inconsistent, it is the hometown of Begapunk? But why does he feel more like the earth in a few simple sentences, but the amount of information contained is infinite.

Reminiscent of the singularity of Begapunk and his creation of a situation similar to that of the east and west dragons on the earth, Xiaming can't help but suspect that this little guy, like him, is a traverser! And it is the earth that has crossed over! Just let Xiaming is a little strange that Begapunk doesn't know as much about Pirate World as he does.

Speaking of it, if the other party is an Earth-traverser, then he has long understood how he accidentally obtained Devil Fruit. But why is the other party unheard of? As an Earth-traverser, it seems impossible to say that you haven't seen One Piece. Thinking about this, when Xiaming appeared, his face became strange.

But soon, Xiaming's face condensed again, quickly condensing his floating thoughts.

It doesn't seem to be... When he was thinking about it, since Vegapunk was not drawn, his current task is to defeat the bear and protect Vegapunk! For this... Seven Warlords of the Sea, Xiaming dare not neglect.

At this time, he seemed to understand that Xiaming was not easy.The bear did not deal with Begapunk anymore, but first turned around and looked at Xiaming.

"If you travel, where do you want to go"

Immediately afterwards, Xiong said the classic line again.

Xiaming's heart suddenly shuddered.

He knows very well that if he is shot by a bear, then everything is over! In other words, he can't be shot, or knock down the other party before being shot! Thinking like this, Xiaming does not hesitate, and directly activates the body. The blood-devouring demon ape's fruit ability rises.

At this moment, Xiaming's figure rose up, his appearance changed drastically, and he immediately became a purple-haired fierce ape.

"Long-legged Demon Ape Form!"

This was not over yet, as his heart moved, his sturdy legs suddenly pulled up again.

Xiaming's height soared to more than five meters in the blink of an eye, and he almost reached the shoulders of the stout bear. Although his height was still slightly worse than that of the other party, at this time, he seemed undoubtedly stronger than the other party's aura! The fierce aura, invisible Swept away in China.


Seeing that the two were about to fight, Begapunk naturally retreated subconsciously to avoid being affected by the aftermath of the battle, but when he saw the appearance of the blood-devouring demon ape that Xiaming transformed into, he couldn't help but startled.

It seems that he has known each other for so long, and he still doesn't know that Xiaming has the Devil Fruit ability.

In addition, this should be the Zoan Devil Fruit ability, but why does it look so terrible and hideous.

And what’s even more strange is that because of the need to study Devil Fruit, Begapunk almost memorized the Devil's Illustrated Book upside down! But now that he sees the transformation of Xiaming, he still feels a little strange! What exactly is this Devil Fruit! When Vegapunk was puzzled, the battle had begun.

After transforming into a long-legged demon ape, Xiaming lifted his leg and swept it, and an ordinary Tempest Kick suddenly burst.

The blue light lasses, because of the increase in the strength of the long-legged race, the ordinary Tempest Kick at this time is almost like, twisting the moon, slashing towards the bear's waist! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

139, the bear's attention? Unleash the big move! ?

139, the bear's attention? Unleash the big move! ?

Hey!! Xiaming, who turned into a long-legged demon ape, suddenly lifted his leg and released an ordinary Tempest Kick.

The blue light flashed, and under the increase of the strength of the long-legged race, the ordinary Tempest Kick, like a twisted moon, slashed towards the waist of the bear! Whoosh! In the next moment, the Tempest Kick, which is like a twisted moon, fell into a void.

But the figure of the bear suddenly disappeared in place.

Xiaming's golden pupils shrank, and Observation Haki immediately sent a strong warning.

At this moment, he didn't hesitate at all, he twisted his waist and turned around, and another big long leg kicked out violently.

"Amament Haki!"

"Blood Devouring Flame!"

The thighs covered with purple hair were suddenly stained with a lot of pitch black.

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