One Piece: Billion Times Experience Increase

Chapter 181 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

But don't forget, the fruit of the bear's flesh ball can bounce away from fatigue! After physical exertion, the body will of course be fatigued.

But if this is the case after the bouncing fatigue, the physical strength should be considered as restored. If this is the case, doesn't it mean that the bear can't be exhausted! His flesh ball fruit ability can be released infinitely. Thinking of this, Xiaming is more and more It feels incredible.

If all of the above conditions are true, doesn't it mean that the bear's combat power will always remain at its peak state, without the slightest exhaustion! At this moment, Xiaming suddenly understood why the bear was hidden by the gods in the original work.

Because of the ability of the meatball fruit, it is really abnormal! To some extent, it is almost invincible! It is not Logia...pseudo-invincibility, but invincible in the true sense! Bounce damage, bounce fatigue, bounce injury instantaneously Move, terrifying attack power! This kind of flesh ball fruit ability is said to be invincible, and it is not exaggerated. At this time, Xiaming suddenly realized what kind of existence he is dealing with now! And next, it seems to be: Explaining that as a powerful person with the ability of flesh ball fruit, Xiong has launched a counterattack again.

When the person was in the air, he aimed at Xiaming's direction and waved his palms one after another.

At that moment, the pink bear's paw bubbles the size of a human head in front of him were instantly broken up and split into countless smaller ones: the shadow of the bear's paw, shrouded toward Xiaming like a storm! He actually popped those out. Xiaming's injuries and the like were hit as an attack! Xiaming's face suddenly sank.

Not dare to neglect, he quickly waved the elephant sword in his hand! The sword light began to crisscross, instantly cutting the shadow of the bear's paw in half.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened to Xiaming! The shadows of the cut bear paws did not fail. Instead, they followed the elephant sword and spread to him! "What's the matter!"

Xiaming was shocked.

He could clearly sense that at this moment, his body seemed to become weaker.

At the same time, the vigorous elephant sword has also become weaker at this time.

Xiaming's heart suddenly shuddered.

"Is it because of the elephant sword"

It stands to reason that although the bear's attack is weird, it is absolutely impossible to pass it after being split.

The only explanation is that the elephant sword is a living thing, which leads to the electric shock principle here, which is similar to the elephant sword being electrocuted, and the elephant holding the elephant sword followed.

In other words, because those weakening effects were effective on the elephant sword, he was also weakened while holding the elephant sword.

Under this condition, Xiaming's blood-eating demon ape ability is not the same as Xiaming's blood-devouring demon ape ability. How many weak flesh balls

At this time, after realizing that he was weak, he immediately put away the elephant sword and replaced it with Qiuyue, while thinking about it.

At this moment, in the midair, the blood-devouring flame that was stripped by the bear just now seemed to be summoned, and suddenly returned to Xiaming.

Boom!!! In the next second, Xiaming also returned to its heyday, again holding the sword to kill the bear! Although the ability of the fruit of the flesh ball is indeed very strange, the victory or defeat of this battle has not been determined yet! At this time, what made Xiaming unexpected happened again! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

144, the bosses are here, the end of the bear!

Just when Xiaming and Xiong were fighting.(Read more @


Although Kalifa has just left.

But Rob Lucci and others can't wait to ask how Kalifa is there.

But next, what made them puzzled was that the phone worm who wanted to call Kalifa couldn't get through! What happened! Rob Lucci and others couldn't help but wonder.

Originally, he didn't care too much, until after a huge shock came from the science department.

They finally realized something was wrong! Besides, people in other departments also noticed something was wrong.

Ever since, at that moment, people in all departments rushed to the Science Department

Also rushing to the Ministry of Science were people from the Marine government.

Marshal Sengoku is headed, plus Garp! In addition, there is also Aokiji who is also in the Marine government.

In addition, the elite camp was also alarmed, but only Zephyr went.

Of course, the fastest is naturally Kizaru.

When he discovered the surprising movement of the Ministry of Science, Kizaru had already automatically asked for it, without having to order from Marshal Sengoku, and went ahead.

At the speed of Kizaru, he rushed to the scene of the Ministry of Science, even faster than the people in the department

Ever since, when Xiaming was holding the sword and planning to kill the bear again, an unexpected thing happened again! This time, it didn't happen to the bear.

On the contrary, it came from a distance! At this moment, a dazzling light suddenly lit up in the distance, and then in a flash, it came to Xiaming and Xiong in an instant.

Immediately, the light converged, and a tall and thin figure with a wretched face appeared.

It was Kizaru! Xiaming was startled.

But the bear's face changed again.

"What about it! What happened here? The old man was woken up after taking a nap."

A lazy voice came from Kizaru's mouth.

Seeing the huge figure of Xiaming and the appearance of Xiaming's mutation, his wretched face couldn't help showing an unexpected color.

Xiaming recovered, and shook his head.

He immediately understood that the shocking movement caused by his collision with the bear's big move just now seemed to have shocked the Marine government and others.

As for why Kizaru was the first to arrive, there is no need to say more about the reason.

Thinking about this, Xiaming immediately explained: "Kizaru Admiral, you came just right. The Tyrant Bear just invaded the Ministry of Science and wanted to assassinate Professor Vegapunk, but he can't let him escape!"

After clarifying the situation in a few words, Xiaming immediately waved Qiuyue to kill the bear.

All kinds of power factors are superimposed and everything is once again transformed into Xiaming's figure into a lightning flame, suddenly slashing towards the bear.

It was still a combination of angel form and Bloodthirsty Flame Slash! Although the sword was replaced by Qiuyue this time, its power was not much.

As for why Kizaru was there, Xia was still eager to shoot for two reasons.

One is that he still wants to defeat the bear himself, and the other is that in the original book, the guy Kizaru behaves suspiciously, he is too lazy to be too lazy, and suspects that the revolutionary army is undercover.

If it is the revolutionary army, he and Xiong are in the same group. Xiaming must prevent them from having the reaction time to join hands! Brush! It is too late, then it will be fast.

Almost at the moment when Xiaming's voice fell, the lightning sword light he had acted had already swept across the huge Xiong's body.

The slash engulfed in the weird purple flame burst out! This time, the bear was clearly prepared.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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