One Piece: Billion Times Experience Increase

Chapter 235 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

, Did not start a cruel massacre, he thought that this incident had nothing to do with that incident.

It seems that someone deliberately released negative news about him, making all pirates his enemies, or he wanted to use his hands to eliminate more pirates.

For example, if a group of pirates meet him, the first reaction of the pirates is definitely that he is here to destroy them.

Therefore, they will attack him desperately first, and then start from the strong.

Xiaming certainly won't stand still.

He will fight back.

When he destroys the pirate group, this news will be reported frantically, further deepening his competition in the hearts of the pirates, thus entering a cycle of death.

With this in mind, Xiaming's forehead froze.

Who will spread the news? In New World, not many people know his existence, only Joey Honey, all members of the pirates and young people, will they be one of them. If he has the most motivation, then he is a Boxsmith, but if it was him, why didn't he tell his true identity? Instead, the unknown pirate killer was written in the newspaper.

From a certain angle, the person knows his existence, but may not know his identity.

So who is this man? The motivation of this man is nothing more than to make him fight the pirates.

From a certain perspective, the person's main purpose should be to get rid of more pirates with both hands.

If you think about it, he and the pirates have been fighting, then in the end, the biggest winner of this farce will be Marine, because they did not spend a soldier to solve the pirate that they hated.

Can this person be a Marine, but he has never contacted Marine, how did Marine know him frowning for a long time, Xiaming still can't think of who is most likely to spread the news, so he decided not to think about it anymore.

The soldiers guarded, and the water flooded the soil.

He never feared anyone.

"Boss, there is a boat ahead!"

Batman stretched out his huge wings and pointed forward.

191, the strongest blow! ?

"That's a Marine ship!"

The Xiaming glanced at the Marine flag flying randomly.

He was still skeptical that Marine might be the driving force of this incident.(Read more @

He didn't expect Marine to arrive at this time.

"Just right!"

Xiaming Meiyu said: "Look for them and confirm this problem."

"What's the problem"

Batman froze.


The Xiaming shook his head gently, then glanced at Batman, "If you want to start, this ship will be given to you!"

"Ah, are you going to fight? Ben's wings are already hungry and thirsty."

Batman's eyes widened, and his teeth stared at the Marine warship.

"Let's go take a look first!"

Then, Xiaming took the first step towards the position of the Marine warship.

At this time, in the Marine ship, Marine has found Xiaming in front of them for the first time.

After all, Bai Mo's body is so big that no one can ignore it.

"Major, the situation ahead, it seems that the pirate killer and his pet slaughtered the demon recently called New World."

Marine clearly saw Xiaming and the two beasts through the telescope.

Even if he doesn't know what the so-called pirate massacre is like, but there is only one thing, he still can't help knowing that he is always followed by two super monsters.


The major general was taken aback and quickly picked up the telescope from Marine and looked in Xiaming's direction.

"Yes, that guy is definitely a pirate killer!"

At this time, the major general's heart was very embarrassed.

He doesn't know if this person is an enemy or a friend.

He knew exactly what the pirate killer was, and he knew all this was their message.

The major general wondered if the pirate slayer would shoot at Marine.

If he did, then the boatman would not lose anything in the mud.

After all, only he can have power.

With his two pets, dozens of pirate groups were destroyed, and their strength was frightening.

"Oh this guy"

Suddenly, a question came from the major general's mouth.

"what's happenin"

Another major general asked aside.

"How do I feel, where seems to have seen this pirate killer"

The major general with the telescope confirmed that he had already met this person, but despite his hard work, he still could not capture the memory of the person in front of him.

After a while, Xiaming led Batman and Bemore to appear in front of the Marine warship.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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